"Y O U D O N 'T K N O W W H O Y O U A R E."
Do you know who you are?
Most folks, when they're asked the question "Do you know who you are?"answer something like this:
"Screw you! Of course I know who I am!"
Yet when the question is "Okay, then . . . who are you?"then answers can often start to wear a little thin.- because maybe, just maybe, most folks are wrong.
But maybe not. So to try to get down to the bottom of things,we, your fearless, dedicated, and ever-so cuddly LiveReal Agents decided to offer a few thought experiments for us all to have fun with . . .
Think of a phrase we often use: "self-control." Think of a phrase we often use: "self-discipline." Think of another phrase we often use: "self-esteem" Why is it such a cliche - that is muttered by almost everyone at some point, even the poets of big-hair 80's rock bands: "Don't know what you've got . . . till it's gone"? It seems that compared to every single other person on the planet, we should know the sound of our own voice better than literally anyone. After all, every single time we mutter a word, we're there to hear it. Why is it that, according to a recent study of 11,000 people, "only one out of every four low-carb dieters "are actually significantly cutting carbs"? Why is it that things like parachute pants, neon shoelaces, afros, movies made before the 1960's, Wham videos - essentially, things that now seem utterly ridiculous to us - only seem ridiculous to us now, decades later . . . when back then, they actually seemed cool? Do you take personality tests? Do you take quizzes in Cosmo, Self, or Why? - especially if you already know "who you are"? One might think that parents ought to know their own children better than anyone else in the world. Yet if this is the case, why is it that a recent study suggests that "Parents don't see obesity in their children," and "A third of mothers and 57 percent of dads actually saw their obese child as normal"? Why is it that often we can solve everyone else's problems . . . but not our own? Why is it that we're often so terrified of "intimacy"? Could it be that during moments of intimacy, when we're vulnerable, another person sees us in a way that we don't see ourselves . . . and so it threatens our idea of who we are? Think of the people who are in the "other" political party, the one you're not in, the party/parties you're against. They seem to think they know who they are (nice, patriotic, good, honest folks) - but you see them for who they really are - lying, cheating, no-good dirty rats. So then, in your view, it's safe to say that you think they don't know who they really are. (And, most likely, they see you the same way). Folks often do things they regret later, or even say "I don't know why I did that" or "I don't know what came over me." Why? Have you seen "The Sixth Sense"? Most of the main characters in the movie didn't "know who they were" . . . dead people who didn't know they were dead . . . Why is it that girls can often see - clearly, plainly, and obviously - what a total jerk their friends' boyfriend is . . . yet are utterly and completely blind about the jerk they're dating? If we all know who we are, why are personality tests - MMPI, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, etc, etc so popular? In many marriages - even happy ones - many folks eventually confess that "I had know idea who I was really marrying." Is is possible not just that they didn't know who their spouse was . . . but that the spouse themselves didn't know who they were themselves? Why do so many of us - actors, everyone at Halloween, and especially young children - love pretending to be somebody else? "Addicts" - alcoholics, drug users, couch potatoes - are notorious for being in "denial," a state where everyone around them know that they're an addict . . . except for them. In other words, everyone around them apparently knows them better than they know themselves. So, do any people around you think that you're in denial, about anything? Is there a chance that they know who you are better than you know yourself? Why is it that psychics can know secrets about other people . . . but can't do it for themselves? Consider moments when somebody calls you a name - Say somebody calls you "Stinkyface." It hurts your feelings. If you know who you are - if you know that you are truly not a "Stinkyface" - why does it hurt your feelings? (Maybe . . . aside from the hurt of somebody thinking bad of you, you also have your feelings hurt because of the possibility that you really suspect that you might really be a Stinkyface). Think of your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/best friends, and their most annoying, irritating habits that drive you crazy. Chances are that they do something you consider "irrational" which they won't stop doing it. Is there a chance that, at least in this way, you would claim to know them better than they know themselves? . . . and would they say the same thing about you? Do you read astrology? Is it just because you want to, say, predict the future, or find out if you're destined for either love or years of loneliness . . . or could it be because you don't know who you are, and want to find out? If you work in an office, think of all your office-mates/coworkers. Now think of all the gossip, stories, annoying habits, secrets, and talk you've heard about them. Most likely, what folks talk about in the office regard actions/annoying habits/personality traits that the other folks (the ones being gossiped about) don't know they have - they're totally blind to it. So then, in your view, it's safe to say that you think they - most of your office-mates - don't really know who they are. A key ingredient of good movies entails us identifying with one of the characters in the movie. Most of us really enjoy going to good movies. Why do we enjoy pretending - even if we know it's a complete fantasy - that we're somebody else? Why has the Army had so much success with the slogan "Be all that you can be?" Is there some sense that people have that somehow, they aren't "all that they can be?" And why is it that more specific phrases - "Do more than you can do" or "Do different things than you're doing now" or "Earn money for college" - isn't nearly as inspiring? Why is it that people who we think are really crazy actually think they're sane, and it's everyone else who is crazy? Why is "human potential" such an interesting, powerful phrase? Evidently, many folks sense that we are able to do or become much more, somehow, than we currently are? Many folks buy very expensive, super-fancy clothes, cars, houses, watches, socks, etc? Why? Many folks say that they're trying to "prove" something - that they're important, superior, rich, are high-status, that they matter, that they're somebody, etc? If they actually are important, superior, high-status, if they truly do matter, etc etc . . . why do they need to "prove" it? Socrates is still respected today, over 2,500 years after he died, as a wise man. What did he do? He went around questioning folks who thought they were wise, and exposing that they actually weren't as wise as they thought - in other words, that they thought that they were something they actually weren't. (they killed him for this). Would it be safe to say, then, that the folks Socrates questioned, then, didn't know who they were? The Oracle of Delphi, who was no slouch as far as intelligence goes - in fact, was widely believed to be the spokesperson for gods - said "Know Thyself" - and in fact, believed it so strongly that it was carved in marble in the Temple. If we actually already know ourselves . . . then why did the Oracle feel the need to do that? Why is it that the proper chance, an eye - like what you're staring out of right now - can, given the proper instruments, see everything in the universe . . . except for itself?(It can see a reflection of itself, say, in a mirror - but that's not really itself, it's a reflection). Given the proper chance, an ear can hear everything in the universe . . . except for itself. (Again, it can possibly hear a recording of itself, but that's not it, but a recording.). Many folks think they know who they are, and define themselves by their job, their status, their school grades, etc. Then, when they lose their jobs, lose their status, make bad grades . . . they get depressed or even commit suicide . . . why? Could it be that they realized, when they lost those things, that they weren't who they thought they were? Let's pretend that you fall asleep. In your sleep, you dream of a beautiful, incredible symphony playing breathtakingly gorgeous music. You wake up, and the music is still ringing in your ears. You then write the music down, and make millions as a famous composer. Are you really the composer of the music, or are you, in a way, part of the audience? Why have certain folks - who are not unintelligent individuals, to put it mildly - made the following statements: "A human being "I dreamt I was a butterfly "One must become "Resolve to be thyself; "There is no human being on earth "It is as hard to see one's self "Why do you need to meditate? |
So if there is a chance that, in a way,
"we don't really know who we are" . . .
What now?
Well, it seems like not knowing who you are . . . is a problem.
And the solution to that problem is . . .
well, finding out who you are.
And how do you find out "who you really are"?
Well, of course, that's what folks call "the spiritual quest."
And what does the "spiritual quest" entail?
Well, you probably already know the answer to that, and don't need to know what we think about it. But if you are interested in something else that's kind of fun, one cool something we've found is some experiments to try . . .
Talk about it: