Your Spiritual Mirror
by Lucille Ann Meltz
What happens when you look at your reflection?
Do you see all beauty and perfection of your physical being
or do you find fault with aspects of your face or body?
If you look deeply into your own eyes,
is there a sense of peace or inklings of turmoil?
If you focus on one feature
do you find it intriguing or disappointing?
When you have a positive experience looking at yourself do you rejoice and claim that for yourself, or do you believe it is just an excellent mirror? And when you find aspects that do not please you, do you then consider how to accept them or improve them, or do you blame the mirror for being a poor reflector?
Now consider the possibility that all of life, every person you meet, every situation in which you find yourself also offers you a mirror to see your own reflection on an inner level...a reflection beyond the physical. The reflection of your innermost emotional life, your soul’s yearnings, your deepest beliefs and patterns of being, your conscious and unconscious thoughts.
How would you see that reflection?
Would you be able to see it as a gift,
an opportunity to know yourself better?
Would you be able to honor the parts of you that you find appealing and seek to transform those that do not serve you?
Or would you instead compliment or blame the mirror?
When you meet someone who challenges you emotionally through his behavior or words, whose actions perhaps cause you to reflect on your feelings be it anger, sadness, discouragement, rejection, or joy, then you are being given a look into that mirror. Perhaps a part of you is present in that person that you are seeing. Or perhaps the person you have attracted to you is here to show you the feelings about yourself and your life that you still need to understand or release in order to live more abundantly. You can only see what is already there within your own self, already operating or not, but nonetheless present on some level.
When someone upsets you because she is not being kind to you, what part of you has also behaved unkindly to another? If a friend annoys you with trivial habits, where is the judge in you that trivializes your own life? Do you stay open to the possibility that the casual stranger who genuinely smiles at you and makes your morning more blessed is also the part of you that can bring the gift of simple love to another?
If we live in the spiritual belief that we are all one,
all connected there is no doubt
that each of us reflects something in another.
We cannot be separate, we cannot be apart...
we can only demonstrate what is.
And the Universe acts as a huge reflector of that reality.
To every situation, to every person you meet or are with, you bring yourself..your own unique history, belief system, patterns of reacting and concepts of the world. This is your filter, your perspective and no-one, no-one has the same exact total perspective that you do. When you are in awareness of that perspective, that filter and all the myriad emotions and responses you carry with it, you can live in conscious choice..transforming your life as you desire.
Your soul is constantly providing you with opportunities to see that filter through the situations that you may take personally or that create drama in your life or a strong response or judgement. When we live without awareness we see these situations as simply situations, haphazard, perhaps coincidental, that occur randomly in our lives. That is when we blame others, become angry at the world, or try to reason through what went wrong or why something happened to us. But as we understand that the outer world is merely a reflection of our inner world we realize that people and events do not happen to us, they happen for us. We drew them to us for our higher good, for our understanding, for the evolution of our consciousness.
Your total perspective is unique to you, but the elements of any perspective are universal to the human spirit. We all experience pain and we all know fear, doubt, love and yearn for freedom. Everyday aspects of the universal mind and spirit are available to you in the individuals who come into your life and speak to your through the language of the soul. You experience that language usually through your emotions when you feel something as a response to another. It is your interpretation of that feeling that brings you to a crossroads. Do you choose the path of looking outside of yourself or do you choose to look within for the reflection your mirror presents you? The first path blames the mirror which is truly only a mirror of your life, which has no existence without you. The second choice brings you to the inner you that is demanding to be known, to be freed to live in integrity with your soul’s desires.
So the next time you look into life’s mirror, ask yourself, what do I truly see here? Where is this in my own life, heart, behavior, self abuse or neglect? What do I see here about me that I am needing to claim or release? And you may begin to be grateful for the abundance of expansive life that this spiritual mirror offers.
Your Spiritual Mirror
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As you look in the mirror you see within a reflection, a sadness and a disappointment. A sadness that proclaims, somehow you have failed the universe, somehow you have failed the Creator and somehow you have failed your soul. That unsettling thought has not nor could not, ever be possible.
You shall never be judged in the shortness of your aim as you see it and view it from a human perspective.
For as you aim at your heart and soul’s desires– there cannot ever be the element of missing your mark.
For just by the heartfelt intent of moving into any doorway, any experience means that you have succeeded.
It is only the littleness of the self that keeps you doubting and fretting and looking at all of the mountains that you have not climbed, instead of the mountain that you have succeeded in climbing.
The first mountain that you climb is being brave enough to incarnate on earth.
Do not allow the energies of Earth to belittle you and beat you down into a pulp fiction.
For within the eyes of the Creator you are grand and you have already succeeded.
It is the self that proposes things are different.
Do not be seduced by the energies of the self and the ego.
The human element tends to scream louder than any divinity within. The divinity within you is quiet, subdued and yet grand. It does not to scream or announce itself, for it is comfortable within its own skin.
All of you are Grand Masters of Light and Creation don’t ever forget that. Not only are you initiating this creation for yourself, but also for all the higher dimensional shifts of self. You are constantly announcing and pronouncing these creations on multiple levels.
If you find that the blueprints within soul no longer serve you –
then re-write the script of your creation.
Let go of all that you have held unto in the past. Explore a new doorway, a new thought, a new avenue. If you find out what you are nesting on is not manifesting, then change the molecules around it. Do not get stuck in a permanent nesting mode do not beat yourself up.
The only thing that is asked of you is that you love what you are creating.
Don’t see it as a chore and become downtrodden in that creation.
If you are not loving what you are manifesting, stop manifesting it until you love it again or until you love it from a different height, a different longitude, and a different latitude.
Finding The Joy In Your Universe

Finding The Joy In Your Universe
by Vidya Ishaya
"Except ye become as little children,
ye cannot enter the Kingdom of God"
Remember that one?
Did you ever see little children playing in a sandbox or on the beach? They create wonderful castles, great monuments, roads and aqueducts between cities in their sandbox. They create their own worlds of sand.
But then with glee and hand-clapping, they kick their castles to dust, destroy their roads, eliminate their aqueducts and start all over again with nothing but a blank pile of sand, happily creating another universe.
Can you imagine a child stressing out because the sand palace starts to erode as the waves come to chip away at it? Well, maybe a little. But how long does she hold onto it? Does she start building a wave blocker? When the rain comes, does she design a roof to protect her creation? Does a child imagine he's safe if a building stands, but becomes fearful for his own existence if the building starts falling?
No. Children don't try to hold on to anything. They let whatever happens happen. Yes, they are the creators of their play universe, but they're the maintainers and also the destroyers of their creation, all in great fun, pleasure and enjoyment.
What is the Difference...
Between the Outlook of a Child and That of an Adult?
As adults, we�ve been taught just how important and significant it is to hold on to our creations and never let them deteriorate. It's great to build a house or an organization, but it's not great when it starts to change (and it's especially bad when there's a threat of dissolution.) The more we can hold onto "exactly the way things should be," then we're sure we�re safe and secure. And very happy, right?
Well, not exactly. What we actually see and experience is that the more we hold on, the more we try to keep things exactly as they are, as they've always been, the more we suffer. Because it is the nature of the universe (and everything in it) to be created, maintained for a while, and then destroyed. Everything! But this does not have to be a source of suffering. Not at all!
The truth is you create your world around you. And you maintain it. And you destroy it. Consider the body you reside in. You imagine that you have to keep it safe at all times, to prevent it from being injured or destroyed at all costs. The keyword here is "imagine." We imagine that we know the truth. We imagine that we know what's going on all around us when the real truth is something different than we imagine.
In truth, we create our body, we maintain it for awhile, and then we choose to leave it, exactly at the perfect moment according to a choice we made long ago. And this is precisely what is happening to everything else in our universe.
When you let go, and experience the world as a child experiences the sandbox, then you are open to the Truth: what is real never ends. The reality is that you are eternally the master of creation -- and destruction. You create, you enjoy your creation for awhile and then you dissolve it, so that you can do it all over again. Forever.
Why?Does Nothing Matter?
Isn't Anything Significant?
Look at what was on the earth 10,000 years ago. Look at what's here now. Imagine what will be here 10,000 years from now. All totally different, all totally changed. What does that mean about all the things we hold dear, all that has such importance to us? Do we just give up in frustration because the world is meaningless and nothing matters?
No. Of course not. We once again become as little children and see the joy, the beauty, the fun in what we've created right now. And then we let it all go, in glee, like the child who destroys his sand castle with a bucket of water. Because we know we can create again, always fresh, always new, with a burst of excitement and enjoyment.
What it all comes down to is: 'what do you choose? 'Do you choose to hold on tightly to everything exactly as it always has been, experiencing stress, sorrow and frustration when everything begins to change, as it must? Or do you choose to live life from a place of joy and laughter, happily accepting everything as it unfolds in front of you, whether it looks like creation or destruction?
It really is just a simple choice,and everyone is making the choice,in every moment....What do you choose?