The Strength That Comes From Being Who You Are

The Strength That Comes From Being Who You Are

     Ours is a world filled with many people trying to be something that they are not. Struggling to fit, to please others, to be something others want them to be, but which they are not, to be something that seems to be rewarded and appreciated, but which is far from the center of who they are.

     This is not all foolishness, of course, many times it is the desperate impulse to survive that leads people to stray from their center, to live on the edge of their true nature, on the periphery of their soul.

     If you have ever seen a contest in judo or wrestling, you see how deadly it is to let yourself be caught off balance, with your feet too close together, or your weight extended too far from your center. In a sudden moment, you may be thrown down to the ground.

     In the same way, the person who lets himself assume a stance that does not come from his own heart and soul, is made weak by not being who he is. I see a whole world of people off balance, a whole world of people who are not solidly positioned on the earth of their true nature, a whole world of people who lack the strength that comes from being themselves.

     This article is especially for you, my friends and soul family members, who have been drawn down paths you cannot bear, in order to try to live.

     Taken away from the center of who you are, which is where your strength comes from, you are punished in alien places, forced to fight battles far from your soul’s stronghold; and the idea that you are weak grows and grows within you, as you suffer defeat after defeat.

This article is meant to resurrect your belief in yourself.

You are like eagles, made to swim with fish.

You are the least talented of the fish, the weakest of the swimmers.

     Realize, my dear friends, before you let the shadow of failure, and the misery of feeling out of place, erode your last trace of pride and competence, that it is not you, it is the water! You are out of your element. You belong in the sky, gliding with open wings above the earth. Of course you will always lose, and you will always be last, when you try to be a fish.

     In the same way, a giant may be made to feel incompetent when he is unable to fit through a tiny door, the door through which all the others pass.

     My friends, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to remain close to the center of your soul in life, even though - and I know this well - the whole world’s force is trying to pull you away from it, to take you away from your power, so that it can use you and control you.

REFERENCE: On Aggression, by Konrad Lorenz

Blessings Of Love & Peace To You & Yours




"Y O U   D O N 'T   K N O W   W H O   Y O U   A R E."

Do you know who you are?

Most folks, when they're asked the question "Do you know who you are?"answer something like this:
"Screw you! Of course I know who I am!"

Yet when the question is "Okay, then . . . who are you?"then answers can often start to wear a little thin.- because maybe, just maybe, most folks are wrong.

But maybe not. So to try to get down to the bottom of things,we, your fearless, dedicated, and ever-so cuddly LiveReal Agents decided to offer a few thought experiments for us all to have fun with . . .

Think of a phrase we often use: "self-control."
In this sense . . . are you the self that is controlling, or the self that is being controlled?

Think of a phrase we often use: "self-discipline."
Are you the self that is "disciplined," or are you the self that is giving (or should be giving) the discipline?

Think of another phrase we often use: "self-esteem"
Are you the self that is esteeming, or are you the self that is being esteemed?

Why is it such a cliche - that is muttered by almost everyone at some point, even the poets of big-hair 80's rock bands: "Don't know what you've got . . . till it's gone"?
Or another cliche - "You need to appreciate what you've got, while you've got it" (as if, normaly, you don't?)
Or another cliche - "Be here now!" (as if you normally aren't?)

It seems that compared to every single other person on the planet, we should know the sound of our own voice better than literally anyone. After all, every single time we mutter a word, we're there to hear it.
Yet why is it typical that the first time - or even any time - we hear ourselves recorded, we say "That doesn't sound like me!"?

Why is it that, according to a recent study of 11,000 people, "only one out of every four low-carb dieters "are actually significantly cutting carbs"?

Why is it that things like parachute pants, neon shoelaces, afros, movies made before the 1960's, Wham videos - essentially, things that now seem utterly ridiculous to us - only seem ridiculous to us now, decades later . . . when back then, they actually seemed cool?

Do you take personality tests? Do you take quizzes in Cosmo, Self, or Why? - especially if you already know "who you are"?

One might think that parents ought to know their own children better than anyone else in the world. Yet if this is the case, why is it that a recent study suggests that "Parents don't see obesity in their children," and "A third of mothers and 57 percent of dads actually saw their obese child as normal"?

Why is it that often we can solve everyone else's problems . . . but not our own?

Why is it that we're often so terrified of "intimacy"? Could it be that during moments of intimacy, when we're vulnerable, another person sees us in a way that we don't see ourselves . . . and so it threatens our idea of who we are?

Think of the people who are in the "other" political party, the one you're not in, the party/parties you're against. They seem to think they know who they are (nice, patriotic, good, honest folks) - but you see them for who they really are - lying, cheating, no-good dirty rats. So then, in your view, it's safe to say that you think they don't know who they really are. (And, most likely, they see you the same way).

Folks often do things they regret later, or even say "I don't know why I did that" or "I don't know what came over me." Why?

Have you seen "The Sixth Sense"? Most of the main characters in the movie didn't "know who they were" . . . dead people who didn't know they were dead . . .

Why is it that girls can often see - clearly, plainly, and obviously - what a total jerk their friends' boyfriend is . . . yet are utterly and completely blind about the jerk they're dating?

If we all know who we are, why are personality tests - MMPI, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, etc, etc so popular?

In many marriages - even happy ones - many folks eventually confess that "I had know idea who I was really marrying." Is is possible not just that they didn't know who their spouse was . . . but that the spouse themselves didn't know who they were themselves?

Why do so many of us - actors, everyone at Halloween, and especially young children - love pretending to be somebody else?

"Addicts" - alcoholics, drug users, couch potatoes - are notorious for being in "denial," a state where everyone around them know that they're an addict . . . except for them. In other words, everyone around them apparently knows them better than they know themselves. So, do any people around you think that you're in denial, about anything? Is there a chance that they know who you are better than you know yourself?

Why is it that psychics can know secrets about other people . . . but can't do it for themselves?

Consider moments when somebody calls you a name - Say somebody calls you "Stinkyface." It hurts your feelings. If you know who you are - if you know that you are truly not a "Stinkyface" - why does it hurt your feelings? (Maybe . . . aside from the hurt of somebody thinking bad of you, you also have your feelings hurt because of the possibility that you really suspect that you might really be a Stinkyface).

Think of your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/best friends, and their most annoying, irritating habits that drive you crazy. Chances are that they do something you consider "irrational" which they won't stop doing it. Is there a chance that, at least in this way, you would claim to know them better than they know themselves? . . . and would they say the same thing about you?

Do you read astrology? Is it just because you want to, say, predict the future, or find out if you're destined for either love or years of loneliness . . . or could it be because you don't know who you are, and want to find out?

If you work in an office, think of all your office-mates/coworkers. Now think of all the gossip, stories, annoying habits, secrets, and talk you've heard about them. Most likely, what folks talk about in the office regard actions/annoying habits/personality traits that the other folks (the ones being gossiped about) don't know they have - they're totally blind to it. So then, in your view, it's safe to say that you think they - most of your office-mates - don't really know who they are.

A key ingredient of good movies entails us identifying with one of the characters in the movie. Most of us really enjoy going to good movies. Why do we enjoy pretending - even if we know it's a complete fantasy - that we're somebody else?

Why has the Army had so much success with the slogan "Be all that you can be?" Is there some sense that people have that somehow, they aren't "all that they can be?" And why is it that more specific phrases - "Do more than you can do" or "Do different things than you're doing now" or "Earn money for college" - isn't nearly as inspiring?

Why is it that people who we think are really crazy actually think they're sane, and it's everyone else who is crazy?

Why is "human potential" such an interesting, powerful phrase? Evidently, many folks sense that we are able to do or become much more, somehow, than we currently are?

Many folks buy very expensive, super-fancy clothes, cars, houses, watches, socks, etc? Why? Many folks say that they're trying to "prove" something - that they're important, superior, rich, are high-status, that they matter, that they're somebody, etc? If they actually are important, superior, high-status, if they truly do matter, etc etc . . . why do they need to "prove" it?

Socrates is still respected today, over 2,500 years after he died, as a wise man. What did he do? He went around questioning folks who thought they were wise, and exposing that they actually weren't as wise as they thought - in other words, that they thought that they were something they actually weren't. (they killed him for this). Would it be safe to say, then, that the folks Socrates questioned, then, didn't know who they were?

The Oracle of Delphi, who was no slouch as far as intelligence goes - in fact, was widely believed to be the spokesperson for gods - said "Know Thyself" - and in fact, believed it so strongly that it was carved in marble in the Temple. If we actually already know ourselves . . . then why did the Oracle feel the need to do that?

Why is it that the proper chance, an eye - like what you're staring out of right now - can, given the proper instruments, see everything in the universe . . . except for itself?(It can see a reflection of itself, say, in a mirror - but that's not really itself, it's a reflection).

Given the proper chance, an ear can hear everything in the universe . . . except for itself. (Again, it can possibly hear a recording of itself, but that's not it, but a recording.).

Many folks think they know who they are, and define themselves by their job, their status, their school grades, etc. Then, when they lose their jobs, lose their status, make bad grades . . . they get depressed or even commit suicide . . . why? Could it be that they realized, when they lost those things, that they weren't who they thought they were?

Let's pretend that you fall asleep. In your sleep, you dream of a beautiful, incredible symphony playing breathtakingly gorgeous music. You wake up, and the music is still ringing in your ears. You then write the music down, and make millions as a famous composer. Are you really the composer of the music, or are you, in a way, part of the audience?

Why have certain folks - who are not unintelligent individuals, to put it mildly - made the following statements:

"A human being
. . . experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest,
a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness..."
- Albert Einstein

"I dreamt I was a butterfly
Now I am not sure
if I am a man dreaming I was a butterfly
or a butterfly
dreaming I am a man."
- Chuang Tzu

"One must become
who one is!"
- Nietzsche

"Resolve to be thyself;
and know that he who finds himself
loses his misery."
- Matthew Arnold

"There is no human being on earth
capable of declaring with certitude who he is.
No one knows what he has come into this world to do,
what his acts correspond to, his sentiments, his ideas,
or what his real name is, his enduring Name in the register of Light . . .
History is an immense liturgical text where the iotas and the dots
are worth no less than the entire verses or chapters,
but the importance of one and the other
is indeterminable and profoundly
- Jorge Luis Borges

"It is as hard to see one's self
as to look backwards
without turning around."
- Henry David Thoreau

"Why do you need to meditate?
To know yourself.
Why do you need to "know yourself"?
Because what you are at present -
what you think you are -
is not yourself.
That's why you, and most people -
are never really content for long:
you know, unconsciously,
that you are not yourself.
Consequently, you feel insecure, uncertain, and even afraid.
Inside you is a wonderful, helpful, loving, and uniquely creative being.
You know it . . . at least sometimes.
But that loving, creative "you"
is very difficult to externalize and bring into the world . . ."
- Barry Long

So if there is a chance that, in a way,
"we don't really know who we are" . . .

What now?

Well, it seems like not knowing who you are . . . is a problem.

And the solution to that problem is . . .
well, finding out who you are.

And how do you find out "who you really are"?

Well, of course, that's what folks call "the spiritual quest."

And what does the "spiritual quest" entail?

Well, you probably already know the answer to that, and don't need to know what we think about it. But if you are interested in something else that's kind of fun, one cool something we've found is some experiments to try . . .

Talk about it:

I don’t play hurt!

I don’t play hurt!
Excerpt From:
"Why Your Life Sucks and What You Can Do About It"

Now there’s an affirmation to file in a conspicuous place.

I don’t play hurt.

My God, that’s exactly what I’ve been learning for 30 years!
(And how many lifetimes?)

Don’t play small.
Don’t assume a victim position.
Don’t seek rewards for pain.
Be magnificent.
Be self-empowered.
Be whole.

Play grand, for that’s who you --
all of us -- truly are.

Why, if we are all so grand, would people want to play small? Because they believe that the rewards for pain outweigh what they would be receiving if they were well and whole.

Let’s consider some of the rewards we might garnish for being hurt: money; gifts; attention; sympathy; control over others; getting out of work; escaping relationships with unresolved issues; avoiding undesired sex; postponing decision making; being right; an identity; acceptance in a group which glorifies similar pain; and on and on.

Now let’s consider the benefits of not playing hurt: integrity; honesty; health; prosperity; success; rewarding relationships; self-empowerment; and peace of mind. The entire list of worldly rewards for playing small doesn’t add up in value to even one of the benefits of practicing wholeness.

The rewards for victimhood are not satisfying at all; they only drive pain, separateness, and illusion deeper. The benefits of living large are empowering and go on gathering good.

Consider the scenario of a man walking down a street when a flowerpot falls off a windowsill above him and crashes at his feet, narrowly missing hitting him.

There are several paths of response the fellow could take:

(1) Victim: he slips into feeling vulnerable, goes home, feels sorry for himself, and sends away for self-protection equipment;

(2) Retaliator: he dashes up to the apartment from which the flower pot fell and punches out the owner;

(3) Stoic: he reasons that it was simply his karma for the flower pot to miss him and he keeps walking; and

(4) Healer: he goes to the florist on the corner, purchases another flower, finds the apartment from which the pot fell, and gives it to the owner to replace the one he accidentally lost.

Obviously, the path of the healer is the most empowering and regenerative. The healer "don’t play hurt." We have all felt hurt. We don’t have to stay hurt. It takes a big person to grow beyond the seeming rewards for smallness. Terry knows. He was bumped unexpectedly, but he would rather get on with the fun portion of the ride.

Alan Cohen is the author of the best-seller:
Why Your Life Sucks and What You Can Do About It,

The Individual Path

The Individual Path
By Steve Schlarb

Establishing Yourself as an Individual

While the ultimate result of any truly spiritual path is the negation of the individual ego-self, one cannot begin on one's own personal path of spiritual realization unless one establishes his/her individuality. That means freeing oneself from the demands of organized religions, creeds, socially accepted beliefs, the dictates of any prophet. All of these characteristics of religious participation establish only the group-identity, the body of like-minded believers. People can spend an entire lifetime following the teachings and beliefs of others, without ever finding the path that is right for them personally.

This is not to say that one should not participate in any organized religion. There is the benefit of sharing common beliefs, participating in worthwhile community activities, etc. But one should leave open for themselves their own private spiritual search for a deeper and more fulfilling connection to the Source of all religions -- which many call God. The outward expressions of group worship, ritual and prayer do not accelerate the personal relationship with the divine. Neither does one find that personal relationship with the divine when dealing through a priest or referring constantly to some approved text by a religion's prophet. Repeating an approved creed once a week does not bring one into the divine presence.

The focus of most group religions is on the external characterization of the divine. God is supposedly "out there," but to find your soul's connection to the divine, one must look within oneself. That means leaving (at least in one's private mind) the security of the "saved" group and its accepted creeds and rituals.

The truth is within ourselves. All the sages of the ancient past have found it so. Within ourselves are all the problems and promises that we must confront and meld into a whole Self that we can then project to the outward world. And within ourselves, in our unconscious mind, is the Spirit of God -- our spiritual essence that is constantly communicating with us -- if only we unlock the rigid pattern of thinking imposed by our conscious mind. The conscious mind deals in a mechanical way with the outward world, but the truth lies within. The group, the congregation, the society, cannot tell you which way to go. The group is interested more in security and conformity than it is in truth.

Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Only the individual can go on the personal search that is right for him or her. It means taking that mythological hero's trek away from the religious safety of the group, and wandering alone in uncharted spiritual territory. It means confronting alone the anxieties, potholes, feeling lost, and sometimes despair of the greatest quest of your life. This quest is for the "Holy Grail" of your soul -- confrontation and ultimate union with the divine Source of your soul.

When alone, the individual mental focus naturally turns inward. There is the usual learning phase in studying religions other than that in which one was raised, but true learning is not mere knowledge; it is absorption of the meaning of what one learns into one's self. In the internal search, one must confront the angels and demons of one's unconscious mind. We must accept the terrors of an unknown mental landscape, with only symbolic and quixotic guides to higher spiritual ground.

This search can be visualized as a traveler leaving the security of a mountain castle filled with the familiar forms of family, friends, and accepted society. The traveler wanders alone and uncertain, down the mountainside toward a dark unpopulated valley. The path is long, filled with the ethereal shapes of the unconscious mind: images, sometimes strange beings, sometimes human or part human, sometimes animal. There is the terror of separation from the familiar and safe, the sense of absolute aloneness with no idea of where the path will lead through this seemingly insane wilderness.

This is the Valley of the Shadow of Death in the well-known 23rd Psalm. Yet here, the spiritual searcher finds the clues and deeper understandings of his total mind. The conscious mind (in the cerebral cortex) can only deal with the already known, recognizable images, and build logical systems of thought from familiar patterns, but the unconscious mind of the seeker floods the conscious mind with strange images and shadows that challenge the logical systems built in one's earlier, immature stage. These images and feelings can appear beautiful, strange, threatening and disconcerting. They may be dreams of horror, death or resurrection while sleeping or anxiety over everyday situations while awake, and continue until the individual receives the personal revelation from the unconscious that is the vision meant for him. Then the totality of the unconscious is accepted and melded with the conscious, and stability returns.

The experience can be one of terror and despair, but that is only the necessary temporary phase, the death of the old self, the familiar, comfortable ego. Then the inner truth for that person is revealed. The new Self that emerges is no longer ego-bound, and no longer alone. As it says in the 23rd Psalm: Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.

The Discovery of One's Self

In the darkness of true spiritual aloneness, the ego dies. The soul, however, can never die. And it is the person's soul that comes through the dreaded Valley and begins the climb out on the side far removed from where one began this quest. This is the discovery of who the person really is, one's inner spirit or soul without superficial attachments to worldly identities -- the true Self. What happens in that Valley is specific and personal to each seeker. The dreams and visions that come to the mind -- once it is stripped of its complacency and familiar moorings -- are new and challenging. But they also beckon the searching soul toward its destination: that vision that is spiritually right for it. At one level, this is one's personal mythology, but with a solid core of truth. When one finds their own personal vision, there is no doubt, no vestige of longing, no anxiety. Within the embrace of this personal vision, the soul finds acceptance and love from the Source of itself.

This journey is one of choice, for while the unconscious stimuli come to all people, beckoning them toward their spiritual fulfillment, not all choose to take that lonely path. Most people choose to stay in the secure castle on their mountain high above the valley. They are safe within their group. They can always touch on some text, ritual, or prayer that gives them temporary solace, and they will always explain away those stimuli and ideas that threaten their castle of security.

But for the person who chooses to follow the calling of his own soul, the journey leads to a purity of vision and ultimately an immersion in the Divine. One's true Self no longer needs the human group or organization to tell it what it is or what it believes, for at this point, the Self no longer exists separate from its Source. It has come home.

♥Shared with love♥
Morning Star

Follow the light of the Spirit-9 Steps



- 1 - To live always in the Secret Place of the Most High

- 2 - To think only those thoughts that are inspired from above

- 3 - To do all things in the conviction that God is with you

- 4 - To do your best at all times with no thought of reward

- 5 - To love everybody as God loves you, and be kind as God is kind

- 6 - To ask God for everything and in faith expect everything

- 7 - To live in perpetual gratitude to The One who gives everything,

- 8 - To love God so much that you can inwardly always feel the Presence

- 9 - To pray without ceasing, the true worship of the soul

Follow the light of the spirit

"Follow the light of the spirit in all things and depend upon God in all things, choose the living Christ as the pattern in all things and depend upon God in all things Do not seek the truth; seek the spirit of truth The spirit leads into all truth-

To know the truth is to know the way.
To be guided by the spirit into all truth is to walk in the light of the spirit all the way and the way of light leads into the kingdom of eternal life-

Follow the words of the Christ until the spirit is found; then follow the spirit into the greater life of the Christ. Keep the eye single upon that light that is revealed through the spiritual vision of the soul... Where that light is shining there is the gate; beyond is the way that leads unto life, and all who are in the spirit shall find it even now" --

Christian D Larson,

Leading With Power and Love

Often people are motivated to a place of leadership due to a desire for power. It may be a selfish motivation or simply a desire to be an agent of change, but power can become a dangerous tool in the hand of any leader. For this reason, leadership often has a negative connotation in the minds of many.

One of the greatest powers know to man is the power of love. Whether is it the love for a woman that can force a man to fight armies or walk through fire or the love that would motivate people to give their lives in service to the poor and sick, both display the reality of the power of love.

Since both leadership and love involve the concept of power, why is it that we so rarely associate these two ideas? This mixture is exactly what characterizes the leadership of God. His ultimate power is never threatening because is it characterized by love. If this is God’s model of leadership, then it should certainly be ours as well. What does the love of God look like in a practical sense?

We are all familiar with the love chapter, I Corinthians 13. Though this list of what love is and is not gives us direction on how we should live, I have recently realized that this list is a description of God, for God is love. My realization of this has altered my concept of who God is and how he acts toward those under his authority. As one who is seeking to live and lead in a way that is consistent with the character of God, this chapter becomes a guide to the character of powerful leadership. I will replace the word "love" with "leadership" in order to challenge our concept of power in leadership. My goal is not to alter the meaning or value of inspired Scripture, but to push us into a new understanding of the calling God has given us as leaders who model the love of God.

"A Leader is patient"

When I have to have things my way in my time, without interruptions or complications, my life is not characterized by patience. Patience is a great test of maturity, since it is childish to demand to have what I want immediately. It is those who learn to wait who find their strength renewed.

"A Leader is kind"

We live in an angry world where selfish people think only of what benefits themselves. It is like a breath of fresh air when someone you don’t know greets you with a smile and "good morning" or stops to help you pick up the papers you just dropped. Kindness is love in action. It is not only an attitude but also the tangible expression of that attitude that reaches out to help or communicate value to one who questions his value.

"A Leader is not jealous"

If you are building your own kingdom, jealousy will steal your joy and destroy your health as you see others succeed. But when I see myself as one stone in the building that God is building (I Peter 2:5), then I can rejoice in the success of others, knowing that it ultimately is my success.

"A Leader does not brag and is not arrogant"

If everyone under your leadership knew what God knows about you, what would you have to brag about? We are all hopeless beggars that have found the grace of God to fill our void. Leadership is simply when one beggar directs other beggars to the source of grace that he has found.

"A Leader does not act unbecomingly"

There is always the temptation in leadership to fear losing the attention of those I lead. This can especially be true in youth leadership. Often, we try to keep this from happening by doing things or saying things that keep everyone’s eyes on us. It is not necessarily that we do blatantly sinful things, but just things not appropriate. It is interesting to see how many times the New Testament warns about meaningless words or actions. Too often, primarily among youth, this manifests itself in sarcasm. This is characteristically the humor of our generation, but I believe it is most destructive because it is based on truth about an individual that reflects either their failures or things that they have no power to change. (I Tim. 6:2)

"A Leader does not seek his own"

Leadership is servanthood. Jesus clearly showed us this (Matt. 20:28) A servant is not consumed with himself, but with pleasing the one he serves. Jesus took this to the ultimate degree and died for those he served. If my desire in leadership does not take me to lead me ultimately to a willingness to die for those I serve, I am seeking my own good. If we are really servants, why does it bother us so much when someone under our leadership treats us like a servant?

"A Leader is not easily provoked"

Somehow most of us have accepted the concept that anger produces results. Maybe it is because this is what was modeled for us by our authorities or because in our sinful nature it seems logical. But it is not from God. Most anger is the result of poor communication and narrow-mindedness. This is why James says (1:19) that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. Then he goes on (v. 20) to say that the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Anger is a dead end. It will never accomplish anything but to damage your testimony and effectiveness.

"A Leader does not take into account a wrong suffered"

We are great at keeping lists of what people do to us. I don’t know what we think it will accomplish, but somehow we feel that if we take a name off the list of those who hurt us, they will not have to "pay for it." Unforgiveness puts us in prison; not the ones we don’t forgive (Mat. 18). God is totally capable of balancing the books. That is why he sent his Son to die. The cross balanced the books. You will never forget what has been done to you. God doesn’t expect you to, for even He cannot do that. But, He chooses not to remember those things against us (Jer. 31:34), and this is what we are to do. It is an act of your will that will set you free.

"A Leader does not rejoice in unrighteousness"

This would seem to be obvious, yet our hearts are deceitful and drawn to what is wicked. I don’t normally think of myself as one who rejoices over that which is wicked, but this might help put things in perspective. The opposite of rejoicing is grieving. Does sin grieve my heart the way it does God’s heart? When I see injustice, do I respond in anger or grief? When I see immorality on newsstands or television, do I respond in secret curiosity or grief? When I see drunkenness, do I respond with a joke or grief? Do the things that grieve God’s heart grieve my heart?

"A Leader rejoices with truth"

Integrity is doing what is right because it is right to do what is right, regardless of who knows or sees. Is truth and honesty so valuable to you that you are willing to take a lower grade on a test or pay a higher tax or receive a reprimand for being late, rather than telling a lie about traffic or a broken alarm clock? The reason we rejoice with truth is that the truth sets us free and freedom is something to rejoice about.

"A Leader bears all things"

As a leader you are ultimately responsible for what happens. The easiest thing for a human to do is to blame. It all began in Eden. As a leader you will always be able to find someone to blame, but neither you nor those you lead will be better as a result. You must take responsibility. If someone didn’t understand, you didn’t make it clear. If someone didn’t hear, you didn’t communicate in an interesting way. If someone was irresponsible, you should have chosen someone different. You ultimately must take responsibility for what is happening. You cannot imagine the security that this type of attitude will bring to a group. And those under your leadership will rush to your aid to help you succeed.

"A Leader believes all things"

Trust produces trust! Trust is empowering! Nothing is more demoralizing to me than to be given a job and then hear "I sure hope I can trust you with this." If I know that I am trusted, I will rise to the occasion to show myself trustworthy. Most would say that this is gullible and maybe there will be times when I regret it. But in most situations, it might be the thing that causes ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.

"A Leader hopes all things"

If there is one thing missing in our world, it is hope. Most have lost motivation to live and experience the future. When looking from a human perspective, this makes sense. But as a leader you have been called to see past the expected to the possible. When you look at the forest, you don’t see trees. You see handcrafted furniture, yachts and mountain lodges. You see the potential in the rough, unfinished product and can help others see what could be. You are a giver of hope because the future is as big and limitless as God himself.

"A Leader endures all things"

Leadership is hard work. It takes discipline and sweat. It is not for the lazy or weak. There will be times when you know what God is directing you to do and you must do it, regardless of opposition or misunderstanding. It was the path that Christ chose and it wasn’t easy. But the joy that is before you, as it was with Jesus, makes it all worth while. The joy of seeing a student set free through Christ from drugs or insecurity makes the endurance worth it. The fulfillment of watching those you have discipled as they disciple others makes the endurance worth it. The thrill of seeing your youth group gain a vision and burden for friends and fellow students who don’t personally know Christ makes the endurance worth it. The anticipation of hearing, "well done, good and faithful servant" makes the endurance worth it. Everything is for a purpose. "For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory." (II Timothy 2:10)

By Gentle Soul

Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy

Once, a friend told me the following story: There was a person diagnosed with an incurable disease, who was given only a little while to live. He decided that if he was going to die so soon, he might as well have as good a time as he could until the end arrived. So he made a point of gathering around him all sorts of comedy movies, and began to watch reel after reel, a movie a night, sometimes more, determined to laugh all the way to the grave and to fill his last nights with enjoyment and pleasure, rather than fear and misery. Somehow, my friend told me, the laughter broke the back of the doom, changed something inside the man, carried off the pain and hopelessness, the heaviness and stress, lifted the energy of death off of him; somehow, the laughter lightened up his soul and cleansed his body, allowed life to have a second chance inside of him...
He shook, he cried, he howled, till he was healed by his new doctors: Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and Laurel and Hardy…

While "laughter therapy" is never recommended as a substitute for "proper medical treatment", it surely is a welcome addition to our tool kit of personal health resources. More and more, the interrelatedness of physical health and mental states is becoming documented and accepted by the modern medical establishment which once dismissed the wisdom of ancient cultures that always understood the connection between the body and the soul; between the flesh and the spirit. Within this rediscovered paradigm, laughter is now becoming increasingly recognized as a tremendous stress-reducer and as a restorer of the human life-force: as a power that can break us free of the grip of defeatism, anxiety and depression, which suppress the human immune system and breed illness; as a power that can stop the momentum of diseases that take advantage of our down-states and unrelieved gravity, and which can therefore tip the scales of health back in our favor...

In my own life, I’ve learned the value of a sense of humor, and the value of a good laugh. I’m quite sure they’ve literally saved my life. When a wounded man, when an overburdened man, dares to remain faithful to the beauty of life which persists even in the midst of sorrows and absurdity, and when he dares to express this faith with a laugh, the grim reaper stands back. The chi of humor puts balance back into the fading body; the falling soul is caught. With a sense of humor, well-exercised and well-fed, the body remains buoyant, it floats in the dark water of life’s disappointments, and does not sink. The heaviness does not congeal into illness, or persist as illness, because the sense of humor has carried it away...

Fully believing in the value of laughter therapy, I implore you all to counter that part of your sorrow which is unbearable (beyond that part that is necessary as the bringer of depth and wisdom), with humor; to seek out movies, books, comedy shows, and people who can help you to enjoy life, and to have a good time again...

excerpts from:rainsnow. org



Embracing the Shadow


Embracing the Shadow
by Altazar Rossiter, Ph D


Light and dark are frequently used to represent the basic polarity of good and evil. The shadow is the indeterminate space between light and dark where one shades into the other, the deeper the shadow the darker the nature of what lives there. The shadow is also a term that originates in Jungian psychology and which refers to a nebulous unconscious repository of what we fear and dislike in ourselves..

Wherever there is a shadow it is cast by something standing in the way of the light. The brighter the sun shines, the harder the shadows. And when the light is really bright it can be difficult, if not impossible, to see anything beyond the intensity of the glare. When we want to see clearly in bright sunshine we seek the shade to look out from, and if we can't find any we create some with a hand to the eyes. So our physical experience of the phenomena of light and dark is that we can see things more clearly by standing in the shadow..

This is an allegory that is very useful for the inner process. The more the light of the soul shines through, the clearer will be the issues that inhabit the shadow, but we have to stand in the shade in order to see these clearly. We have to stop looking the other way..

The trouble is when we look into our shadow most of us see things we not only wish weren't there, but often things we are thoroughly ashamed of. Because of the intensity of the shame our automatic impulse is to bury its cause so deep within that this can never again see the light of day. This enables us to continue living with ourselves, but the truth lurks somewhere within and we know it..

What lives in the shadow is everything that we reject about ourselves, everything we refuse to love. This is every aspect of our existence that fails to comply with the ideal social specification of our self-identity. We are terrified it will be discovered and cause our downfall. We pretend it doesn't exist, but we know it's there, full of resentment for its denial, that's why there's such a widespread fear of the dark. But deep transformation occurs when we embrace what we fear..

A spiritually intelligent perspective understands that the shadow is the facilitator of our growth. Its very existence is a sign that there is a purpose to our being here, that we have a job to do. When issues begin to surface out of the shadow it's not a sign that something is wrong, but quite the reverse. It's a sign that we are holding more of our light. The light is simply showing us where it is still blocked. We are being guided to the next step in the process of self-empowerment. Convention says we must find an answer so the problem goes away, wisdom says the problem is my friend trying to tell me something I'm reluctant to hear..

Whenever the possibility arises that something we've consigned to the shadow in this way might be revealed to us - or worse, to others - we are likely to experience the emotional responses of fear and anger. Owing to the supreme efficiency of our denial processes, we are normally in a condition of blissful ignorance of what's been hidden in the shadow. Our emotional responses can therefore be intensely reactive. This is the surest sign that we've uncovered an aspect of ourselves that requires understanding and compassion - something that really is me but which is incongruent with the self-image I hold..

The key to transforming all of the issues lurking in the shadow is the principle of presence. By staying present with anything that arises, remaining aware of our breathing and letting any feelings express, we eventually feel the sadness locked into the part of ourselves we consigned to the shadow. We feel its mistrust, its fear and its abject loneliness. Simply allowing this to be is a process of acceptance, recognizing that it is all ok brings us a step closer to a realization of self-mastery. This is not necessarily easy, it takes courage and persistence..

From this perspective the shadow can be seen as the friend it truly is. It is only waiting for us to love it. The issues it will then show us are the keys to self-empowerment. This is its gift..

To be truly conscious we must embrace the potential of the shadow individually and collectively. For as long as we continue to deny it, it will keep manifesting destructively in an increasingly less convenient manner. The shadow provides us with the raw material and the opportunity to transmute fear into love. One of the greatest services we can offer is to engage with this process. Just opening up to the possibility that this is a valid assessment of the dynamic of the shadow is a huge shift out of the consensus rut. Giving intent to clear our shadow is the next step... Continuing this journey is to follow our own light, which will ultimately shine unimpeded!


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for posting..

LoVe LoVe LoVe


+++ G O S S I P +++

Gossip, Nobody's Friend

My name is gossip. I have no respect for justice.

I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives.

I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.

The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.

I flourish at every level of society.

My victims are helpless.

They cannot protect themselves against me...

because I have no name and no face.

To track me down is impossible.

The harder you try, the more elusive I become.

I am nobody's friend.

Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.

I topple governments and wreck marriages.

I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights,

heartache, and indigestion.

I spawn suspicion and generate grief.

I make innocent people cry on their pillows.

Even my name hisses. I am called gossip, party gossip,

Telephone/Internet gossip, and don't forget church gossip.

I make headlines and headaches.

Before you repeat a story,
ask yourself, is it true?

Is it fair?

Is it necessary?

If not, keep it to yourself!.

Let’s say you’ve just heard a juicy rumor about someone . It may not be true, but it’s too good to keep to yourself. Your first instinct is to hop online and IM it to all your friends. We’ve all had that kind of urge. But why? Here are some possible reasons:

To feel superior

When people are feeling bad about themselves, they sometimes think they’ll feel better if there were someone worse off than they are. It’s like, it’s okay being near the bottom, as long as they’re not actually on the bottom. The easiest way for them to make sure someone else is on the bottom is to make up a rumor that puts him or her there.

To feel like part of the group

If everybody else is gossiping or spreading rumors, you might feel you have to do the same thing in order to fit in. When you’re “in on the secret,” you’re in the group. Unfortunately, the person who the gossip or rumor is about is usually left out of the group for the same reason that you’re let into it.

For attention

When you know a secret that nobody knows, or are the first person in your group to hear a rumor, it can make you the center of attention. A rumor or piece of gossip is sometimes like money; telling it to people is like buying their attention, if only for a few minutes. You might even save up a really scandalous rumor, waiting for the right moment to blab so you get the maximum amount of attention
for it.

For control or power

Certain people always want to be in control and at the top of the ladder. You probably know at least one person who needs to be the leader, say what goes, and make all the decisions. When people are at the top of the popularity scale, or are determined to climb higher, one way they do this is by reducing the “status” of another person. Spreading rumors and gossip is one of the main ways people reduce another person’s status, especially among girls. It’s like one caveman beating up another caveman for control of the tribe…only it’s done with cruel whispers and petty remarks instead of fists.

Out of jealousy or a need for revenge

If you’re jealous of someone’s looks, popularity, or money, you might gossip about that person in order to hurt him or her. If you feel that someone’s done something bad to you, or deserves to be hurt, making up a rumor might satisfy your sense of justice.

Out of boredom

Did you know that in many studies, this was the #1 reason why young people say they spread rumors? Sometimes, a period where everyone is happy and getting along just seems kind of…dull. Spreading juicy dish might shake things up a bit, or get two people to start a fight, and that would make life a little more exciting. All those tabloid newspapers and TV shows full of celebrity gossip are pure proof that rumors are a popular form of entertainment.

Avoiding gossip means taking a close look at how you currently become involved in gossip. Ask yourself questions like:

  1. Do I initiate discussions about work colleagues, job performance, personal lives?

  2. Do I initiate discussions based on second hand information?

  3. Do I consider the comments I make about others to be of real value to the workplace culture and environment?

  4. Do I repeat personal conversations?

  5. Am I involved in 'fuelling' hostility between others?

  6. Can I be trusted to 'keep' a confidential conversation?

  7. Do I sometimes give confidential information to another because I feel as their 'friend' they should know?

    What's your score?

Exploring Your Psychic Type

Exploring Your Psychic Type
by Sherrie Dillard M. Div.

The ancient Chinese text, “The Tao Te Ching” is the most translated classic of all time next to the Bible. It was written somewhere around 300 BC and attributed to Lao Tzu, the great Chinese philosopher. It is the source of the legendary saying “Without going out of doors one may know the whole world; without looking out of the window, one may see the Way of Heaven. The further one travels, the less one may know. Thus it is that without moving you shall know; without looking you shall see; without doing you shall achieve.”

Perhaps this is a reference to our innate intuitive ability, our inner resource of knowing, seeing, and being. Our intuition, when developed, blossoms into extrasensory or psychic perception, revealing to us a rich vast inner reservoir of possibilities and potential. We may indeed access all of the world through turning within.

We all have innate intuitive ability. It is so much a part of us that we tend to not notice the subtle ways that we receive information about ourselves and the world around us. Our intuitive sensing is interwoven within our daily reactions and interactions, so much so that it is not always immediately obvious that our intuitive sensors are guiding us in our many daily decisions and concerns. Becoming psychic is in a way simply becoming aware of our intuitive tendencies and focusing our energy and attention to further developing them.

We interpret and interact with the world in a variety of ways. Some people are highly visual. They connect with their environment primarily through their sense of sight. They notice detail, color and prefer to learn through observation. Other people are acute listeners. They respond to noises, sounds as they are primarily auditory. Some people are more kinesthetic. They learn and understand the world more through physical sensation and touch. Our approach to intuitive and psychic development is also specific and varied.

The four major modalities that we utilize to connect with psychic energy are our emotions, our mental perception, our physical bodies and our spiritual awareness. With each of these modalities comes specific ways of connecting to psychic energy.

Emotional intutives are highly empathetic, and emotionally telepathic and clairvoyant. Pauline sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night with waves of feelings washing over her. She recalls conversations and interactions with people who she has talked to during the day. Emotions and feelings such as sadness, anxiety or even happiness fill her. She has come to recognize that what she feels as she lies there in the dark are not only her own emotions, but also the feelings of those who she has connected with during the day. Even brief encounters seem to affect her.

Mental intuitives receive psychic energy through mental telepathy, clairvoyance and spontaneous knowing. They naturally attune themselves to others thoughts and ideas and they can be prophets who intuit the future of cultural, medical, and scientific innovations and developments.

Derrick is a successful business owner. He has a special knack for predicting the popular trends in his design business and he always seems to be in the right place at the right time for business opportunities. Before the busyness of the day Derrick prepares himself by sitting quietly and clearing his head, he is then able to tune into and act on his inner knowing throughout the day

Physical intutives pick up psychic energy primarily through their bodies and do extremely well with psychometry, which is the ability to receive impressions and information through objects. Kara works as a massage therapist. As she works with her clients, smoothing out the tightness and tension in their muscles, she trusts her hands to guide her. Over the many years of massaging people she has found that her hands somehow know where the body may be holding pain, sadness or anxiety. When she gently touches these areas she often sees flashes and images of her client in challenging situations. Kara then imagines love and healing moving through her hands to them.

Spiritual intuitives often receive energy in a more ethereal way. The may have visions, precognitive dreams and they may be able to sense spirits or people who have passed to the other side. Jared always felt a special kinship with his grandfather. When he was young he would spend his summers with him on his farm. When his grandfather died a few years ago he left Jared the farm and over eighty acres of land. Jared knew that it was impractical for him to leave his job in the city and move the rural location. But he couldn’t bring himself to sell the beloved property. He asked his grandfather in spirit for a sign to let him know what his wishes for the future of the farm. The next day a neighboring farmer called Jared and asked him if he was interested in selling the property to him to increase his pasture land. To Jared this was the sign that he was waiting for.

Our psychic type interprets the world around us and it can also be our guide into the inner mystical realms, as it reveals to us our unique spiritual capabilities and purpose. When intuition is focused within, higher states of spiritual awareness and a conscious connection of oneness with all of life permeates our consciousness.

For the emotional intuitive this is the journey through the path of the heart as they are naturally attuned to divine states of love and service to others. Mental intutives are evolving from ego to enlightenment. They are inclined to be truth-seekers on a path of transformation of consciousness. Their task is to open their mind to divine illumination, instead of just recycling their own thoughts and biases. Their minds can be attuned to the super-conscious, absorbing truth and possibility. For the physical intuitive the journey is that of the divine made physical. They witness the divine in all living things and they have the natural gift of channeling healing to others through their touch. The spiritual intuitive is attuned to the higher realms of essence and pure spirit. They bring to this world the gift of transcendence and the ability to be in this world but not of it.


Sherrie Dillard M.Div. is a psychic-medium clairvoyant, author and teacher with an international client list. She has been a professional psychic and medium for over twenty years. She has been featured on television and radio for her work as a psychic detective and medium. She is the author of Discover Your Psychic Type (Llewellyn Worldwide). Sherrie is available to teach and discus this innovative approach to developing psychic-spiritual awareness through type.

The Heart's Code


The Heart's Code
by:Dr. Pearsall-

The New Findings About Cellular Memories
and Their Role in the Mind/Body/Spirit Connection ..

You know that the heart loves and feels, but did you know that the heart also thinks, remembers, communicates with other hearts, helps regulate immunity, and contains stored information that continually pulses through the body? In the Heart's Code, Dr. Paul Pearsall explains the theory and science behind energy cardiology, the newly emerging field that is uncovering one of the most significant medical, social, and spiritual discoveries of our time. The heart is not just a pump; it conducts the cellular symphony that is the very essence of our being. Pearsall shows that by listening to the subtle energy and wisdom each of us has within our hearts, we can learn valuable lessons for loving, working, playing, praying, and healing.

By unlocking the heart's code we can discover new ways of understanding human healing and consciousness, even as we create a new model for living that leads to better health, happiness, and self-knowledge-

"The Heart knows, the Thought denies, is there no other way?"
Stephen Sondheim

Dr. Gary Schwartz was a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University in the early 1980's and unexpectedly discovered "systemic memory mechanism", an explanation of how atoms, cells and organs such as the heart naturally stores encoded information. He kept this quiet for 12 years until 1993 when he shared his theory with Dr.Linda Russek-

Dr. Paul Pearsall understands phychoneuroimmunology, modern physics, phychophysiology and cardiology along with the ancient wisdom of the Hawaiian ancestors, the Kahuna (medicine men and women). Dr. Pearsall began research in 1993 on "energy cardiology" a mergence of physics and cardiology.

"Energy Cardiology" opens the field in the relationship between information, energy, and mind/body medicine-

The Heart's Code honors and follows the clinical observations that science requires. Drs. Schwartz, Russek and Pearsall have combined their knowledge of biology and new physics - the study of subtle energy and the invisible atomic world and modern cardiology. They based their field of energy cardiology on the "dynamic systems memory theory", the idea that all systems are constantly exchanging mutually influential energy, which contains information that alters the systems taking part in the exchange.

Thus 4 hypothesis' were born-

Energy and information are the same thing. Everything that exists has energy, energy is full of information and stored info-energy is what makes up cellular memories. From the interaction between the tiniest parts within a single cell to the energy bouncing back and forth between the stars and planets, everything exists in a continuous relationship.

Since all systems are info-containing energy "stuff", all systems constantly change memories-

What we call mind, consciousness, or our intentions, are really manifestations of info-containing energy. Information is what gives a system its form and structure. Energy is the force or function that moves a system, connects all aspects of a system and helps systems communicate and connect.

Since all systems are connected and share forms of the same energy, all systems share common memories-

The Heart is the primary generator of info-energy. The heart is constantly sending patterns of energy to regulate organs and cells in the body. Every cell in the body is bathed in the energy.

It is thus central to out system's recollection of its life - its cellular memory-

Because we are manifestations of the energy coming to, flowing within and constantly being sent out from our total cellular system, who and how we are is a physical representation of a recovered set of cellular memories. Based on cellular biology, certain molecules have very good memories because they are good at storing complex coded information such as DNA. The cells, in essence, become a holographic representation of our energetic heart.

(In Mystical Teachings, the soul is considered to be a holographic piece of the greater whole of God and the Great Unconsciousness)-


To the skeptics among us - There is a Divine Plan!

To the skeptics among us -
There is a Divine Plan!

To the skeptics among us –
There is a purpose to life!
There is a Divine Plan!
The positive changes to humanity are taking place regardless of the agenda of the Bush family and associates. Even though the war has started, look at what is NOT happening. Many terrorist acts in the USA have not eventuated.

Following Bush's Fourth Reich agenda, America should have been put under Marshall Law, by now, because of the numerous terrorist acts that he has set up. Instead all have been stopped by the "White Knight" forces and off-world forces. Recently Bush Snr. tried to initiate a chemical/nuclear explosion in New York City, but again it was stopped by intervention.

Remember the CIA/military that Bush controls is over 400 years ahead in technology from the general public, but the off world forces are millions of years ahead of them!

Apparently all nuclear war heads have been disabled by these same forces. These forces will only carry out their Divine Intervention directive relative to our free will. We the people of Earth have to show what we want - war or peace. It appears the majority want peace, but because Bush controls the main stream media, it appears the other way. The off world forces are aware of this and will always intervene in events which we cannot stop or do not know about such as a comet hitting the Earth - they simply re-direct its course.

This amazing experiment called "life on earth" will not be put off track.

There is a Divine Plan and purpose for life! After each of us has had many lifetimes, we are approaching graduation time (2012?) and not even the dark forces of the Bush gang are able to stop that. A recent quote: "At NASA they have a machine that can see into the future (probably ex Montauk technology). They do not like what they see, they have lost control.

The dark agenda are no longer able to reincarnate on this world because the vibration is just too high for them . . .
. . . They have to go elsewhere.

The time/science of the Mayan Civilization seems to be on track. They say that by 2012 we will have moved through the 4th dimension into the 5th, regained our 12 strands of DNA (via "re-programming from the Supreme Intelligence" at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way), moved beyond duality (positive & negative) to pure light.

Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events.

So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgmental ones.

Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem-reaction-solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.

Remember almost nothing happens by accident.
Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other.

To quote "Dove of Oneness" :
WE do HAVE POWER, we have choice, and we do have a part to play in bringing
forth our better world. Each of us can continue to hold the HIGHER REALITY in
our prayers, our thoughts, our speaking, and our writing: "WAR is CANCELLED; PEACE Prevails!".
WE who HOLD the HIGHER REALITIES are the ones bringing forth a better world for everyone. We can take back our power and KNOW we have the divine right to call forth OUR CHOSEN REALITY of PEACE. We can know that billions of other people on Earth also want PEACE."

Our prayers and calls for PEACE have been HEARD...

Share Love with All Creation!

Share Love with All Creation

With images representing all of history whirling before our eyes, we live at once all human experience. This is the threshold of our passing into a new era. How we come to terms with what has occurred will largely decide the direction of our evolution. Where there is war, surround it with peace and relentlessly beat the drum of destiny. We are meant to celebrate life together, but so many can not forgive themselves or each other for what they’ve done. That is why Jesus says, father forgive them for they know not what they do. Father knows well that younger souls are ignorant of their responsibility because unconsciousness is built into the system. Forgiveness is part of awakening and available for all intrinsically in the Universe. For a long time people creep along until they get a moment where their illusions stare them in the face. Then they can decide whether or not to admit that their life up to this point had been a distraction from their true purpose which is to share Love with All Creation.

There is not always a right or wrong way to do something. It is more important what you decide you want to do with your life. You can bark up old trees and beat your head against the wall while you secretly pine away to do something you truly enjoy or you can make the leap of faith. Perhaps there is an incredibly interesting and intricate road that leads you to your destination. Perhaps this destination is but a stop on the journey. Perhaps the journey never ends. By the way, have you ever ridden on one of the astral trains? You can meet just about anybody on one. Many of us have ridden there during our dreams while our human body is sleeping.

The universe has laws, but do not think that even they are absolute. If there is anything true about this Universe, it is that it is ever-changing. Let me contribute this to the history of science…there will always be exceptions/distortions/things-that-don’t-quite-add-up because that is a quirk of this Universe. You could almost call it a sense of divine humor. Never forget the comedy that is this Existence. Look for rips and tears in the fabric of space/time, because they are there. There are even now humans on your Earth with the capacity to leave the planet. Advanced space craft sit in underground hangars across the globe while the war movie keeps everybody paralyzed in fear. Pills dull the pain though….right? They are not “bad” drugs like that nasty medical marijuana. Society can’t yet let the cancer patients have relief because pretty soon other people would want some. Then everybody would start asking too many questions from the consciousness opening effects of the drug like in the ‘60s. Then a show of force against the people would be necessary like the various assassinations that stare glaringly back at us from the face of post WWII American politics.

Today, the average person is getting beaten down economically until they no longer have a will to resist. The people could subvert this form of control by taking the initiative to move towards a simpler lifestyle. Much of the excess that creeps in ends up being more of a psychic burden than a joy. Sure luxury is nice, but freedom is even better. This is another reason why the ways of the Eastern Wisdom traditions must be incorporated into Western Culture. This will give rise to a modern spirituality which accepts life. There will be as many ways to express this as there are people who share in the experience. Creativity will blossom and problems will be solved. Stresses will be dissolved because they won’t be caused in the first place. Hearts open and intuition is heard. Happiness is the result of peace which comes from the fulfillment of your nature.

~C. Moors~

Do You Understand?

Do You Understand?
by StarStuffs

"Son of man, mark well, see with your eyes and hear with your ears...translated "set your heart to understand.

"There is a deep subtle healing that takes place when our eyes and ears are opened and our hearts begin to understand.

"Listening is grounded in wanting to truly understand what is being conveyed for our spiritual growth.

"We come to understand that obstacles are blessings"

When Spirit asks.."Do you understand?"

What does this question mean??

The dictionary says the following:

Under - in, at, or to a position down from; lower than; below; from a lower place; beneath the surface, so as to be covered, enveloped or concealed; subject to the control, limitations or influence of; planted with, sowed with.

Stand - to stand, be placed, cause to stand, supported on the feet and/or in an upright position, supported on a base or pedestal, to grow upright, to rise to an upright position; remain unchanged, intact, enduring, hold a course

"Set your heart to understand" could merely mean - to remain fixed and supported in those things that which are concealed from you. We simply remain steadfast and diligent in our faith. It's admitting we are not in control of our lives but we "understand" there is a much higher power working for the best of everyone.

"Know my truth is within YOUR heart...Do YOU understand?"When we listen to our hearts we under-stand the strength of faith, hope and most of all love - we are enduring to influences that are greater than ourselves. Obstacles are blessings because we under-stand the importance for our spiritual growth the and vast roles that others play that influence us in the game of life. We thus have true compassion and healing within the ability to under-stand. When we hear and listen with the heart, we fully understand.

Blessings of Love and Light,




Another Transmission from The Reconnections.......


My Dear Friends,

As we begin speaking with you about the possibility of becoming a channel for the realms of the unseen, we must take a moment to expand your conception of what you have previously referred to as an "alien." In days past, this term made reference to someone (or something) who is indigenous to another nation, planet or dimension. Though that definition certainly applies, there is more to the idea of being an "alien" than just that.

In truth, an energy is considered to be "alien" based upon what it is not, rather than what it is. You look upon it, and you judge that it is not a part of you. It doesn't belong, because it has no reasonable connection to what you know to be real about yourself. The fact that this alien energy has a history, or a home of its own seems quite irrelevant at the moment you encounter it. All you know is that it doesn't belong here. And so you become fearful, and you attempt to block it, capture it, or exorcise it from your personal space.

There are things happening in the world today--things which defy classification or easy explanation. Power surges are happening within and around certain individuals, electrical appliances are blowing up or failing when touched. There is an eerie buzzing or hissing that lingers in many people's ears all day long. Objects or possessions, usually quite available to you, will suddenly disappear--only to turn up in alternative locations that don't make any sense at all. Faces seem projected upon the backs of your eyelids as you meditate, and unfamiliar voices speak to you audibly as you return to waking from sleep. Certain individuals, who are of an empathic nature, are suffering from a spontaneous appearance of cuts or abrasions on their bodies, and strange messages of unknown origin are appearing on bathroom mirrors, walls, and wherever else they need to appear to catch a person's attention.

Hollywood has recently given you a film called "Signs"--which drew worldwide attention to the age-old phenomenon of crop circles--thereby renewing an awareness of "aliens" once more into the Mass Mind. This story highlights the appearance of actual crop circles in Britain recently, as well as other locations upon the planet as well. It also presents alien energy in a way that re-explores the fearful side of alien contact, rather than embracing the loveable antics of "E.T., the Extraterrestrial."

Psychic Disturbances. Strange Energy. Fear, loathing, and the stuff of runaway minds. It is time for us to give some input to these issues before things get entirely out of hand. And that is really a tangible fear for you, isn't it: losing control, going insane, being swallowed by something you don't really understand?

And we are here to suggest to you how you might handle these Psychic Disturbances. And to you, we say: SWALLOW THEM, BEFORE THEY SWALLOW YOU. That's the "short version" of our message today. Do you understand this? And while you're at it, be sure to keep a goodly supply of Sodium Bicarb on hand, just in case you get a tummy ache. There are reasons for what we say. And we will share a few of them with you now.


If there was ever a time in your planet's history to be disturbed, that time would be now. Not only is your physical space beginning to manifest some fearful and unusual circumstances, but your psychic space is also becoming inundated with thought forms and energy essences that have never before been considered by the mind of man. The Veil of Forgetfulness is wearing thin, and those issues and images which were always there, but which often escaped your notice, are now coming into full view.

For some of you, this might simply mean that you are being shaken awake by CNN, while being exposed to end time possibilities that leave you anxious and filled with dread. For others, who are more expanded, and therefore more allowing of a broader spectrum of perception, your inner landscapes are beginning to resemble that infamous bar scene from the movie "Star Wars."

During this time on your planet, the usage of various forms of mind-deflective recreation and amusement is at an all time high. Many people are desperately seeking for something........anything.....that will draw their minds away from the uneasiness that is moving in and around their lives. We have often referred to books, periodicals, motion pictures, and television as "The Dreams of the Mass Mind." Now we would like to apply that same description to everything you see transpiring before you in your inner and outer worlds.


There is a famous line from an old TV commercial which goes: "Is it real, or is it Memorex?" In the days, weeks, and months ahead--you may all be tempted to say that very thing! Philosophers and Metaphysicians throughout history have made reference to "The Waking Dream." Gurdjeff, for example, claimed that all of waking life is a dream, and those who are immersed therein must truly be entranced in order to continue functioning.

And it is in the realm of Dream Interpretation where you may find your closest ally in dealing with your own visiting Denizens of the Deep! For those of you who are unfamiliar with how dreams are interpreted, let us simply say that the primary key to getting your answers and insights is to consider that every aspect of the dream is also a part of you--an interaction of energies that are at play within your human mind. Sound familiar? Have we not been telling you about this since the beginning of our journey together?

And if these principles of Dream Interpretation can give such rich insight to various fantasies and imaginations that you encounter while asleep, will they not be doubly effective if you apply the same concept to those events and interactions which daily confront you in the waking world? And which is more real, indeed? And which is merely the Memorex?

Imagine for a moment a potentially scary situation, as you lie awake in your bed--alone in a huge dark house. The rain is pounding hard upon the shutters, and the moon seeps in through a nearby window, splashing full upon the rug near your bed. Suddenly, you hear a creaking in the hallway, and a doorknob gets turned. There is another creak, and a movement of furniture just outside your door. You call out, but there is no answer. Your heart begins beating triple-time, and you wonder whether or not to rise up and see just who or what is out there.

And then, in a moment of time (which seems like an eternity, by the way) you hear the familiar voice of your mate, reassuring you from the hall outside. "Don't worry, dear........." He says. "It's only me........." And immediately your heart returns to normal, you breathe easy, and you joyfully greet a presence who, just moments before, filled you with terror.

The incident we exemplify is quite plausible, and probably happens every day, somewhere in the world. And, if you are following what we are saying about the Principles of Dream Interpretation, you may be starting to catch the drift of how to handle Psychic Disturbances when they begin moving and creaking through the hallways of your mind and experience. You approach them, as you are being encouraged to approach all things, as an ASPECT OF YOURSELF. Regardless of how the energy is manifesting, you begin considering that it is you, yourself, who is the cause of this noise and commotion. In fact, when encountering something unusual or alien in your daily life, you can simply frag out a portion of yourself, who will whisper to the other frightened parts in you: "Don't worry, Dear! It's only ME." And so will you begin to approach your life from a new and fully empowered state of mind and heart.


During these times of high transition, it is most important to begin considering a new languaging for Oneness, to replace the separation terminology of the Old Paradigm. Of particular impact upon the topics we are discussing here, there is a primary shift which needs to occur around your common usage of the terms "darkness" and "light." In days past, the term "darkness" has been synonymous with "evil," while "light" has come to be equated with "good." These emphases do not work well in a Oneness Base, and we would like to suggest that you alter them in the following ways.

Darkness, in Oneness-Based Physicality, refers to:

  • Those bits of reality which exist in the realms of the unseen.
  • The feminine aspect in physicality (the dark side of the Yin/Yang Symbol is the feminine side). This element is distinguished from the 'female' element, which is a gender delineation, rather than an energy component.
  • Those individuals, objects, or bits of knowledge that have been forgotten, and are kept hidden behind a Veil of Forgetfulness, and filed within your sub or unconscious mind.

Light, in Oneness-Based Physicality, refers to:

  • Those bits of reality which exist in the realms of the seen. They are tangible, palpable, and solidified.
  • The masculine aspect in physicality (the light side of the Yin/Yang Symbol). This also is differentiated from the male gender as well.
  • Those bits of knowledge and memory which are contained within your conscious mind, and are identified with your physical body and first-person conception of self.

The concept of EVIL is part of what we call your Shadow Work during the reconnection process. In essence, the word itself is simply the word "live" written backwards, as though it was being read in a mirror. And this is truly how an "evil" person or situation affects you, when you encounter it in physical space. It opposes you, and keeps you from realizing your stated goals. It stops you, because you refuse to admit that it belongs to you as well.

A SHADOW is cast upon a wall or solid surface, when something comes between it and the light which seeks to illumine it. All the "Shadow Forces" in your physical reality are truly aspects of YOU. And, when you solidify, and differentiate yourself from them, it is YOU who are blocking the inflowing of the light. More has been, or will be said about this in other transmissions, such as our material on Relationships.


Many of you are getting side-tracked today, as you attempt to deal with "alien energies" and paranormal occurrences as though they are something that has originated OUTSIDE OF YOU, rather than merely another part of your Waking Dream. You become filled with fear, or awe, and you confront these new and unusual energies by attempting (as some of you put it) "to send them into the light."

Taking into account the upgraded definitions we have just provided you for the term "light," can you see how unproductive this is? After all, if you have become aware of a particular "energy," to the point that you have brought it into your life and forced yourself to deal with it-- hasn't it already come into the light? Isn't that what light now means....coming into your conscious awareness?

Another Psychic Disturbance, which is keeping many of your channels closed these days, is your fear of involvement with beings known as DEMONS. As it is used today, the English word "Demon" comes from the ancient word "Daimon," which means "teacher or guide." Demons are indeed real, and they have power to teach you, in compelling and unforgettable ways. What distinguishes a Demon from a Spirit Guide is the fact that the former is brought into your life to mirror for you shadow aspects about yourself, reflections of your hidden self that you have chosen not to accept or face.

Whereas a Spirit Guide comes along side a person to instruct and to edify--a Demon usually enters the picture in order to foreclose on past due accounts---areas of your life where you have refused instruction or edification. When we use the word "foreclose," we are being very pointed. The common element of exchange in the Multiverse is focus of attention. In order to get what it is you desire from the Multiverse, you must pay the toll to cross over the Veil. You must become aware of who it is that you are, and what you crossed over to accomplish. If a person attempts to do business with the Multiverse, without paying attention to these things--he will invoke a Demon, who has been enlisted to guard that portion of his Veil of Forgetfulness.

Truthfully, Demons are no bigger deal in the life of a Reconnected Being than one foot would be to the other foot in a physical body. They each have their purpose, and they each bear the weight of that body as it moves about. A King does not enlist a Dragon to guard the entrance to a cave where no treasure is. Whenever you encounter a Demon in your journey, you can be sure that you are on the brink of a fantastic breakthrough.

Demons primarily use fear and adversity as weapons against unmindfulness or fragmented thinking. They punish, taunt, distract, divert, and generally harass any individual who has refused to deal with basic issues in life, recognizing and admitting who and what he really is. Or, if an individual has decided to "sell his soul" for some nefarious advantage in 3D, a Demon will pummel him until he realizes how foolish and obtuse his perspective has become. However, in some soul contracts, Demons will allow a particular person to flourish awhile, so he can be used to pummel others who need to be awakened or taken from the Game. Then, at some point, he becomes Reconnected and awakened as well.

There are primarily three involvements that Demonic Energies or their Minions have with beings in physical form. First, they portray clearly for you the fact that not everything in the Oneself is meant to be "nice." Along with "enlightenment," a person must also receive his or her "endarkenment," which forms a clear connection to the primal or instinctual self. Physical life has its gentle and its brutal side. You each represent an entire Oneself Spectrum, spanning to infinity. You are all of it, and you'd better get used to that if you wish to progress.

Secondly, Demons serve as Dark Force Guardians for the Veil of Forgetfulness. When a person tries to reach for personal expansion out of season, there are Beings who appear to test him, seeking to ascertain whether or not he is truly prepared to go forth into Oneness. Fears, trepidations, and anxieties will frequently assault the mind and heart of those who are undergoing Physical and Spiritual Transmutation. If you remember how Master Jesus sweat great drops of blood in Gethsemane, then you will understand why you too must face your inner terrors before you move forward.

Finally, Demons frequently deliver wake-up calls for those who are invoking their Divinity during this, your last journey in Limitation. We have seen this in your Collective Consciousness, with the Worldwide Open-Heart Mergery that was produced by your "911" Experience. When it is truly time for you to awaken from your Dream, your own Demons know just what to say and do so that you will become conscious, and open your eyes.

As our transmission about Terrorism attests, we do not speak here about "victims" or "perpetrators" in your personal or world events. Rather, we speak about powerful limitation dramas, in which everyone flows together to become the author, director, and players in each person's time of awakening.


We will close our treatise on this subject with a few simple thoughts. More concepts will be added later, as proper timing and necessity dictate. Everything you see around you, no matter how strange or disturbing, is an aspect of YOU. Some energies seem wilder and more chaotic because they have lost contact with their Creative Source. In your universe, that Creative Source is YOU. When you consciously own and purposely begin to integrate an "alien" energy, it ceases to be alien from that point on.

Psychic Disturbances in physical space are bucking broncos that are longing to be called home. Or, they are wild stallions, seeking to show you how powerful and intensely passionate you secretly are! Dark Spirits often represent emotions and sexual fervor that has been disowned and cast aside. Like so many Mordreds, left over from days gone by--they visit the King, asking only that he acknowledge from whose loins they arose. If he refuses to do that, they often have the powerful to reduce his whole Kingdom to rubble.

If you look at Energy Turbulence and say "This has to stop!" you are abhorting a birth of understanding that is trying to take place around you. But if you say instead: "What part of MYSELF is this?" you are finally taking notice of the faces that have been pressed against the window of your soul. You are rescuing your own orphans, and giving them a place to dance or to find rest.

You cannot change anything until you acknowledge and own it. When you do, it grounds the energy and begins to quiet the storms of life. If you refuse to ground your own dark energies, they will sometimes attach themselves to your property, your pets, your close friends, or your children. The Spirits do not do this to punish you. Rather, they are doing it because those close to you earnestly desire that you find total fulfillment within this, your Reconnection Incarnation. It is all done as part of a spiritual contract. Immediate healing can be available, for those who are willing to take back what was once cast out and forgotten!

Those who cannot understand this will reject it for a time. And that will okay, as all energies must seek after the frequencies to which they are most attuned. Oneness will always be there when you are ready to obtain it. Separation abounds for those who still need to experience it. There is no condemnation in this.


The authority that once walked upon the waters and quieted raging storms now flows through YOU, during this your time of Reconnection. Do you believe that, or do you think of our time together merely as philosophical discussion and casual debate? The admonition "Be still....." is most often followed by the words "......and KNOW that I am God." Do you KNOW that you are God today? Or, are you still stuck wallowing in your human forgetfulness and limitation? Wake up, My Friends, there are surprises in store!

In groups, are there those among you who are suffering or "disturbed?" Do you comfort them, sympathize, and just send flowers?" Or, by comparison, do you ask yourself "What part of ME is this person wearing?" Do you inwardly move to take back whatever energy has separated itself from your consciousness?

A headache that manifests in someone "out there," can become an inspiration of power when it is brought home to its rightful owner. It just didn't fit the person who first received it, that's all. A depression in the soul of a child can symbolize complete inner transformation when that energy is allowed into a parent who no longer devalues feelings and intuition in favor of habit, personal possessions, or fame. The energy just seemed heavy in the child because it was meant to be carried by the one for whom it was designed.

We are not saying here that all Psychic Disturbances are caused by neglect on your part, or abandonment of your children to the winds of adversity. Far from it! What we are bringing to your attention, however, is the fact that everything that is seen or felt in your perceptual reality has its roots and origins in YOU, the creator of that universe. And this statement is true of everyone in every universe. There is no "them" who are causing your troubles, and there is no way to "throw them out" anymore. That is because, in Oneness, there is no out! Does this make sense to you?

Peace, My Dear Friends. Peace and be still. If the answers to your whirlwinds do not come quickly, then stand calmly within the storms and feel their power! That power is YOU. Own it. Work with it. Use metaphorical thinking to understand and apply it in whatever ways seem useful to your process. E.T. has finally decided that its time to phone HOME. When he does, will you be there to answer?

end transmission

Channeled by Daniel Jacob