Daily Forgiveness Tune-Up
Everyday the sunrises and sets, as with our emotions. We are connected with the earth and tides as well as the mass consiousness. Our own internal sun and tides are in constant state of ebb and flow. Interacting with family, friends, coworkers and others can bring great joy, or at times cause us to veer off the path of love and take the one way street to anger. This anger may as well be towards our self. It comes from the seeds of judgment we plant about what we expect ourself and others to be. We have preconceived ideas on how it "MUST" be. We are perfect as we are, there is no need to judge ourself. Others are living their lives in their perfection as well. These people have something to teach you and there is much growth in this opportunity.
Every morning when you wake, thank God for your life and those around you. See the ones that you may have problems with (self included), surround with white light, send energy from your heart and say a prayer to them. "Thank you ---- for being in my life and for the lessons I have learned, creating more love and understanding."
Every evening take stock of your feelings about yourself, and those in your life. Close your eyes and see yourself with those that have gotten under your skin. Surround them and yourself in white light. See a very bright light, it is so beautiful. It makes you cry to look at it. As you look see all those that challenge you, as well as yourself in this beautiful light. All are one within God. All, are God as well, including you. Open your hearth chakra and pour your love into the light, breathe in the light back into you. All are one and all is the perfection of God. You are never judged by God, never. Your are never given conditions. Expand your heart to accept yourself and others as perfect expressions of all that is.
Every time anger and judgment comes up, think of the light of God and all within it. Feel the perfection and grace within all.
Living a life without need of forgiveness is the goal to being on the path of enlightenment. In reality there is nothing to forgive.
Be the watcher of your emotions, and take responsibility daily, to transmute any negative emotions before they become mountains. Plant the seeds of love every day and tend to them , they will grow.
By: Vivian Starfire
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