Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy

Once, a friend told me the following story: There was a person diagnosed with an incurable disease, who was given only a little while to live. He decided that if he was going to die so soon, he might as well have as good a time as he could until the end arrived. So he made a point of gathering around him all sorts of comedy movies, and began to watch reel after reel, a movie a night, sometimes more, determined to laugh all the way to the grave and to fill his last nights with enjoyment and pleasure, rather than fear and misery. Somehow, my friend told me, the laughter broke the back of the doom, changed something inside the man, carried off the pain and hopelessness, the heaviness and stress, lifted the energy of death off of him; somehow, the laughter lightened up his soul and cleansed his body, allowed life to have a second chance inside of him...
He shook, he cried, he howled, till he was healed by his new doctors: Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and Laurel and Hardy…

While "laughter therapy" is never recommended as a substitute for "proper medical treatment", it surely is a welcome addition to our tool kit of personal health resources. More and more, the interrelatedness of physical health and mental states is becoming documented and accepted by the modern medical establishment which once dismissed the wisdom of ancient cultures that always understood the connection between the body and the soul; between the flesh and the spirit. Within this rediscovered paradigm, laughter is now becoming increasingly recognized as a tremendous stress-reducer and as a restorer of the human life-force: as a power that can break us free of the grip of defeatism, anxiety and depression, which suppress the human immune system and breed illness; as a power that can stop the momentum of diseases that take advantage of our down-states and unrelieved gravity, and which can therefore tip the scales of health back in our favor...

In my own life, I’ve learned the value of a sense of humor, and the value of a good laugh. I’m quite sure they’ve literally saved my life. When a wounded man, when an overburdened man, dares to remain faithful to the beauty of life which persists even in the midst of sorrows and absurdity, and when he dares to express this faith with a laugh, the grim reaper stands back. The chi of humor puts balance back into the fading body; the falling soul is caught. With a sense of humor, well-exercised and well-fed, the body remains buoyant, it floats in the dark water of life’s disappointments, and does not sink. The heaviness does not congeal into illness, or persist as illness, because the sense of humor has carried it away...

Fully believing in the value of laughter therapy, I implore you all to counter that part of your sorrow which is unbearable (beyond that part that is necessary as the bringer of depth and wisdom), with humor; to seek out movies, books, comedy shows, and people who can help you to enjoy life, and to have a good time again...

excerpts from:rainsnow. org



Embracing the Shadow


Embracing the Shadow
by Altazar Rossiter, Ph D


Light and dark are frequently used to represent the basic polarity of good and evil. The shadow is the indeterminate space between light and dark where one shades into the other, the deeper the shadow the darker the nature of what lives there. The shadow is also a term that originates in Jungian psychology and which refers to a nebulous unconscious repository of what we fear and dislike in ourselves..

Wherever there is a shadow it is cast by something standing in the way of the light. The brighter the sun shines, the harder the shadows. And when the light is really bright it can be difficult, if not impossible, to see anything beyond the intensity of the glare. When we want to see clearly in bright sunshine we seek the shade to look out from, and if we can't find any we create some with a hand to the eyes. So our physical experience of the phenomena of light and dark is that we can see things more clearly by standing in the shadow..

This is an allegory that is very useful for the inner process. The more the light of the soul shines through, the clearer will be the issues that inhabit the shadow, but we have to stand in the shade in order to see these clearly. We have to stop looking the other way..

The trouble is when we look into our shadow most of us see things we not only wish weren't there, but often things we are thoroughly ashamed of. Because of the intensity of the shame our automatic impulse is to bury its cause so deep within that this can never again see the light of day. This enables us to continue living with ourselves, but the truth lurks somewhere within and we know it..

What lives in the shadow is everything that we reject about ourselves, everything we refuse to love. This is every aspect of our existence that fails to comply with the ideal social specification of our self-identity. We are terrified it will be discovered and cause our downfall. We pretend it doesn't exist, but we know it's there, full of resentment for its denial, that's why there's such a widespread fear of the dark. But deep transformation occurs when we embrace what we fear..

A spiritually intelligent perspective understands that the shadow is the facilitator of our growth. Its very existence is a sign that there is a purpose to our being here, that we have a job to do. When issues begin to surface out of the shadow it's not a sign that something is wrong, but quite the reverse. It's a sign that we are holding more of our light. The light is simply showing us where it is still blocked. We are being guided to the next step in the process of self-empowerment. Convention says we must find an answer so the problem goes away, wisdom says the problem is my friend trying to tell me something I'm reluctant to hear..

Whenever the possibility arises that something we've consigned to the shadow in this way might be revealed to us - or worse, to others - we are likely to experience the emotional responses of fear and anger. Owing to the supreme efficiency of our denial processes, we are normally in a condition of blissful ignorance of what's been hidden in the shadow. Our emotional responses can therefore be intensely reactive. This is the surest sign that we've uncovered an aspect of ourselves that requires understanding and compassion - something that really is me but which is incongruent with the self-image I hold..

The key to transforming all of the issues lurking in the shadow is the principle of presence. By staying present with anything that arises, remaining aware of our breathing and letting any feelings express, we eventually feel the sadness locked into the part of ourselves we consigned to the shadow. We feel its mistrust, its fear and its abject loneliness. Simply allowing this to be is a process of acceptance, recognizing that it is all ok brings us a step closer to a realization of self-mastery. This is not necessarily easy, it takes courage and persistence..

From this perspective the shadow can be seen as the friend it truly is. It is only waiting for us to love it. The issues it will then show us are the keys to self-empowerment. This is its gift..

To be truly conscious we must embrace the potential of the shadow individually and collectively. For as long as we continue to deny it, it will keep manifesting destructively in an increasingly less convenient manner. The shadow provides us with the raw material and the opportunity to transmute fear into love. One of the greatest services we can offer is to engage with this process. Just opening up to the possibility that this is a valid assessment of the dynamic of the shadow is a huge shift out of the consensus rut. Giving intent to clear our shadow is the next step... Continuing this journey is to follow our own light, which will ultimately shine unimpeded!


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+++ G O S S I P +++

Gossip, Nobody's Friend

My name is gossip. I have no respect for justice.

I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives.

I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.

The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.

I flourish at every level of society.

My victims are helpless.

They cannot protect themselves against me...

because I have no name and no face.

To track me down is impossible.

The harder you try, the more elusive I become.

I am nobody's friend.

Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.

I topple governments and wreck marriages.

I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights,

heartache, and indigestion.

I spawn suspicion and generate grief.

I make innocent people cry on their pillows.

Even my name hisses. I am called gossip, party gossip,

Telephone/Internet gossip, and don't forget church gossip.

I make headlines and headaches.

Before you repeat a story,
ask yourself, is it true?

Is it fair?

Is it necessary?

If not, keep it to yourself!.

Let’s say you’ve just heard a juicy rumor about someone . It may not be true, but it’s too good to keep to yourself. Your first instinct is to hop online and IM it to all your friends. We’ve all had that kind of urge. But why? Here are some possible reasons:

To feel superior

When people are feeling bad about themselves, they sometimes think they’ll feel better if there were someone worse off than they are. It’s like, it’s okay being near the bottom, as long as they’re not actually on the bottom. The easiest way for them to make sure someone else is on the bottom is to make up a rumor that puts him or her there.

To feel like part of the group

If everybody else is gossiping or spreading rumors, you might feel you have to do the same thing in order to fit in. When you’re “in on the secret,” you’re in the group. Unfortunately, the person who the gossip or rumor is about is usually left out of the group for the same reason that you’re let into it.

For attention

When you know a secret that nobody knows, or are the first person in your group to hear a rumor, it can make you the center of attention. A rumor or piece of gossip is sometimes like money; telling it to people is like buying their attention, if only for a few minutes. You might even save up a really scandalous rumor, waiting for the right moment to blab so you get the maximum amount of attention
for it.

For control or power

Certain people always want to be in control and at the top of the ladder. You probably know at least one person who needs to be the leader, say what goes, and make all the decisions. When people are at the top of the popularity scale, or are determined to climb higher, one way they do this is by reducing the “status” of another person. Spreading rumors and gossip is one of the main ways people reduce another person’s status, especially among girls. It’s like one caveman beating up another caveman for control of the tribe…only it’s done with cruel whispers and petty remarks instead of fists.

Out of jealousy or a need for revenge

If you’re jealous of someone’s looks, popularity, or money, you might gossip about that person in order to hurt him or her. If you feel that someone’s done something bad to you, or deserves to be hurt, making up a rumor might satisfy your sense of justice.

Out of boredom

Did you know that in many studies, this was the #1 reason why young people say they spread rumors? Sometimes, a period where everyone is happy and getting along just seems kind of…dull. Spreading juicy dish might shake things up a bit, or get two people to start a fight, and that would make life a little more exciting. All those tabloid newspapers and TV shows full of celebrity gossip are pure proof that rumors are a popular form of entertainment.

Avoiding gossip means taking a close look at how you currently become involved in gossip. Ask yourself questions like:

  1. Do I initiate discussions about work colleagues, job performance, personal lives?

  2. Do I initiate discussions based on second hand information?

  3. Do I consider the comments I make about others to be of real value to the workplace culture and environment?

  4. Do I repeat personal conversations?

  5. Am I involved in 'fuelling' hostility between others?

  6. Can I be trusted to 'keep' a confidential conversation?

  7. Do I sometimes give confidential information to another because I feel as their 'friend' they should know?

    What's your score?

Exploring Your Psychic Type

Exploring Your Psychic Type
by Sherrie Dillard M. Div.

The ancient Chinese text, “The Tao Te Ching” is the most translated classic of all time next to the Bible. It was written somewhere around 300 BC and attributed to Lao Tzu, the great Chinese philosopher. It is the source of the legendary saying “Without going out of doors one may know the whole world; without looking out of the window, one may see the Way of Heaven. The further one travels, the less one may know. Thus it is that without moving you shall know; without looking you shall see; without doing you shall achieve.”

Perhaps this is a reference to our innate intuitive ability, our inner resource of knowing, seeing, and being. Our intuition, when developed, blossoms into extrasensory or psychic perception, revealing to us a rich vast inner reservoir of possibilities and potential. We may indeed access all of the world through turning within.

We all have innate intuitive ability. It is so much a part of us that we tend to not notice the subtle ways that we receive information about ourselves and the world around us. Our intuitive sensing is interwoven within our daily reactions and interactions, so much so that it is not always immediately obvious that our intuitive sensors are guiding us in our many daily decisions and concerns. Becoming psychic is in a way simply becoming aware of our intuitive tendencies and focusing our energy and attention to further developing them.

We interpret and interact with the world in a variety of ways. Some people are highly visual. They connect with their environment primarily through their sense of sight. They notice detail, color and prefer to learn through observation. Other people are acute listeners. They respond to noises, sounds as they are primarily auditory. Some people are more kinesthetic. They learn and understand the world more through physical sensation and touch. Our approach to intuitive and psychic development is also specific and varied.

The four major modalities that we utilize to connect with psychic energy are our emotions, our mental perception, our physical bodies and our spiritual awareness. With each of these modalities comes specific ways of connecting to psychic energy.

Emotional intutives are highly empathetic, and emotionally telepathic and clairvoyant. Pauline sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night with waves of feelings washing over her. She recalls conversations and interactions with people who she has talked to during the day. Emotions and feelings such as sadness, anxiety or even happiness fill her. She has come to recognize that what she feels as she lies there in the dark are not only her own emotions, but also the feelings of those who she has connected with during the day. Even brief encounters seem to affect her.

Mental intuitives receive psychic energy through mental telepathy, clairvoyance and spontaneous knowing. They naturally attune themselves to others thoughts and ideas and they can be prophets who intuit the future of cultural, medical, and scientific innovations and developments.

Derrick is a successful business owner. He has a special knack for predicting the popular trends in his design business and he always seems to be in the right place at the right time for business opportunities. Before the busyness of the day Derrick prepares himself by sitting quietly and clearing his head, he is then able to tune into and act on his inner knowing throughout the day

Physical intutives pick up psychic energy primarily through their bodies and do extremely well with psychometry, which is the ability to receive impressions and information through objects. Kara works as a massage therapist. As she works with her clients, smoothing out the tightness and tension in their muscles, she trusts her hands to guide her. Over the many years of massaging people she has found that her hands somehow know where the body may be holding pain, sadness or anxiety. When she gently touches these areas she often sees flashes and images of her client in challenging situations. Kara then imagines love and healing moving through her hands to them.

Spiritual intuitives often receive energy in a more ethereal way. The may have visions, precognitive dreams and they may be able to sense spirits or people who have passed to the other side. Jared always felt a special kinship with his grandfather. When he was young he would spend his summers with him on his farm. When his grandfather died a few years ago he left Jared the farm and over eighty acres of land. Jared knew that it was impractical for him to leave his job in the city and move the rural location. But he couldn’t bring himself to sell the beloved property. He asked his grandfather in spirit for a sign to let him know what his wishes for the future of the farm. The next day a neighboring farmer called Jared and asked him if he was interested in selling the property to him to increase his pasture land. To Jared this was the sign that he was waiting for.

Our psychic type interprets the world around us and it can also be our guide into the inner mystical realms, as it reveals to us our unique spiritual capabilities and purpose. When intuition is focused within, higher states of spiritual awareness and a conscious connection of oneness with all of life permeates our consciousness.

For the emotional intuitive this is the journey through the path of the heart as they are naturally attuned to divine states of love and service to others. Mental intutives are evolving from ego to enlightenment. They are inclined to be truth-seekers on a path of transformation of consciousness. Their task is to open their mind to divine illumination, instead of just recycling their own thoughts and biases. Their minds can be attuned to the super-conscious, absorbing truth and possibility. For the physical intuitive the journey is that of the divine made physical. They witness the divine in all living things and they have the natural gift of channeling healing to others through their touch. The spiritual intuitive is attuned to the higher realms of essence and pure spirit. They bring to this world the gift of transcendence and the ability to be in this world but not of it.


Sherrie Dillard M.Div. is a psychic-medium clairvoyant, author and teacher with an international client list. She has been a professional psychic and medium for over twenty years. She has been featured on television and radio for her work as a psychic detective and medium. She is the author of Discover Your Psychic Type (Llewellyn Worldwide). Sherrie is available to teach and discus this innovative approach to developing psychic-spiritual awareness through type.