Empowerment And The 3rd Dimension

Empowerment And The Third Dimension

To give yourself the authority to choose and create your destiny at will.

Creating your destiny, changing your life for the better and receiving the things you want start with you becoming self-empowered to reach your goal and obtain all of your desires.

Anyone who's ever achieved any goal; an athlete, a doctor, an astronaut, a composer or the student who won the local spelling bee, were all self-empowered. They all had a desire to obtain something and they stayed focused on it until they received it.

It doesn't matter what you're looking for. Whether you're seeking greater wealth, better health, consistent happiness, more abundance, or you'd like to identify your purpose in life, when you become self-empowered, and you learn to trust in yourself, a new world opens to you. A world that's far beyond anything you've ever imagined.

The Third Dimension

Generally, people live their life in 2 dimensions; the past and the present. For the most part, they almost always disregard the future as another dimension they should be concerned with controlling.

Empowerment is not based on your current status or past accomplishments. Only your Ego cares about what you've done in the past. And, it loves when you waste your time dwelling on what you did to get where you are today. The Ego finds enormous pleasure when you tell your achievement stories over and over to anyone who will listen.

Bragging on your accomplishments and spending your time reflecting on what it took to get you to your present status level are clearly not empowerment because it adds nothing to the great things you desire to accomplish in the future. The past is behind you and continuing to relive it adds no value to going forward. However, because you have been blessed with Free Will and the ability to use it to alter your destiny, you can create the life you want.

The Third Dimension of Empowerment is about what you will do in the future. It's about giving yourself the authority to take full responsibility for what ever it is you have chosen to obtain or accomplish, and taking action towards reaching that goal.

In essence, you make a stand, drive a stake in the ground and tell the world: "I'm going to complete this, I'm going to have this and there's nothing which will stand in my way of achieving it."

Be Grateful You Can

Gratitude is also a significant part of Empowerment. Although the premise of being self-empowered is to focus on the future, it's also important to be grateful for your current position in life. Practicing radical humility and being grateful for all the things you currently have is essential for accomplishing your future plans. Be grateful to yourself and your source (Higher Intelligence, God, et cetera) for what you have accomplished up to this day.

In addition, it's also necessary to be grateful that you have the ability and opportunity to actively participate in creating the future you want. Recognizing that the future is the only place where changes can be made, so you can live your life the way you want, is definitely something to be thankful for. Therefore, also be grateful for your empowerment.

The Clear Way to Empowerment

Becoming empowered, consistently focusing on your future plans and actively participating in creating the future you want may sound like an impossible task, but the good news is, it's not. With a little practice, and the right guidance, anyone can learn to achieve even the most seemingly unattainable goal.

No matter how big or how small, whether it's something physical you want, or nonphysical like better health, you can easily learn how to become self-empowered and dynamically create your future. The key to the simplicity of empowerment comes by turning within and learning to trust one's self at a higher level.

Through the power of meditation, the most powerful self-improvement tool available to mankind, anyone can learn to accurately focus on their goals and see them come to fruition.

By learning to quite and relax your mind while connecting to the vast resources of the universe, you can now work from the inside out towards achieving your life's desires, no matter how big or small they are. This enhanced ability to concentrate more easily and at a deeper level truly puts the "power" in empowerment.

Endless Possibilities

When you become self-empowered the impossible becomes possible. Things that once seemed to be out of your control, you now consistently control. Empowerment, combined with meditation, allows your mind and your body to function at a whole new higher level of being.

Goals are reached more efficiently, you see your future more clearly and you learn first-hand that you can dynamically create future. Empowerment puts you in control of you; opening the door to a future of endless possibilities.

By: Ed McDonough

How to Embrace the Power of Surrender

How to Embrace the Power of Surrender
Ginny Grey

Flowing into peaceful surrender, allowing its softness to gently envelope us, is much like sinking into the warm water of a bath; body aches and pains are soothed and mental tensions are melted away as we slowly drift into sweet serenity.

Many of us know the power of surrender when we choose to let go of our fears by breathing them out and focusing on something uplifting, or when we release our problems by asking a guardian angel or higher power to take them from us and guide us to solutions. Ah, the relief. But most of us have not been guided to live our lives in surrender. We have been taught the opposite; try harder, plot more, manipulate where you can, force, push, resist, and if those don't work, run and hide. We know too well from experience that all these actions really accomplish is to dig us deeper into turmoil. We burn out, get frustrated, feel hopeless, alienate others, compromise our integrity, and give away our power.

Surrender allows us to own our power; the power of our higher self, spiritual self, creative source or whatever term one uses to describe their eternal essence. That same essence within each of us is within everyone and everything in the universe. This is why when we let go into it, our fears are taken away, our problems are taken care of, and whatever we need is brought to us. All it takes is letting go; letting go of trying to control all the details, letting go of holding onto fear, doubt or guilt, letting go of old identities that no longer serve us, letting go and letting something bigger than our small self be our guide. From here our mood lightens, our heart opens, and the walls we erected to protect our small self begins to crumble, allowing more light to enter.


* How do you view surrender? Do you see it as a giving up or giving in? Does it feel like things will collapse and get worse if you let go? Or are you able to trust in the divine order of things and feel that you are surrendering into something more powerful? How you view surrender will determine how you experience it so play with different perspectives.

* What is your experience of surrender? Have you experienced the relief of letting go of a fear or problem and trusting something bigger within you or within the universe to handle things? What motivated you to surrender during these times and what was the outcome? What would support you in surrendering more often?

* How do you feel right now? Are you in a surrendered state or are you in effort, trying, resisting or holding on? Is your body relaxed and peaceful or is it tense, feeling like you are grasping onto something? What about your mind; are your thoughts clear and calm or racing about or spacing out? What about spiritually; do you feel open, expansive, peaceful and uplifted, or shut down, numbed out and closed off? On average, do you spend most of your time in a more or less surrendered state?


* Whatever state you are in right now, allow yourself to move into a more surrendered space. Take a few deep breaths and on the exhalation release any tension in your body. Let your body completely relax into the chair you are sitting in. Close your eyes and bring all of your awareness into the center of your head, finding a still peaceful place within. Notice anywhere in your mind or body where you are holding on - to emotions, tensions, thoughts, worries or problems and let them go; allow them to drift out of your mind and body and float away, or see yourself putting them down on the ground behind you, or hand them over to a guardian angel or higher power. Breathe in softness and trust. Feel that you are being cared for and looked after by a loving presence.

* Practice being in a surrendered state daily by taking time to connect to your bigger self and your higher power. Take time in inner silence or meditation to feel your true authentic self and your connection to your eternal essence. Let this peaceful feeling flow throughout your whole mind and body, supporting you to let go into a place of ease, trust and flow.

* As you go through your day and days ahead, whenever you notice yourself ruminating over problems or concerns, or feeling a tight or holding on sensation in your body, choose to let go and release all of this to your bigger self or higher power. As you do this regularly you will move more and more into an expansive surrendered state.

"Surrender does not diminish our power, it enhances it."
-Sara Paddison-

The Art and Science of Life

The Art and Science of Life
Gwen Randall-Young.

     Despite exciting interdisciplinary encounters, in the western world a schism yet exists between science and spirituality. There is still some discordance between hard evidence about how human life operates, and soft evidence about the meaning, or deeper purpose of life. Interestingly, the schism exists only within the mind of the thinker, who must, of necessity, separate himself (or his perceptions) from the unified whole in order to even formulate his schema. There is a huge difference between Descartes, I think, therefore I am , and the rationalists I think, therefore it is.

     Descartes philosophized that it is in thinking that we become aware of our being. It is true that thinking must occur in order for one to realize his or her independent existence. The newborn does not realize existence independent of the Mother. It is also true that as we grow, what we think about ourselves can limit or enhance our being. If I believe all things are possible, then like Edison, Einstein, Gandhi, Jesus or Mother Theresa, I may stay focused on my path no matter what. If I believe I am not musical and could never learn to play the piano, I would not even try. My belief becomes my truth - even if it is wrong.

     The rational scientist chooses a small, manageable playing field. He makes up the rules. If it is not measurable, observable, recordable, i.e. real in his mind, it is not true. The tools used, however, will determine what is found. An x-ray reveals something different than what is seen with a CAT scan, while an MRI reveals information beyond what the others could detect. So, if we use a scientific, rational mind as a tool for understanding reality, as wonderful a tool as it is, much will remain undetected.

     Science will never isolate God, love, or spirit, because they are non-material. That much is true. However, the leap to the conclusion that these are unscientific and thus not real, reduces science itself to a purely utilitarian exercise. It might be possible to do an in depth profile of every movement, every muscle contraction within the body of the ballerina as she dances Swan Lake. That would do nothing to explain how the audience is touched by her grace and passion. One could do a highly technical analysis of the voice, the sound waves, and the acoustics in the concert hall, and still know nothing of why the opera singer brought tears to the eyes of her audience.

     The science of life is profoundly fascinating. The exploration of the human body is as vast and wondrous an undertaking as the exploration of the Universe. However, human life itself, is art. Art is defined as any human activity that is the product of, and appeals primarily to the imagination. Imagination is the power of forming pictures in the mind of things not present to the senses; a creation of the mind. Quantum physics suggests that everything may be a creation of the mind. This is a dilemma for the scientist, who has limited his scope of exploration to things he believes to exist independently of any individual mind, including his own! This effectively eliminates God, spirituality, eternity, intuition, divinity, soul anything beyond the biology and psychology of body and mind.

     The scientist will allow that much exists in the physical Universe that is beyond our ability to detect as yet, but would not suggest that unless we scientifically validate it, it is not there. Humans have senses and the ability to tune into other levels of reality for which, currently, there are no scientific measurements. Animals have the ability to sense a coming earthquake, and have likely done so long before humans inhabited the earth. Dogs can hear sounds which are beyond the range of human hearing. If animals have the ability to perceive things that are not perceivable in an expected sense, it stands to reason that humans would also have this capability. Those grounded in reality may roll their eyes when someone feels the presence of God in their lives, senses the energy in a room, or just knows that some synchronistic event is profoundly significant.

     Life is art. Human evolution has played itself out on the canvas of the Earth. We are not separate, distinct, from all who have come before. We are part of a flow of life DNA which combines and recombines in different forms. We carry with us some part of our ancestors, as some part of our being continues on in our descendants. Imagination, myth and metaphor allow us to tap into the train of consciousness that is the evolving human mind. Like the tail of a comet, human consciousness is a path behind a moving life force a primeval force set in motion eons ago, pulsing along as an unfolding future. Myth and metaphor awaken something in consciousness that cannot be named, only felt. It carries us all the way back to the time when there were no words, no language, no science, only life itself unselfconscious, unanalyzed. Yet long before the dawning of rationality, there was passion, love, intuitive knowing - without which humans would not have survived.

     Perhaps it is science that is not real. It is a stepping apart from life, an applying tools and rules to try to understand. When we look at a painting, we can know the specifics of the colors and techniques used, how the painting was created, and how it will endure from a physical standpoint. No matter how sophisticated our analysis, we will still know nothing of the artists intent, or consciousness at the time it was created. We will know nothing about how the work impacts viewers, or changes their consciousness. But these are precisely the aspects which are most meaningful, most real, most alive.

     So it is with life.
     The parts that are most meaningful, real and alive, are the most elusive.

     They are aspects, the dimensions of which are unbounded, at times indefinable, and often cannot be named. These are the aspect we must embrace if we are to experience the fullness of being human. All that can be measured is that which is temporary. When our time runs out, when the pulse winds down, when we are taking our last breath, all of the rules, definitions, proofs and certainties will mean nothing. Death is only the end of the aspects of life that can be measured. All that is timeless, eternal, and true, will be there as it always was, and if we have prepared ourselves, we will embrace it more fully than ever before.



by Meg Benedicte @ soulfulservices.com

     We've often heard from the sages of the past that the true path to enlightenment requires the total acceptance of the shadow self. This process of soul integration includes all aspects of our being - both positive and negative aspects. In order to become whole, healthy, complete beings we need to face our shadow and compassionately accept and heal these lost fragments of consciousness.

     This requires digging deep within, observing and confronting our wounded human self, the part of our being that has suffered throughout time, and offer solace, gentle care and release from the painful shadow stored in our cellular memory. It is not an easy or comfortable process but it is vital that we connect to ALL energy present within our unified fields so that we can piece ourselves back together again.

     And yet the capacity of the human ego's resistance to self-reflection, analysis and forgiveness is astonishing, but very real! We would rather distract ourselves with just about anything before we will admit we even have a shadow self!

     But the truth is that we all travel the same journey towards becoming a Divine Human; the spiritual embodiment of the Soul. And that journey entails the gradual healing, clearing and releasing of all darkness from our bodies, our auric fields and our consciousness. As long as we exist in a human reality we contain within ourselves a mixture of Light and Dark; we are the living embodiment of duality!

     And so first we need to observe and recognize life's lessons as we reflect and analyze our personal patterns and behaviors. The gift of karma is the wisdom it imparts as we allow ourselves to receive the soothing balm of forgiveness and compassion. Wisdom erases all karma! Every aspect of human life has meaning and purpose---we only have to open our minds to reveal it. So as we dig deep into our shadow, we need to look at all the nuances and insecurities we are sensing, feeling and reacting to. We have tapped into the emotionally charged area that is ready for healing and forgiveness!

     Every layer of shadow that we probe, uncover, heal and integrate will contribute to the increased raising of our energetic vibration. As we let go of more and more heavy, dense, stuck shadow energy we begin to feel lighter and lighter. We feel lighter thoughts, lighter emotions and also lighter bodies! As we convert our low-vibrational shadow into Light, we enhance our physical health and well-being. Each time we merge more of our hidden consciousness into the Light, we are piecing back together our whole self! We begin to feel less dis-connected and empty inside and more Soul presence and wholeness in our daily, human lives.

     There has to be a shift in power, like the passing of the baton, from the ego to the soul so we can evolve into Divine Humans. This can be one of the most harrowing of experiences, often referred to as the "dark night of the soul", when the ego battles to maintain control of the will.

     We tend to blame outside forces when we don't get what we want, not realizing that everything is flowing into our lives as a result of our past thoughts, feelings and actions. When we can move into following the wisdom of the soul and feel the presence of our personal power and true essence, then we are able to take full responsibility for what we create in life. It is only when we can switch to seeing through the eyes of the soul that we can see the consequences of our past, egoic decisions, actions and words. We are then able to own and accept the legacy of the less-developed self and begin the process of clearing shadow from our energy field, so that we can move into the purity of the future.

     It is this process of internal house-cleaning that frees us from the shackles of the past; the locks and chains holding us frozen in time. By cleaning out the shadow of the egoic self we can break free of the limiting beliefs, patterns and programs that have kept us prisoners in duality. This freeing process allows our true self, the Over-Soul, to fill our bodies with power and self-love. It opens the heart to feel the natural flow of abundance and the exquisite joy present in the quiet moments in life. We can soar to the heights of our visions and feel the bliss of freedom.

     If darkness is the absence of Love, then the most effective tonic to use in healing internal shadow is self-love. The more love we flow into our deepest wounds and darkest emotions, the quicker we are able to clear and raise our vibration. This process gradually transforms the bio-energetics from a broken-down human into a powerful, healthy evolved Soul living heaven on earth. This is our destiny and our purpose, and so it is!


Get Out Of Your Own Way

Get Out Of Your Own Way
By Chuck Danes

Do you ever think about how unfair life is? Do you often allow your emotions to get the best of you? Do you ever allow fear and anxiety to fill you, bind you up, paralyze you, and keep you from achieving all that you know down deep is yours?

If any of this describes you, I have some simple yet profound advice.

What is it? Get Out Of Your Own Way.

Exactly what do I mean by that? Precisely this…..

You have already been provided all that you could ever want and need to fulfill you in this lifetime. Everything and anything that you could possibly imagine, your hopes, dreams, desires, are all attainable and within your grasp, waiting for you to open to, accept, and allow to come to you. You already possess the ability to manifest far more than sufficient quantity in the areas of money, health, and relationships. You have been provided with all the gifts you need to live and experience a life of harmony, joy, inner peace, and unlimited prosperity in whichever area that YOU CHOOSE to experience it in.

If that’s TRULY the case why do you continually fall short of realizing these abilities? Why is it that you appear to experience struggle and strife from day to day, week to week, and year to year. Why does it seem so difficult sometimes just to make ends meet?

Simply because you have not yet discovered the simple steps that it takes to learn how to get out of your own way. You have not yet discovered the truth of your TRUE unlimited potential which was supplied to you and which you have had the ability to use since the beginning of time. You have forgotten and lost sight of the REAL TRUTH concerning who and what you REALLY are and allowed the perceived hardships and limitations of day to day living to dominate your thought process, blocking the manifestation of that which you most desire to experience. You have allowed what “Appears To Be” to blind you to what “Truly Is” and instead of accepting that, you feed and nurture that which you claim that you don’t want to experience, which attracts more of the same.

Re-examine the first three questions that were asked at the beginning of this article. Did you answer yes to any of them? If so, you are creating, more specifically attracting situations that you would rather NOT experience.

You fail to realize that the perceived hardships of today are due to seeds that you have personally sown at some point in the past. And when they show up in whatever form they do you always seek out some temporary external solution believing that it, whatever it is, will somehow fill the void, only to find that at some point in the future the same void returns and presents itself to you once again, sending you again anxiously scurrying about looking for the solutions in the external world where you have failed to find them so many times before, only to find yourself once again unfulfilled, anxious, fearful, all the time knowing that somewhere deep within that there must be a better way. If only you could find it.

You continually attempt to fix effects with effects not fully understanding the need to seek out, discover and develop the knowledge of the TRUE Source from where these effects come.

So where is this Source? Where does this place of peace and serenity exist if at all? How does one find inner peace and comfort in times of trial? When the money’s short and the bills are long, the children are sick, the relationships that you most treasure appearing to be in turmoil, how is it that one can experience peace and serenity? Where are these answers to be found that will correct what "appears" to be real?

They lie within.

Within Each And Every Person That Has The Desire And Willingness To Seek Them Out And Discover Them.

All that is required is to learn to get out of your own way and learn to quietly go within and awaken that which holds and draws to you the answers that you are seeking. To quiet the constant anxious, fearful, and worrysome internal babble that has you convinced that pending doom and disaster is lurking just around the next corner waiting to jump out and lead you down the next path of hardship, rather than placing your focus on the fulfillment of the desires, dreams and visions that you hold as dear.

So precisely how do you get out of your own way? What exactly does it mean to go within?

Here is the step by step breakdown….

  • Discover the real truth concerning who and what you TRULY are.
  • Take the initiative to discover and eliminate the self limiting false beliefs you have absorbed and have “allowed” to block your path.
  • Replace those which you discover aren’t leading you toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires with those that will.
  • Understand that when hardship “appears” to be looming that it is only that, an “Appearance” which can easily be changed.

  • Understand that the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that you allow are merely seeds that you have the choice and free will to feed and nurture or ignore.
  • Come to the understanding that those seeds which are planted, nurtured, and fed will grow, not only in nature but in your life and that any other outcome is impossible and would go against the Laws of Creation
  • Learn to develop and express sincere gratitude for that which you experience regardless of how it may appear, fully accepting the fact that ALL THINGS work together for good. That these perceived challenges that you are experiencing today are a direct manifestation of the thoughts feelings and emotions that you have experienced at some point in the past, and merely stepping stones that will enable you to reach your desired destination.
  • Become conscious of your day to day thoughts and emotions. When you discover they are not in alignment with your desires, change them
  • Begin to understand that happiness is a choice, YOUR choice, and that by choosing that, the weeds that you have allowed to grow as a result of your previous mindset will soon whither away and be replaced with the sweet fruits that result as an effect of implementing your newfound knowledge.

In a condensed version simply focus on your inner happiness regardless of external appearances, focus on and see only positive outcomes in your minds eye, and express thanks for all that you encounter along the way.

Do you have any doubt as to what is being conveyed? Try this exercise…..

The next time troublesome thoughts and emotions ignite within you, focus on them. Really look deeply and focus on what the perceived problem is. Analyze it, ponder it, and allow it to fill your entire being for just a few minutes. Now stop for a second and become aware of how you feel. Really analyze how your body feels, how clear your thinking is. etc. Not very pleasant is it?

Then try this.....

When a situation arises that you usually act upon as you did in the example above, this time discern first of all if there is something that you can do about it. If there is take immediate action to correct it, but only do so with the solution in mind, focusing only on the positive end result that you desire as you take the steps to complete it. If there isn’t anything that you can do at the moment, first of all break focus from the problem. Think about a pleasant time you’ve experienced at some point in your life. A time that really gave you joy or pleasure. Allow your thoughts to shift away from what you can’t currently do anything about right now anyway and purposefully shift your focus to that pleasant experience whatever it might be. Really allow yourself to experience this pleasant memory and experience it like it was happening all over again. Once this is done, then shift your focus to seeing the problem, whatever it may be as resolved. See the end result that you desire to experience. Feel it, hear it, touch it, taste it, and see it. How does it feel now that it is no longer a problem? Now express Gratitude for receiving the answer and go about your day to day activities. Now stop for a minute and analyze how your body feels. How clear is your thinking?

Do you feel the difference?

Don't analyze, think about, or wonder how or when your solution is going to happen. Just "allow" it to happen. Remain aware of signs that may show up. Be alert to potential opportunities that may arise. Don't worry about HOW, just "Know" that they will. Don't concern yourself with WHEN, just understand that they will. Refrain from engaging your logical and analytical thinking process. Creation and attraction is NOT logical in relation to widespread and commonly held beliefs.

Do not underestimate the power of this simple exercise. Many times the simplest things in life produce the most amazing results. This exercise is one of them.Begin to understand the simple, powerful and miraculous process of manifestation.Discover and accept the truth concerning the Unconditional Love that is yours and provides precisely what you ask based on your beliefs. Develop the self awareness to dig deeply enough to discern what those beliefs that you hold really consist of at their core. Change those which you find aren’t serving you. Don’t allow your thoughts to focus on problems that you can’t do anything about at the moment which creates self induced stress, fear and weakens your body as well as your spirit, and at the same time attracts to you MORE of that which you are attempting to eliminate. And ABOVE ALL, express sincere and heartfelt thanks for the growth that you experience along the way.

Take immediate and focused action on that which you can change with only the solution in mind. Break focus from that which you find you can’t currently do anything about and allow yourself to experience and ponder on only pleasant things. Engage ALL of your physical senses and experience the end result, the solution. Persevere and practice this exercise and before you know it your perceived problems will melt away like snow in springtime.

Yes, it may take a little practice to master. It may require a little discipline before you will begin to experience the effortlessness of shifting your thinking. But persevere in it's implementation and it WILL.

Once you have accomplished and mastered this exercise and learn to consciously and consistently use it, you will have learned what it means to "get out of your own way."

Yes it may take effort initially to retrain your mind. But I can assure you that the reward is FAR GREATER than the initial effort.

The answers you seek are readily available. All your hopes, dreams and visions for the future can and will become a reality in your life IF you’ll allow them to. Anything that you are able to conceive and hold in your mind can be and IS experienced in the physical world. That which you place your focus and emphasis on whether consciously or unconsciously IS attracted to you, manifests and becomes your reality.

You are the producer and director in this movie called life. You possess the power to rewrite each scene. Become consciously aware of the script that you are writing. Allow each scene to express abundance and limitless prosperity in each area of your life and you will begin to experience just that.

Now you know what it means to "Get Out Of Your Own Way." Implement what you have discovered and that which you most desire to experience in your life will be attracted to you.

You have the ability to experience Joy, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, Harmony and Limitless Prosperity in each and every area of your life.

Allow It, Receive It And Experience it.

How? It's really quite simple....Get Out Of Your Own Way.

Copyright© 2005-2007 Chuck Danes. All rights reserved worldwide

Obstacles in Spirituality and Yoga


I suddenly came across this wonderful articles which I thought was very, very important for all aspirants. I give all the due credit to the site www.katiehillyoga.com from where this below article is taken from. I must add that many of the points in it were eye-openers to me and I have learnt a lot from it because the articles hits on many hard, bitter truths that we never ever would want to hear about ourselves. I am learning from it and with the hopes that you might also find it interesting and learn from it, here it is ~

There are certain obstacles in the path of Yoga, which you should, by all means, overcome in the very beginning of your Yogic career. If you do not adequately guard yourself against these impediments in right time by the warning voice of your Guru, they will smash all your hopes and aspirations to pieces and will eventually bring about miserable downfall.

Lust, greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, fear, inertia, depression, prejudice, intolerance, evil company, arrogance, self-sufficiency, desire for name and fame, curiosity, building castles in the air and hypocrisy are foremost among these. You should ever introspect and watch your mind. You should take effective measures to remove these obstacles root and branch. "Women, beds, seats, dresses, and riches are obstacles in Yoga. Betels, dainty dishes, carriages, kingdoms, lordliness and powers; gold, silver, as well as copper, gems, aloe wood, and kine; learning the Vedas and the Sastras; dancing, singing and ornaments; harp, flute, and drum; riding on elephants and horses; wives and children, worldly enjoyments; all these are so many impediments." (Siva Samhita: Ch. V-3).

The Yogic student should not possess much wealth as it will drag him to worldly temptations. He may keep a small sum to get the wants of the body. Economical independence is of paramount importance to an aspirant; because it will relieve him from anxieties and will enable him to continue his practices uninterruptedly.

If you get easily offended even for trifling things, know that you cannot make any progress in Yoga and meditation. You should, hence, cultivate amiable, loving nature and adaptability. Some aspirants easily get offended, if their defects and vices are pointed out. They become indignant and begin to fight with the person who shows the defects. They think that the person is concocting them out of jealousy and hatred. This is bad. Others can very easily detect your defects. If you have no life of introspection, if your mind is of outgoing tendencies, how can you find out your own defects? Your self-conceit veils and blurs your mental vision. If you, therefore, want to grow in spirituality and Yoga, you must admit your defects, when they are pointed out by others. You must endeavour to eradicate them and must be really grateful to the man for pointing out your defects.

It is rather a difficult business to eradicate the self-assertive nature. This nature is born of ignorance only. Everyone has built his personality from beginningless time. This personality has grown very strong. It is hard to bend this personality and make it pliable and elastic. You want to dominate over others. You do not want to hear the opinions and arguments of others, even though they are quite logical, sound and tenable. You have a pair of jaundiced eyes. You say: "Whatever I say is correct. Whatever I do-is correct. The views and actions of others are incorrect." You never admit your mistakes. You try your best to support your own whimsical views by crooked arguments. If arguments fail, you will take to vituperation and hand-to-hand fight also. If people fail to show you respect and honour, you are instantaneously thrown into a fit of fury. You are immensely pleased with anybody who begins to flatter you. You will tell any number of lies to justify yourself. Self-justification goes hand in hand with self-assertive Rajasic nature. You can never grow in Yoga so long as you have this self-assertive nature with the habit of self-justification. You should change your mental attitude. You must develop the habit of looking at matters from the view-point of others. You must have the new vision of righteousness and truthfulness. Then alone you will grow in Yoga and spirituality. You should treat respect and honour as offal and poison, and censure and dishonour as ornament and nectar.

You will also find it hard to adjust yourself to the ways and habits of others. Your mind is filled, as it were, with likes and dislikes, prejudice of caste, creed and colour. You are quite intolerant. The faultfinding nature is ingrained in you. You jump at once to find the faults of others. You cannot see the good in others; you have a pair of morbid eyes. You cannot appreciate the meritorious actions of others. You brag of your own abilities and merits. That is the reason why you fight with all people and cannot maintain cordial relations with others for long time. You should overcome these defects by developing tolerance, love and other good virtues.

The old Samskaras (latent impressions) of vanity, cunningness, crookedness, arrogance, petty-mindedness, fighting, boasting or bragging nature, self-esteem or thinking too much of yourself, speaking ill of others, belittling others may be still lurking in your mind. You can never shine until you remove these faults thoroughly. Success in Yoga is not possible unless these undesirable negative qualities of lower nature are completely eradicated.

Those who engage themselves in hot discussions, vain debates, wranglings, lingual warfare and intellectual gymnastics cause serious damage to their astral bodies. Much energy is wasted. The astral body gets actually inflamed and an open sore is formed. Blood becomes hot. It bubbles like milk over fire. Ignorant people have no idea of the disastrous effects of unnecessary hot discussions and argumentations. Those who are in the habit of arguing unnecessarily and entering into vain discussions cannot expect an iota of progress in Yoga. Aspirants must entirely give up unnecessary discussions. They should destroy the impulses by careful introspection.

You have heard several brilliant lectures, delivered by learned monks or Sannyasins. You have listened to several discourses and expositions on the Bhagavad-Gita, the Ramayana, the Bhagavata and the Upanishads. You have also heard several valuable moral and spiritual instructions. But you have not at all endeavoured to put anything into serious earnest practice and to do protracted solid Sadhana.

Mere intellectual assent to a religious idea, a little closing of the eyes in the morning and at night just to deceive yourself and the Indweller and the Witness, a little endeavour to stick to the daily spiritual routine and to develop some virtues in a halt-hearted, careless manner, some mild effort to carry out the instructions of your spiritual preceptor perfunctorily will not suffice. This kind of mentality should be entirely given up. You should follow the instructions of your master and the teachings of the Scriptures to the very letter. No leniency to the mind. There can be no half measures in the path of Yoga. Exact implicit and strict obedience to the instructions is what is expected of you.

Do not make any thoughtless remarks. Do not speak even a single idle word. Give up idle talk, tall talk, big talk, loose talk. Avoid evil company. Become silent. Do not assert for rights in this physical, illusory plane. Do not fight for rights. Think more about your duties and less about your rights. These rights are worthless. Assert your birthright of God-consciousness. Then you are a wise man.

If you are endowed with good character, celibacy (Brahmacharya), truthfulness, mercy, love, tolerance, forgiveness, serenity these qualities will more than counterbalance many other evil qualities you may possess. Then gradually these evil qualities also will vanish, if you are careful, if you focus your attention on them.

If you remain in the company of a developed saint, you will be really benefited by his magnetic aura and wonderful spiritual currents. His company will be like a fortress for you. You will not be affected by evil influences. There is no fear of downfall. You can have rapid spiritual progress. Young aspirants should remain in the company of their Gurus or other experienced saints till they are firmly moulded and established in deep meditation. Nowadays many young aspirants wander aimlessly from place to place. They do not care to hear the instructions of their masters. They want independence from the very start. Hence they do not make any progress in Yoga. Humour is a rare gift of nature. It helps aspirants in their march on the spiritual path. It removes depression. It keeps one cheerful. It brings joy and mirth. But you should not cut jokes at the expense of others and wound their feelings. The humorous words must educate and correct others.

You should laugh in a mild, delicate and decent manner. Silly giggling, guffaw, or boisterous, indecent, unrefined laughter in a rude manner should be given up, because it prevents the spiritual progress and destroys serenity of mind and serious magnanimous attitude. Sages smile through their eyes. It is grand and thrilling. Intelligent aspirants only can understand this. Don�t be childish and silly.

Even the slight annoyance and irritability affect the mind and the astral body. You should not allow these evil modifications (Vrittis) to manifest in the mind-lake. They may burst out as big waves of anger at any moment, if you are weak and careless. They should be nipped in the bud. You should develop the noble qualities of forgiveness, love and sympathy for others. There should not be the least disturbance in the mind-lake. It should be perfectly calm and serene. Then only meditation is possible.

Success in Yoga is possible only if the aspirant practices profound and constant meditation. He must practice self-restraint at all times, because all of a sudden the senses may become turbulent. That is the reason why Lord Krishna says to Arjuna: "O son of Kunti! The excited senses of even a wise man, though he be striving impetuously, carry away his mind. For the mind, which follows in the wake of the wandering senses, carries away his discrimination, as the wind (carries away) a boat on the waters." (Bhagavad-Gita: Ch. II-60, 67).

A terrible fit of anger shatters the physical nervous system and produces a deep and lasting impression on the astral body. Dark arrows will shoot forth from the astral body. The germs that caused the epidemic of Spanish flu may die, but the wave of influenza still continues in various parts for a long time. Even so, though the effect of the fit of anger in the mind may subside in a short time, the vibration or wave continues to exist for days or weeks together in the astral body. Slight, unpleasant feeling that lasts in the mind for five minutes may produce vibration in the astral body for two or three days. A terrible fit of wrath will produce deep inflammation of the astral body. An open sore will be formed on the surface of the astral body. It will take months for the healing of the ulcer. Have you now realised the serious consequences of anger? Do not fall a victim to anger. Control it by forgiveness, love, mercy, sympathy, enquiry (of "who am I?") and consideration for others.

Worry, depression, unholy thoughts and hatred produce a kind of crust or dark layer on the surface of the mind or astral body. This crust or rust or dirt prevents the beneficial influences to get entry inside, but it allows the evil forces or lower influences to operate. Worry does great harm to the astral body and the mind. Energy is wasted by this worry-habit. Nothing is gained by worrying. It causes inflammation of the astral body and drains the vitality of man. It should be eradicated by the practice of cheerfulness, vigilant introspection and keeping the mind fully occupied. By continence, devotion to Guru and steady practice, success in Yoga comes after a long time. You should be patient and persevering.

Aspirants who take to seclusion generally become lazy after some time, as they do not know how to utilise their mental energy, as they do not have any daily routine, as they do not follow the instructions of their Gurus. They get Vairagya (dispassion and disgust for worldly enjoyments) in the beginning, but as they have no experience in the spiritual line, the Vairagya begins to wane. They do not make any real progress in the end. Intense and constant practice of Yoga is necessary for entering into Asamprajnata Samadhi.

If the Yogic student who practices meditation is gloomy, depressed and weak, surely there is some error in his Sadhana somewhere. True meditation makes the aspirant strong, cheerful and healthy. If the aspirants themselves are gloomy and peevish, how are they going to impart joy, peace and strength to others?

You will have to master every step in Yoga. Do not take up any higher step before completely mastering the lower step. Gradually ascend the successive stages boldly and cheerfully. This is the right royal road to perfection in Yoga.

Aspirants do not possess true and unshakable faith in their Gurus and the teachings of the Scriptures. Hence they fail to attain success in Yoga.

Sleepless vigilance is necessary, if you wish to have rapid spiritual advancement. Never rest contented with a little achievement or success in the path, a little serenity of mind, a little one-pointedness of mind, some visions of angels and Devatas, a little faculty of thought-reading, and so on. There are still higher summits to ascend, higher regions to climb.

A Yogi claims that he can attain extraordinary powers and knowledge by subduing the passions and appetites and by practicing Yama, Niyama and Yogic Samyama (concentration, meditation and Samadhi at one and the same time). Patanjali clearly warns the students that they should not be carried away by the temptations of powers. The gods themselves tempt the unwary Yogi by offering him a position similar to theirs. Aspirants run more after Siddhis (psychic powers) than after real spiritual attainment despite the clear note of warning.

Desire for powers will act like puffs of air which may blow out the lamp of Yoga that is being carefully fed. Any slackness in feeding it due to carelessness or selfishness will blow out the little spiritual lamp the Yogi has lighted after so much struggle and will hurl him down into the deep abyss of ignorance. He cannot rise up again to the original height to which he had ascended. Temptations are simply waiting to overwhelm the unwary aspirant or Yogi. Temptations of the astral, mental and the Gandharva worlds are more powerful than earthly temptations.

Patanjali enumerates the following nine obstacles: Disease, languor, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, mistaken notion (false knowledge), tossing of mind and instability to remain in the state of Samadhi. He prescribes practice of concentration on one subject (Eka-Tattvabhyasa) to overcome them. This will give the aspirant steadiness and real inner strength. He further advocates the practice of friendship between equals, mercy towards inferiors, complacency towards superiors and indifference towards wicked people. This practice will generate peace of mind or composure and will destroy hatred, jealousy, etc. A new life will dawn in him, when he practices these virtues. Perseverance is needed. It is the key-note to success in Yoga. The Yogi is amply rewarded, when he gets full control over his mind. He enjoys the highest bliss of Asamprajnata Samadhi.

In the Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad you will find: "Diseases are generated in one's body through the following causes viz., sleeping in the day-time, late vigils overnight, excess of sexual intercourse, moving in crowds, the checking of the urine and the faeces, the evil of unwholesome food and laborious mental operations with Prana. If a Yogi is afraid of such diseases (when attacked by them), he says: "My diseases have arisen from the practice of Yoga." Then he will discontinue his practice. This is said to be the first obstacle. The second obstacle is doubt, the third carelessness, the fourth laziness, the fifth sleep, the sixth not leaving of objects (of sense), the seventh erroneous perception, the eighth sensual objects, the ninth want of faith and the tenth the failure to attain the truth of Yoga. A wise man should abandon these ten obstacles after great deliberation.

Fatigue is harmful for aspirants. They should avoid long walks and much exertion. When the state of tranquillity prevails during meditation, do not disturb the mind. Do not get up from your seat. Try to prolong the meditation.

You cannot please the world. Remember the story of the old man, his son and the donkey. Stick to your ideals, convictions and principles tenaciously, whether you become popular or unpopular, even if the whole world opposes you. Stand up boldly on your own principles of right conduct and right living. Do not retrace your steps even a fraction of an inch.

Do not dig shallow pits here and there for getting water. The pits will dry up soon. Dig a deep pit in one place. Centralise all your efforts here. You will get good water throughout the year. Even so, try to imbibe the spiritual teachings from one preceptor only. Drink deep from one man only. Sit at his feet for some years. There is no use of wandering from place to place, from one man to another man out of curiosity, losing faith in a short time. Do not have the ever-changing mind of a prostitute. Follow the spiritual instructions of one man only. If you go to several people and follow their instructions, you will be bewildered. You will be in a dilemma.

Do not relax your efforts. Keep the Divine Flame burning steadily. You are nearing the goal. The light has come. There is Brahmic aura in your face. You have crossed many peaks and insurmountable summits in the spiritual path by dint of untiring patient Sadhana. It is highly creditable indeed! You have made marvellous progress. I am highly pleased with you, O John! You will have to ascend one more peak and go through one more narrow pass. This demands some more patient effort and strength. You will have to melt your Sattvic egoism also. You will have to transcend the blissful state of Savikalpa Samadhi. The Brahmakara Vritti also should die. Then alone you will attain Bhuma, the highest goal of life. You can do this also. I am quite confident. There at the summit of the Hill of Eternal Bliss, you can see now the Jivanmukta or the full-blown Yogi. He has climbed the stupendous heights through intense and constant struggle. He did severe rigorous spiritual Sadhana. He did profound meditation. He spent sleepless nights. He kept long vigils at night on countless occasions. He gradually ascended the heights step by step. He took rest at several halting-places. He persevered with patience and diligence. He surmounted many obstacles. He conquered despair, gloom and depression. Today he is a beacon-light to the world at large. You can also ascend to that summit if only you will.

Article Source:
Jacob Thomas
Note by Jacob Thomas: "This article is not written by me but is from: http://www.katiehillyoga.com

Spirituality by Einstein

Spirituality by Einstein

          Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) was a leading Scientist of his era. Much of his research centered around the problems of physics. His life work in many ways was dedicated to resolving the problems of physics. To his credit are the Theories of Relativity, The Evolution of Physics, and Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement. Einstein received honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy from many European and American Universities.

          Such a man of science would normally automatically become pegged as one who did not have much interest in or recognition of things spiritual, however this was not the case with Einstein. In fact over his lifetime, he often had to correct others on his views of spirituality. Einstein simply didn't believe in the spiritual mode of the day. He stated in a letter he wrote in 1954 that he did not believe in a personal God, he said that if there was something in him which could be called religious then it would be the "unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

          Einstein was raised in a Jewish family, but by the age of 12 his love of science and his religious beliefs were at odds. As he would explain to those who queried, the scientific books of the day helped him to reach a personal conviction that much in the stories of the bible could not be true.

          This did not shut Einstein down, however, it opened his mind to free thinking and also to be skeptical - but these were essential tools to a researcher.

          Einstein believed himself to be an agnostic. In 1950, he explained, "I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."

In Albert Einstein's famous book, The World As I See It, He said,

          "The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and con no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, es as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. It was the experience of mystery - even if mixed with fear - that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor di I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inklilng of the marvelous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavor to comprehend a portion, be it never so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature."

© TheosEra.com Spiritual Community 2008

It Can Get Lonely

It Can Get Lonely

by: Miruh.

Image credit: Alicepopkorn

For him who has responded to the call of the Way of Possibility, loneliness may be obligatory….It is not we who seek the Way, but the Way which seeks us. That is why you are faithful to it, even while you stand waiting, so long as you are prepared, and act the moment you are confronted by its demands.
by Dag Hammarskhold: Markings

      It is said that the spiritual healing journey is the path of the razor’s edge. Very few people truly have the stamina, the courage, the discipline and the desire to follow the path of the spiritual warrior. For those who do, they may subject themselves to ridicule, scorn, and in the distant past, even bodily harm or death by torture. It is a path of loneliness. It is relatively easy to follow a religion; a spiritual path that many pursue in the safety of the group, conforming to a particular belief system. Many religious groups were evolved through marrying spirituality and political correctness of a particular ideology of a particular era. True spirituality is the path of the mystic. It is the path of exploration through personal experience, without religious dogma, practiced in the laboratory of the soul. It is the path of recognition of Truth. It is possible to live spiritual truths within the bounds of religious teachings, provided that one has true discrimination to differentiate  what is strictly dogma and what is universal truth that takes one in the direction of Love.

      In the quote from Dag Hammarskhold above, he tells us that following the path of the spiritual warrior, The Way of Possibility, is not one that we seek, but one that seeks us. We are driven to follow the call of Love even though we may not be actively seeking Truth. It is a call that is relentless, and when faced with it, we must follow. It means letting go of a lot of “shoulds” and concepts that we have. The window of opportunity is just that, and we have to be prepared to sacrifice our agendas to attend to the calling. This is the path of the razor’s edge.

      For many on the spiritual path, this period of sacrifice is for a limited time, it could be as long as a few years perhaps. This is a time of loneliness that many will fail to endure. It is a necessity to separate oneself from one’s usual social lifestyle when the personality or ego goes through a period of upheaval; a transformation where body and psyche are in alignment with a new way of spiritual being. When equilibrium is achieved, the seeker must then fully participate in his world. At this point we do not simply pick up where we left off. The personality has gone through a transformation; we are not the same person we were and we are required to make choices that cultivate the nurturing of the new alignment of the rejuvenated body, mind and spirit.

Signs & Symptoms Of Inner Peace

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

* A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.

* An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

* A loss of interest in judging other people.

* A loss of interest in judging self.

* A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.

* A loss of interest in conflict.

* A loss of the ability to worry.
(This is a very serious symptom.)

* Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.

* Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.

* Frequent attacks of smiling.

* An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.

* An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace of mind is generally associated with bliss and happiness.

Peace of mind, serenity, and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the effects of stress. In some cultures, inner peace is considered a state of consciousness or enlightenment that may be cultivated by various forms of training, such as prayer, meditation, T'ai Chi Ch'uan or yoga, for example. Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as an experience of knowing oneself. Finding inner peace is often associated with traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

The question is, how to bring more peace of mind into our life, and more importantly, how to experience it in times of trouble. You might also ask whether it is possible to make it a habit, and enjoy it always and under all circumstances. First, you need to learn to bring more moments of inner peace into your daily life. Later, you will be able to experience these moments in times of trouble or difficulties too, when you most need inner calmness and tranquility.

Here are a few simple things that can help you:

- Reduce the amount of time you read the newspapers or watch the news on TV.

- Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people.

- Don't hold grudges. Learn to forget and forgive. Nurturing ill feelings and grievances hurts you and causes lack of sleep.

- Don't be jealous of others. Being jealous means that you have low self-esteem and consider yourself inferior to others. This again, causes lack of inner peace.

- Accept what cannot be changed. This saves a lot of time, energy and worries.

- Every day we face numerous inconveniences, irritations and situations that are beyond our control. If we can change them, that's fine, but this is not always possible. We must learn to put up with such things and accept them cheerfully.

- Learn to be more patient and tolerant with people and events.

- Don't take everything too personally. Some emotional and mental detachment is desirable. Try to view your life and other people with a little detachment and less involvement. Detachment is not indifference, lack of interest or coldness. It is the ability to think and judge impartially and logically. Don't worry if again and again you fail to manifest detachment. Just keep trying.

- Let bygones be gone. Forget the past and concentrate on the present moment. There is no need to evoke unpleasant memories and immerse yourself in them.

- Practice some concentration exercises. This will help you to reject unpleasant thoughts and worries that steal away your peace of mind.

Learn to practice meditation.

Even a few minutes a day will make a change in your life.

Inner peace ultimately leads to external peace.

By creating peace in our inner world,
we bring it into the external world ,
affecting other people too.

Updated Info:
© 1984 Saskia Davis

Thank You Saskia Davis For Leaving the Complete Article In Your Loving Comment
( below )

Abundant Blessings.

Move Into Your Empowerment

Move Into Your Empowerment
by Nancy Leilah Ward
soultransitions. com


          This has been the coldest winter I can remember, here in the Northeast United States. Interestingly enough, I find myself drawn to working with the energy of the Sun. I took a sunbath the other day, laying on a blanket on the floor as the sun shone through a window. It felt so nurturing and I was aware of receiving some very powerful waves of energy. I have also been visualizing myself traveling right into the sun and asking for the stuff I’m ready to release to be burned away. I feel the fire elementals within the sun delighted that I’m there with them! Another visualization that came to me recently is to bring a beam of sunlight into the pineal gland in the center of my head. Many of One will speak about this as you read on. As I do this work, I know I must be prepared for the surfacing of old feelings as they come up to be released.


          There may be feelings of overwhelm at times and we are all being counseled not to overdo it and place unreasonable demands on ourselves. This is a time of allowing as we learn to let go and be, instead of hold on and do. Many people are creating deeper connections with their soul and true purpose in their lives. There are all kinds of healing and energy modalities to assist in this process. As the planetary awakening grows, we’re seeing people turning from a rational, mind-oriented focus to a more circular, intuitive focus.


          Many people who haven’t ordinarily brought their attention to their relationship with their inner selves are turning to meditation to find peace and relaxation and a connection to their intuitive nature. This is the expansion of consciousness and a reflection of the high vibrational energies that are beaming through our universe. For example, my 84 year old mother has started going to a Qi Gong/meditation class, which she really enjoys! The Light is achieving critical mass.

          The changes we are seeing in the “outer” world are disruptive and cause fear, for much of the old, as has been said before, is collapsing. This is a good thing and if you let it go, you will be in the flow. If you resist, you will cause difficulty and pain for yourselves. These changes are necessary in order for the new to be created. For, just as the old is dissolving, new growth is sprouting. Be on the lookout for new ideas, inventions and creations in all realms.

Many of One:

TRANSITIONS - much is falling away yet you are still here.

          It is time for Humanity to know themselves on a SOUL LEVEL. We have spoken of this before. You have released much and are opening up your energy field to receive your higher self fully into the core of your being. This is a window into the vastness of yourself. Many people are beginning to search more deeply into who and what they are and why they are here at this time. You will be finding that you cannot live what is no longer your truth. It is more and more difficult to do those things that you do not resonate with, whereas in the past you were able to live a little more superficially and tolerate situations that didn’t resonate with the rhythm of your heart.


          All are being called to go more deeply into themselves and we wish to bring your attention to a place in the center of your head. Become aware of your third eye - the 6th chakra just above the center between your eyebrows. If you focus your attention there you will begin to feel a sensation - a pressure. Trace a line straight through your skull and then bring your attention to the side of your head behind your temples and trace another line through your skull. At the center, where the two lines cross is the pineal gland. The pineal gland resonates with the rhythm of the Universe and is activated by Light. Begin to see it now as a star within the center of your head. Focus on that star radiating light. This will begin to activate your inner sight.

          Now turn your attention to the star of your solar system – your sun. The sun is receiving waves of energy which it radiates outward. Connect to a beam of light from your sun and bring it directly into your pineal gland. Making that connection will help you to open up to the vastness of your being. It will help to awaken you to the vastness of your soul and your connection to the Universe for, as you know, it is no accident that you are here on Earth at this time. Look to the sun with appreciation. Lie or sit in sunlight and soak in the energy of the light. This will help to open your intuitive knowing and your inner sight. Send appreciation to the sun for this perfect set-up between Earth and Sun, creating this place for Spirit to experience itself as Human Beings. The energy of the sun is sending powerful transformative beams to Earth. Another sun exercise is to vision yourself traveling into the sun and staying within its energy. Ask the sun’s energy to burn off all that you no longer need to carry on your journey.


          The star inside your head and the awareness you bring to it and the light of the sun that you invite in will activate your connection to your purpose and will allow you to see the truth of your being and the oneness of all beings.

You are star travelers.
          There’s a vast knowingness inside of you that you are just beginning to tap into. You will witness more and more that you are creators of your journey. As you begin to trust the intuitive impulses you feel, you will find yourself navigating new pathways in every aspect of your life. The struggles that you see around you will take on a new meaning. As you detach from the drama you will begin to feel a sense of freedom.


          Challenges may arise when it is necessary for you to function in the third dimensional world but as you detach more and more you will not get caught in drama. A gentle, inner knowing will dawn and you will not be able to hide from the truth of yourself. You will know what it is that you need to do to become fully empowered. As you do so, you will begin to witness the manifestation of that which you are vibrating with more rapidly and more clearly.


          Many of you are finding that you are able to shift from feeling tone to feeling tone as you turn your focus from that which brings you fear to that which brings you happiness. This is a practice. You will still have moments where heavier feelings come into your being. This is due to the high vibrating energy bringing up feelings and thoughts which don’t resonate with your truth. You will recognize these feelings as “old” and you will begin to say “no” to them. “I do not want to feel this anymore . . .” “I do not want to create this in my life anymore.” And as you make those statements and find a moment to sit within those feelings and to focus on your breathing and bringing yourself into the moment of now, you can tune into your heart and your mind will become still.

          At times it will feel like a struggle because the mind likes to tell stories – the mind tells the stories of your past because that is all it knows. As you sit within the moment of now and cultivate the inner smile you will be able to shift out of the heavier feeling tones into a lighter . . . is-ness. And the more you do this the more you will find creative inspirations rising within you. If you take those inspirations and put them into action you will create more energy and more happiness and vitality and it will grow exponentially. And so we wish to say that when you go back into the heavier moments, you are simply releasing that which is not yourself. You will know that you are focused in the lighter realm more and more and so do not fear that you are creating more negativity… you are simply letting the old density go and you will find that you will be able to quickly move out of density.


          Many of you are here on missions - to shift those denser feelings and live within the lighter tones. As you do this, you bring more light and love onto the planet and you are amplifying and radiating that light into the atmosphere of the earth thereby assisting the planetary dimensional shift. We wish for you to know deeply that Spirit and Earth need you here to do this. To help create … to help bring the Earth and Humanity to the next level of evolution.


          These are indeed the times you have been waiting for. And as you begin to see much falling away, creating chaos, creating more fear, we wish for you to celebrate these changes. We wish for you to become less attached to what might be happening in the future. We wish for you to find delight in the changes that are occurring and to know that whatever changes are happening in your lives it is for a greater unfoldment of the empowerment of humanity. You are on a path towards your sovereignty. And in that new world, you will collaborate together and co-create in a healthy, organic way, a world of peace and joy. For this is your birthright and this is what you came here to do.

          We also wish for you to know that the prayers and comfort and love that you send out to people of the word who are suffering… it is very helpful, it is very… blessed. It is very beautiful indeed. Your thoughts go out into the world, each and every thought you think. They don’t just disappear… they are energy and they hold the seeds of creation within them. So if you have negative thoughts, you can send out beams of light to transform them when you are ready to do so.

These are times of miracles and wonder.


          Focusing on the sun and the pineal gland and the star light shining there will also help you to open your minds, to open your energy fields to receive new visions and inspiration and it will bring in a new feeling of who you are. It will bring in a stronger feeling tone to your energetic signature. Within this process it is important to bring your focus into your heart, away from your mind. The incessant talking in your head will begin to decrease as you embody a deeper knowing. As you tune into the center of the core of your being and send your grounding chord down into the earth, you will be able to flush out that which you no longer wish to carry. The thoughts that you no longer wish to have can be released instantly.


          You will begin to see, as well, many more people in your world questioning who they are - beginning to look inward. Many people are being forced into this focus because aspects of their lives that they identified with are falling away – they are losing their identity. Many of you who are reading this are the Wayshowers for those who are beginning to awaken. Many of you are teachers. It is time to step into your purpose in that way. Teaching takes many forms. Teaching is not necessarily a job or standing in front of groups of people, sharing what you’ve learned, it is also simply living and being your truth and speaking openly about your awakening experience.


          We also wish to remind you that there is no judgment! Humans are the cruelest judges of themselves. It is essential to bring yourself into a space of loving yourself and not criticizing yourself. This is where it begins. Love yourselves enough to receive direction, information and guidance from your Higher Self and from your Spirit Guides, the non physical beings that have been assigned to you or hired by you to assist you in this journey. These are relationships that were set up before you came into the physical. You come from much more open spaces. Coming onto the Earth plane in the density… it is very different here than where you come from.


          Remembrance of who you are happens when you leave this body. The remembrance of who you are and why you are here. That remembrance will begin to happen to you without you leaving your physical body. This is the Awakening that is happening. It is a very wondrous time to be on Earth. When you feel fear, you get sucked into a dense vortex and you think, “this is all there is” and then you feel the fear of being afraid and it grows and grows until something happens – a light goes on within you – a reminder that you are afraid of something that doesn’t exist and you have to bring yourself back to yourself, back to your NOW where you can change the focus of your attention instantly. Your ability to make this shift will happen more swiftly as you realize you are letting go of that which is no longer in your vibrational vortex. As you observe what is happening the connection to the drama dissolves.


          There is much restructuring and rearranging going on. We see this on an energetic level as some things breaking down and disappearing and new things rising and growing up. Do not get too caught up as to what is happening in the world of government. There will be new ideas, and road blocks and ways of getting around. And that struggle will be happening for awhile. Do not get too caught up in the news that you hear or read. Do not take it into your emotional body. Remain as an observer… Detach yourself and continue to RAISE the VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY within YOU, for that is how you, every one of you, are changing the world from within. Again we say observe what is happening on the governmental level but do not feed into the dense thought forms and frustrations. Keep the inner smile within you and keep focusing in the light and radiating your truth.


          Sending out a feeling tone of what you want this world to feel like and focusing on waves of joy and freedom will help to take you beyond the struggles of the past. For what you will be seeing is the new establishing itself as the old falls away. There will be resistance. Continue to hold that space of glory and grace and know that by doing so; it will take you beyond the struggles and drama of the present time. Trust.
Trust your intuition, trust that up ahead is a peaceful world where creativity abounds as all people begin to realize that they are creating their future in every moment and they will begin to play with that and see results and this is how you move into your empowerment.

Thanks To:


Leadership, Service and Spirituality...does it matter?

Leadership, Service and Spirituality...does it matter?
a message from Celia Fenn

      So, here I am again with this topic that just doesn't seem to want to go away right now. It seems to be something that needs to be addressed, and strangely enough, it is Obama that is bringing this to the surface. I think we are experiencing a deep healing of the collective psyche around the issues of leadership and service, and yes, spirituality. Because they are interconnected in the continuum of our lives, and because what happens in the USA tends to have reverberations in the western world.
So lets start with the American psyche and the issues of leadership that Obama is bringing up in people. I find that Americans who are spiritually aware have two responses to Obama. The one is a kind of glamorized idealization, where he is seen as a kind of Messiah. The other is the opposite pole, where he is viewed with grave distrust and seen as no more than a continuation of the old dark ways. I believe that David icke has already "proved" that Obama is working for the "dark side".

     I am going to suggest that what is at issue here is how we view leadership and power, and a healing of the deep wounds in the American psyche that go back to Watergate and Nixon. At this time, the Leader was found to be corrupt and dishonest and was successfully removed from power. This was unfortunately true of Nixon, but it created a pattern of political distrust and paranoia that has followed practically every President since. There seems to have arisen a culture of politics that is interested only in highly destructive power politics, in which aggression and oppositon to the person in power is in order if you don't like them, and idolization if you do. The whole thing is played out in the media, and people take positions according to what "appears" to align with their current point of political and spiritual view.

     Now, I get mails from people who assume that because I write about Obama in positive terms, I must belong to the idolization camp. Sorry, but not true. As an outsider, I consider Obama to be a gifted and capable leader, and the best choice America could have made right now. Of course he represents a significant change of direction. When last did the American people choose a leader of color with a history in community service? That alone holds out great hope for significant change! But, I am of the opinion that you judge a leader by his or her performance, and Obama is still in the wings on that one. He hasn't even been there for a month yet, and it is still far too early to make judgements of any kind on his leadership ability as a President or what it may mean. Of course, there is his track record, very positive, and his community work, that suggests that he may indeed be a capable leader and a good one. One able to lead America to and through the gate of 2012.

Why is that important?
     Well, I was talking to my Spiritual partner on the phone last night, and he reminded me that 2012 will be the culmination of the significant shifts that we are moving through right now. We are recreating the Planet as a New Earth, and the changes that we make now will determine whether we, as a whole, will be of a high enough frequency to pass through this "gate" as a Planet. I believe, personally, that every person alive today has the opportunity to make that passage, and that the choices that we make now will be crucial to raising global frequency sufficiently to make this a New Earth for everyone.

     But, in this phase of the "Now", we are still healing the Watergate scars, and the Vietnam scars...and the other "shocks" that entered the psyche of the "superpower" as we began the big shift back in the seventies. Now, just as we are rediscovering that we need to grow food like we did "back then", with respect for the soil and the water in order to keep our bodies healthy, we are discovering that we need to build community through respect for leadership in order to keep our social body healthy and viable. The tremendous technological and social changes we have passed through as a collective have left us in a state of collective "post traumatic stress", as we struggle to come up to speed with who and what we are now. And, learning to trust our collective leadership and to work with that leadership while still holding it accountable to the rule of law, is what will determine whether we can raise the frequency in our society and in our collective being. But we will need to release the paranoia and the distrust and be prepared to serve and to support those who serve.

     When we can trust our leadership, we will trust the leadership in ourselves. When we can serve others, we will begin to trust those that serve us. Because it will no longer be a media and politics mental "game", it will be part of our lives and part of our spiritual service. And maybe when we can trust ourselves and our inner Light and Divinity enough, we will cease to look heavenward waiting for the redeemer who will save us, and start to trust our own innate Spiritual essence and truly believe that "we are the ones we have been waiting for". All of us, not just the Dalai Lama and Barack Obama....but each one of us on the Planet today.

     It is not easy...and just to show you what I mean I would like to share something of my own experience with community leadership and power politics. When I first became involved with the community I support, I joined a group that seemed to be made of of people with high ideals, ecology, sustainability and community upliftment. I went to some of the meetings and I liked what I was hearing. But unfortunately, that was as far as it went. There was lots and lots of talk that went round and round, but very little to show for all the talk. There were issues of money misappropriation and who was responsible. The "usual" stuff. After a while, as I suggested new projects, I became the focus of a power struggle in the group. I was considered to be a newcomer, and it was perceived that I had an "agenda" that was obviously to enrich myself, since this particular group were there with that agenda. So they became obstructive and started to oppose everything I suggested. The climax came when we decided to work towards creating a garden for the soup kitchen that I was supporting at that time. I asked for a plan of the work to be undertaken and a schedule of working times so that we could co-ordinate our efforts. The response was that I was trying to control them, and they refused to co-operate. The garden never materialized, and after all the "talk" the community was left with nothing. At that point I moved on and began to work with my present Organizer in an independent project.

     I was dismayed at the time that was wasted in power struggles and ego trips and talk, by people who considered themselves to be community leaders. The idea of "service" and "accountability" had given way to ego and power and money. And, it seems like that is where we are mostly in our political and community life. A very low vibration. And we have a few years to lift that to a new level of community support and oneness. And yes...enter Barack Obama.....world leader. I do not think Obama's work is to solve all the problems America has. If he can, however, instill a new ethic of community support and awareness into the American psyche, and heal the paranoia and mistrust so that people can work with him and trust him, then he will have made a huge change and created great healing that will benefit us all. This is what I expect from Obama, this is what his background is mostly about. And this will create a platform for a higher frequency of government and leadership.

     And why it matters to us, is that we as Lightworkers are here to assist in raising the frequency of consciousness as we move towards 2012. We can do this by the leadership and service that we offer to our community and by the example that we set. Will we continue with the low frequency politics of duality and power, or will we begin to help to create a society where we can live and experience the true nature of the "one" within our collective. And that does not mean that we are all about to fall into a world dominated by America like a huge prison camp, as some surmise. The nature of "oneness" is always diversity and mutliplexity, for the Law of One is made up of the Laws of "the One and the Many" and "The Many and the One", complex expressions of soul family and diversity within the Divine Expression of the Totality of Life on Earth.

     It matters because we are changing, from day to day, and we are learning to express who we are in new ways. Even our spiritual understandings and beliefs are changing as we embrace who we are as "Masters of Light" and the co-creators of our own destiny here on Earth. It is what we chose to come here to experience at this time.

© 2006-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.