You Are...

You Are...

The Earth is the Mother of all Creation. She provides simple balance to a most complex system. This is by design, and You AIDED in this creation and its evolution at the level of your Soul. That is why you were honored to come here and experience this creation.


Yet your minds have deceived you into fearing the Earth as a savage place that needed to be tamed, controlled and plundered. In doing so, you have upset the natural balance. There is still plenty to go around, and we it not for the fear of 'perishing', then you would have a greater love of all life.

The lesson that states all life is a cycle of transformation will help here. Look at the great damage done in the brief time that humans have held dominion over nature, you will see how you are headed for destruction.

As a point upon the Web of Life, you are Sacred. Your fear says that you cannot change the world, but rest assured that you can. You change yourself, and you create a ripple effect. Even the mathematical theory of the "Butterfly Effect" supports this truth. A butterfly that flaps its wings in China affects the weather systems over the entire North American continent. This is not fiction: this is truth.

"Quantum physics suggests that by redirecting our focus, our intentions and attentions, we bring in a new course of events while simultaneously releasing an existing course of events that no longer serve us. A matter of replacing, renewing and regenerating a new thought form that better serves to heighten the consciousness of everyone. We must find, understand and fully comprehend this interrelationship and oneness of our humanitarian nature and the impact on the whole of creation. We are realizing the complete being we are by understanding that even at the quantum level we affect things around us.

- Physics and Consciousness by StarStuffs

No formula can replace the incredible power you have within you to create in your life.

Do you understand this? Do you now know the power that you contain?

Become Who You Are, and you will realize that you are already saved from ignorance and unknowing. Love all life especially yours! This is the essential teaching of the greatest Souls who have walked the Earth. If you require a teacher to lead you to your peace, then follow the teachings, your heart and your inner knowing and not the teachers.

You must realize your own pathway and find the way to your True Self


And know in your Heart that the teachings that free you from fear come to you because you have called for them. All things come to you because you call for them. You are Spirit having human experience, and thus you create into the next moment of experience from your Soul.

We must realize our multidimensional self! The time is now!

If your Soul is bombarded with fear from your mind, then your Soul will deliver into your experience that which you create. You can create any experience you desire. Live in fear and you keep getting the same lesson over and over and over until you learn the lesson and release your fear.

This is the 'fallen human' experience. To experience Grace and Divine Love in your life, you must leap into the void where trust in Spirit reigns over your mind. You enter the realm of living with an open Heart.

You live open to all of the gifts that your infinite Soul, through Spirit, will lay before you on your journey.

This is TRUST. Because to free yourself from playing the victim is not an easy task when so much human creation supports this illusion. But it only seems difficult because humans have empowered their own fear of death. But in this case, you are being offered to face the 'death of who you think you are'. This possibility triggers your ego to react vehemently with resistance! And resist it will. Ego and your self-perceptions of the world around you will fight to hold onto what it "thinks" it knows. Old perceptions are comfortable and safe.

Yes? Fear of our inherant truth and divine soul birth-right precipitates this resistance

Recognize this ego of this world for what it is, and tame it.

You learn 'tough lessons' until you become aware. Then you stop judging yourself, and swim with the currents of life. You feel in your Heart oneness with all life. You 'sense' Spirit working for you from the void synchronistically. This is the test of faith: to trust first; and witness the results after.

Even if you feel this is true, yet your mind has a stranglehold upon your intent and action, you can 'try'. Just live it genuinely and be patient. One lesson that is the most painful is the one of patience: especially when faith is at stake. When you realize that life is lived only in the NOW, then you learn that you are given an infinite number of 'second chances'.

So bring your Soul into your experience...
through your love,
through your work,
through your art and song,
through your dance,
through every expression of beauty,
through your prayers.

For you are greatly loved, and will be rewarded beyond your dreams!

To Know You...

To Know You...

"The Mind fills in the physical holes in the eye's retina:
completing eyesight with what the MIND perceives it to be;
as opposed to naked reality."
Talbot in The Holographic Universe

To discover Who You Are....
you must transcend the ideas you have held about yourself. Most, if not all, of your teachings exist only to serve the society of the day. It is these teachings that create conflict when your instincts tell you 'something is wrong'. Well, there is something wrong: there is no need for any suffering at all on this Earth. And you know this in your Heart to be true. Thankfully, there are other teachings that have been carefully protected through countless generations: we will address them in these pages. These teachings have awaited a calling from wondrous Souls such as You. Their message will help you discover Who You Are.
To contact your Soul, there is no time like the present. You might have memory of Soul contact during your travels, but if you want to touch your Soul, you must be in the moment. You have been given a means to achieve this, and that is intuition. One of the unhelpful teachings has been the dismissal of intuition as 'foolishness'. But if you want to trust in Who You Are, then you must develop this 'sixth sense'. Remember, you are a Soul having a human experience to see, hear, taste, touch and smell are the human senses. These senses define the phenomenal world.The Soul, however, exists beyond this realm, and in order to contact It you are given intuition. There is a reason this is so.

"When our energy-amplitude is raised higher it is synonymous with our frequency (time) getting higher. When our frequency raises the distance between the waves are closer, therefore shortening time considerably. So Time is the distance between two points. What your amplitude-energy is determines how efficient you travel that time line."
- Physics and Consciousness by StarStuffs

Time and space are constructions of our human experience in this universe, and the realm of the phenomenal senses. It is only in this earthly realm that time and space appear to be separate. For example, you see a chair. This chair is merely light reflecting off a field into the eye and processed in the brain as 'chair'. You know it is 'chair' because of past association and teaching. But the processing of seeing the chair takes nanoseconds to process. This means that to 'see' something is to know that it was 'there' nanoseconds ago.

Also, astronomers who gaze into distant stars and galaxies are in fact, looking back in our linear time because the light takes "time" to travel to the pupils of the eyes. We may speculate that the stars may not exist any longer and the galaxies are not in the same configuration in Now Time.

All phenomenal senses provide input into the brain, and the mind assumes this is reality based upon inherant and learned truths. As in the above examples, what is observed has existed in the past. Think upon this. What you sense is not what exists in the NOW you only presume it to be so. This appearance of reality is merely strings of data from the physical senses, and you have the appearance of 'linear time'.

In some cases, you have become so addicted to the material that you have made it REAL. But there is no 'proof' that it is real at all. You might say that if every time you opened your eyes and the chair is still there, then the chair is really there. But it only means that it 'was there'. Well, this is all moot, because the message in this lesson is the importance of intuition.

Intuition links our world to the Soul because it is not bound by the constructs of the mental and physical plane. So do you understand how time does not exist at the level of the Soul? Your Soul is with you in the NOW, and is always experiencing the moment with you. Unlikewhat you perceive through the five human senses, your Soul desires contact with you in the moment. It is your teachings and beliefs that have disconnected you from perceiving It.

Practice the use of intuition to reconnect with your Soul. Unlike the phenomenal senses described above, intuition works 'outside space-time' so there is no delay in awareness. If you ponder the delicate sensitivities in the affect upon time, then you will see the power of intuition.

Intuition is a window into NOW. It is solely due to the obsession with past and even immediately recent past and future that humanity has overlooked the value of intuition and placed it into the esoteric.

You have likely experienced creativity in some form or another in your life. Perhaps you have written a song, built a cabinet, or created a new life to be brought into this world. You know that an essential part of the human journey is to create, and it is the delight that diminishes all suffering.

The secret of creativity is to be in the moment

when creation takes place.

But before we expand on that idea,

we must first address some notions about time itself.

Basics of Metaphysics


Basics of Metaphysics
by Dr Paul E Jones


God is Reality and Reality is God. There is no beginning or end to Reality. God encompasses all directions and conditions. The three attributes of Consciousness, Form and Substance, permeate all of Reality. Consciousness is the organizing quality of God. The arrangements of molecules in a crystal is an example of consciousness in so-called dead matter. Consciousness manifests through Form. All shapes are, in fact, fields of energy. The organs of the human body take their shapes from fields of very subtle energies which allow us as Spiritual Beings to exist in the material universe. Substance is that which is organized by Consciousness and shaped by its Forms. Substance permeates Reality. There is no Void or Emptiness..

Matter is created in the physical plane where the field energies of the higher planes intersect. The ancients called this basic substance the Aether. Now contemporary scientists speak about virtual particles which fill the space within & between atoms and also act as the stuff from which the elementary particles are created. it is quite likely that they are talking about nearly the same thing. Just as Infinity contains the finite within it, so does Reality contain many different universes. Each universe has a definate beginning and end and operates according to its own Cosmic Laws. Our universe operates according to seven Cosmic Laws which can be described separately but which interact and function in the World together..



The first of the Seven Cosmic Laws of our Universe is known as Parallelism. All phenomena exist in parallel with each other and have correspondences between them. "As Above, So Below." Everything is connected to everything else, in one fashion or another. This is known as Oneness. Patterns of manifestation on a Transcendental level have correspondences in the lower Planes of our Universe. Because of Parallelism, it is possible to reason from one event to the next, or to develop language which describes the world we live in. We can learn much about God by studying Nature, and by knowing God, we can discern the operation of any field of knowledge..


The second of the Seven Cosmic Laws is Polarity. Everything has its opposite, and opposites manifest with a spectrum of polarities between them. Land has valleys as well as mountains. Magnets have opposite poles. People possess varying degrees of strength, intelligence and wisdom. Yin is complemented by Yang. Harmony is achieved by establishing and maintaining equilibrium between opposing forces. The interaction of Parallelism with Polarity results in the phenomena of reflections. Just as a mirror absorbs, refracts, and distorts the light that it reflects, so also can the reflections of Truth be very murky indeed! Supreme clarity of mind is required to discern what is actually real..

*3) MOTION -

The third of the Seven Cosmic Laws is Motion. Movement is inherent in the fact of Creation. The interaction of the Cosmic Laws is a dynamic motion which generates the patterns of Life. Everything is moving. There are no static conditions within our Universe. Space and time exist because of motion. At great acceleration or in close proximity to great concentrations of mass, time slows down, and space contracts. Once a thing has been set into motion, it will continue its course forever unabated, unless another force is brought to bear upon it: either changing its trajectory, type of motion, or altering its nature. This is the principle of inertia which guides all kinds of motion whether physical or spiritual..


The fourth of the Seven Cosmic Laws is Oscillation. All phenomena oscillate according to the qualities of their motions. Oscillation along a basicly straight trajectory is known as vibration. Oscillation along a basicly circular trajectory is called a cycle. The various frequencies of Light and sound are said to vibrate, while the cycle of the four seasons is created by the Earth's orbit around the Sun at an angle. The repeating cycle of Life and Death is known as reincarnation. However, from a Transcendental perspective, the total of your incarnations may be as events in a single life, like a succession of days and nights. Great power can be obtained through the mastery of vibration in the fields of thought, and sublime insight can be attained through the understanding of the patterns and rhythms of Life..


The fifth of the Seven Cosmic Laws is Attraction. Positive attracts negative. Motion along the spectrum between opposite polarities proceeds from the negative towards the positive. Lightning is a good example of this in the world of nature. In human life there is the evolution from ignorance towards knowledge. We all grow from experience... at least we do, if we are to survive. The attraction of negative toward positive generates a great deal of friction, competition, and struggle (entrophy). This is neither good nor bad... it is simply the way of this world. Severe conflict can be eased by equalizing or balancing the power of opposing forces. It is also true that things possessing the same qualities of polarity and vibration tend to repel each other. From this arises individuality which is a reflection of the Oneness of Transcendental Infinity into the finite reality of the World of Nature..


The sixth of the Seven Cosmic Laws is Gravity. Things which are in harmony, gravitate together. It is a phenomena of attunement, and with things that are in harmony, what affects one, will affect the other in the same way. Consider the process of tuning a guitar: when a string is set at the correct pitch, it will sound or vibrate when you strike the tuning fork. Mass determines the degree of gravitation between material objects, but it is the force of thought which can be used to gravitate desired conditions into your life. Be aware of how you think: dwelling upon disaster or things that you fear, has an equal power of gravitation as positive thinking. To know the Truth, you must embody it in your life, then you will be able to recognize Truth wherever it may be. Attunement with the Divine Mind (the Seven Cosmic Laws) will enable you to perceive the Ultimate Principles of Reality, and receive Divine Knowledge concerning all things..


The last of the Seven Cosmic Laws is the culmination of the previous six. It is known as Karma: the law of cause and effect. Every cause has its effect, and every action brings its reaction. What you do, will come back to you. This implies that the nature of the Universe is cyclical, and that every beginning results in an ending which forms the basis for a new beginning. The Big Bang which started our Universe some 20 billion years ago will eventually lead to a collapse of all matter into a tremendous Black Hole at the end of Time. From this, will emerge a New Universe on a higher scale structured by different Cosmic Laws. Karma is primarily a Spiritual Law, rather than a physical one. Cause and effect for an individual manifests as states of mind and attitudes towards Life which then act to make various situations and conditions occur. Since we are all co-creators of the world we live in, it is our collective activity which makes things the way that they are. In this unenlightened world, disasters fall upon everyone with more or less equal force. You may or may not be responsible for the hand that Life has dealt you, but you are responsible for how you play it..

Within you exist (at least potentially) all of Qualities and Powers of the Creator. The seven Chakras or great energy channels within you correspond directly with the Seven Cosmic Laws of our Universe. As you evolve Spiritually, these channels will open up and the Cosmic energy will flow through you. While Insight comes in a flash, Wisdom accumulates gradually. It requires the patience, perseverance, and dedication of a lifetime (or many lifetimes) to attain. This is known as the Mastery of Life! Now go and live your life and live it well, with kindness and good humor... Be creative and always remember that what makes it all happen is Love!


gracewatcher. org


Forms of Prayers

Forms of prayers

Let us expand the meaning of prayer to a much larger context. This section would have to include practices like chanting, affirmations, reading of sacred texts, sacred music, praying dancing, rituals, etc.


Meditations of the eastern religions must be considered as the highest forms of prayer. These are raja yoga of Hinduism, Vipassana of Theravada Buddhism, Shikantaza of Zen and Tibetan Dzogchen. These meditations all end up in the Void.


The soul is dyed the colour of thoughts said Heraclitis. However one cannot reach enlightenment or union with God with only affirmations. These are statements of aspirations in the mind conditioning therapy to be repeated as often as one is able. As an example, Dr. Emile Coue in the 1970's invented this phrase: "Every day in every way I am getting better and better." Some of the prayers in religions were originally affirmations but degenerate to rituals of supplication directed to some outside higher authority. Looking at it in another way, it is a dialogue between self and Self. 'I am beautiful, I am wonderful and I radiate perfect health!' If you repeat this affirmation often enough, you will come to believe it to be true.

Body Prayer

The body has been taken as the temple of God. The most popular form of this prayer is "yoga." Hatha yoga is one of the five yogas of Hindu spiritual practice. The physical exercises involved postures, breath control, stretching and meditation. Watching an accomplished yoga exercise leaves no doubt to the observer that it is a body prayer. In addition there are also mudras which depict hands and finger postures in meditation which cannot be interpreted as anything else except praying. This is yoking or reconnecting to God.


Chants are said to be raising our voices to God. According to Robert Gass in his book, "Chanting": "Chant is singing our prayers. Chant is vocal meditation. Chant is the breath made audible in tone. Chant is 'discovering' Spirit in sound." We have been chanting for thousand of years. It ranges from the melodic Christian chants to the Tibetan Buddhist monotone and from the Rhythmic African chants to the Jewish Liturgical ones. In the mid-1990s, the Gregorian chants have been revived to top the music charts. Buddhists and Hindus have been using the sacred word 'OM' as a seed syllable of created existence. Lately Buddhists and nuns have been making the singing of sutras as a great enticement to the Buddhist religion. They are set to music of delicate tunes. The main purpose of these chants is to vibrate the body and mind upward to spiritual realms.

Spirit Guides

Many cultures have experienced many different forms of guides. All of them can be subdivided into these major categories: ancestors or dead relatives, masters and teachers, animals, angels and spirit guides. The last include soul mates that are discarnate and we may be their guides when we die. They are not to be worshipped, but are there to guide us to go along our G-plan. Some people can contact their guides through means like meditation, intuition or question in prayers. They may then receive answers through different ways of meditation, automatic writing and dreams.

Praying-Walking and Walking Meditation

On Prayer-Walking, Linus Mundy says: "It is an exercise that considers and serves every part of the human being, the mind, the body, the spirit (or soul). It is prayer–exercise that makes it possible for us to look inside and outside of ourselves simultaneously." While walking one does the usual prayer at the same time.

All Buddhist monks and serious Buddhist must practise walking meditation. This is an exercise in mindfulness. Total attention is placed on the walking without any extraneous thoughts. The awareness is mainly on the placing of the feet on a straight, short path. One should not coincide the breath with the movement of the feet.

Praying Beads

Using beads for praying originated with the Hindus. They use a string of 108 beads to count their mantras. This method has been taken up by most Buddhists in Tibet, China and Japan, who also use 108 beads. These are called malas by these two religions. They are made of sandalwood, seeds, or inlaid animal bone. In the past, the inlaid bones were from the skeletons of holy men, but now they are made of turquoise, coral and yak bone. However, the Burmese use 72 black-lacquered beads. The Muslims use 33 or 99 beads, representing the 99 names of Allah found in the Koran.

The Catholic rosary (usually made up of coloured glass or plastic or olive wood beads) originated in the sixth century for praying of the 150 psalms of the Bible. These beads are used to count the 150 Paters ("Our Fathers) once a week and these 150 beads became known as Paternoster. Thomas of Contimpre was the first to call them rosary after Virgin Mary visited St. Dominic in a rose garden (rosarium). It is not a coincidence that the word bead comes from the Anglo-Saxon bidden meaning to pray and bede meaning prayer. Besides the calming and tranquillising effect of the beads, they are predominantly there to ground us to the significance of the prayer we are reciting. This is touching of the holy practised by all religions in the world, except by Judaism.

Prayer Dancing

Sacred dance practised as an ancient rite in the worship of God is almost universal. It originated in Greek temples, Egyptian rituals and Judaism and early Christianity. It is just as common in the East. In Hinduism, Shiva is a dancing God who helps the individual to release the soul from illusion, as it represents the rhythm of the cosmos. In Japan, the Kabuki Dance Drama was launched by a shrine maiden in the 1600s. Again this is of religious origin.

Amongst the peasant and tribal population, they perform the sacred dance for supplication for rain etc. It is also performed as thanksgiving for successful harvests and hunts. The Sioux Sun Dance held each year is a thanksgiving celebration to the Great Spirit. Finally, the Muslim Sufi dancing with its associated dervish whirls may end up in a trance of Samadhi. It is a religious act capable of converting the brain waves from alpha to theta waves. Its teachers believe that with the rhythmic and physical movements, the dancer may end up in communion with the Divine. The viewers of the dance may even be healed of their illnesses. The essence is that they are not dancing the dance, but are being danced by the dance. In practice, it is whirling the ego out of the body so that spirit may occupy the twirling body. This dancing prayer with music is an ecstatic practice towards the union with the Divine.


All religions use rituals, whether with their prayers or not. Some Buddhist sects, Hindus praying to their deities, Christian priests, African shamans, Taoists etc use rituals. The author of "School of Kabbalah", Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi, said " The essence of ritual is that something done in the physical realm is related to the higher worlds. This may be a simple gesture of the hand or an elaborate ceremony. It can be working consciously in everyday life, so that quite mundane actions become full of meaning, or a carefully designed ritual acted out for a specific occasion…Ritual is the mode for formalising action and giving it not only meaning, but creating a contact with other worlds." Ritual when used as a prayer practice infuses a sense of the sacred when not performed by rote. With awareness it brings us nearer to a relationship with the Absolute. The trick with ritual is to remember the intention and be inspired by the myth. With intuition, ensure that the ritual harms nobody but benefits all. Keep it simple and be balanced. Be in touch with your feelings. Honour the power of the words and keep the imagination alive. These are the guidelines given by Rene Beck and Sydney Barbara Metrick, authors of The Art of Ritual. There are no rights or wrongs in ritual. If performed with intensity and in detail, one should be transformed. Do not be an automaton when acting out the ritual. So ritual can be taken as a form of prayer, as it takes you out of the present time and place.

There is a book called "The Way We Pray" by Maggie Oman Shannon in which a comprehensive account of praying practices around the world is written up. There are many more practices then what are written in this article. If the reader is interested please consult the book.

What are the results of prayer?

Larry Dossey, M.D., extensively explores the answer to this question in his books. As prayer is so ubiquitous throughout the world statistics are difficult to come by solely on prayer. So the author utilised researches on healing with regards to medical benefits. Distant healing is treated as distant prayer: in fact there is no difference as the mechanism is the same. Publications quoted in his books are all of high quality and are published in medical and psychological journals. That means they are to be trusted.

Walk-Ins & Wanderers


Walk-in is an ancient concept first described in Hinduism whose modern name originated in the Spiritualist faith and was popularised by the related, but not identical New Age movements and beliefs. A walk-in is thought to be a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and been replaced with a new soul.

Walk-ins first appear in Hindu sacred literature. In Hindu belief, each person is comprised of several bodies, including the physical, astral, mental, refined, and so on. The only essence that is not a body, and therefore not tranferrable, is the Atman. So according to this belief system, a walk-in, as described in the book Merging with Siva by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, can take one or many of these bodies.

The most famous Hindu story of a walk-in is that of the missionary Saint Tirumular. Legend has it that he voluntarily left his body in order to reanimate a young cowherd who had just died. His own body was subsequently taken up to heaven by the god Siva, leaving him to spend the remainder of his life on earth in the body of the cowherd. He was able to access the dead man's knowledge, including his ability to speak Tamil.

In modern times, "true" or sincere walk-ins might be a rare but possibly real medical or mental health phenomenon. A typical walk-in report involves an individual (frequently, but not always, female) who is badly injured, falls ill or is in some way incapacitated, or seems to "die" on the operating table during surgery, perhaps later reporting a near-death experience. Others claim that deep emotional trauma and suicidal desires alone may set the stage for a walk-in experience.

After resuscitation, the person may behave in a manner completely at odds with earlier, established behaviour patterns. She or he may speak in an unknown language and identify by a different name, and may be very frightened and confused, or supernally calm. While the experience cannot be determined to have any objective reality, subjectively it is deeply and importantly real for the affected individual.

Almost invariably, a walk-in will state they either do not know where the original inhabitant of the body has got to, or that the original soul has left it and gone on to heaven, or reincarnated, etc., leaving them in charge. The new individual may claim he or she is an angel; a "new" version of the former self; an older, more experienced soul; less often, a brand new one who has never incarnated before; or any manner of other origins.

Many walk-ins claim heightened psychic sensitivity and may take up work as New Age healers or ministers. Others claim inability to accomplish basic tasks of daily living. Clearly, at least for some, claiming a walk-in experience may have a number of secondary gains.

While the New Age belief system about walk-ins claims that these transitions can't occur involuntarily and that no soul walks into another's body without reason, the behaviour of some "new" people indicates that it may not always be so.

In classical cases, the change is immediately apparent. However, in cases where the "new soul" has enough information to take up the life of the "previous occupant" seamlessly, it may take weeks or months before a walk-in notices, or comes to believe, that a transition has indeed occurred. Occasionally, the "old self" returns after a period of months or years, and either the "new self" departs, or they coexist and may try to integrate into a single being, or work out a means of cooperation and live as two persons in one body.

This kind of walk-in is very similar to old-time, pre-Sybil cases of multiple personalities such as Mary Reynolds. A period of unconsciousness is followed by the manifestation of a new self. William James studied Reynolds and Ansel Bourne, and thought of multiple personality as something natural but not yet understood, rather than a mental disease.

Boris Sidis in his 1903 book Multiple Personalities recorded similar cases, involving both men and women.

In 1979, Spiritualist author Ruth Montgomery published Strangers Among Us, a collection of accounts of walk-ins. She included her own New Age theories and some improbable historical research, naming some renowned figures such as Thomas Jefferson as walk-ins. This and her follow-up book Threshold to Tomorrow brought the concept of walk-ins to the general public.

A belief system grew up around the walk-in experience, complete with all the usual New Age attributes such as "ascending into higher frequencies of evolution", predictions regarding Earth Changes, and the concept that the new person may possess a variety of psi powers unknown to ordinary human beings whose "vibrational levels" remain unraised.

The New Age walk-in belief system now includes a number of variant experiences such as channeling, telepathy contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, or soul merging, where the original soul is said to remain present, coexisting or integrating with the new one.

As of 2006, an increasing number of people claim some type of walk-in experience. Walk-ins were featured on the June 4, 1999 segment of Robert Stack's 'Unsolved Mysteries'. According to information presented on this program, there are now walk-in conventions, one of them drawing approximately 500 people.

Checklists to determine walk-in status include name changes, career changes, new interest in the study of psychic phenomena, a feeling that one is not really from Earth, or a sudden desire to move to a new environment.

Reported physical changes include memory loss and the sudden onset of allergic reactions. Since all of these factors could possibly be attributed to simple life changes such as adolescence or middle age, it's difficult to determine solely from such a checklist if a "true" walk-in has occurred.

The most logical method might be to determine if any specific event historically connected with walk-ins (anaesthesia for surgery is one of the most common) occurred around the time one first started feeling differently. There is, however, no known scientific method to prove whether or not the walk-in experience has any objective reality, let alone how to determine if one has occurred.

The belief system states that all souls come to earth in order to accomplish missions of cosmic significance, and that a walk-in is a highly evolved soul who is here to help raise the vibrational levels of humanity and doesn't want to bother with the tedious process of incarnating in the usual fashion (i.e., birth).

Walk-ins, according to New Age teachers, are not perfect like Ascended Masters, but are invariably more spiritual, compassionate and sympathetic than the original person.

This interpretation is sometimes disputed by the spouses of people who abruptly discontinue marital relations on the grounds that they are not the person whose name appears on the wedding license or that carnal love is not for those of higher vibrational frequencies. Separation, divorce, and remarriage are very common to the New Age walk-in experience.

Walk-Ins, Otherkin and Multiplicity

The "otherkin" community defines a walk-in by the standard definition, with the caveat that people with multiple personalities may have one or more perceived entities in their body who "walked into" the body of their host, without the host needing to depart; they believe this can happen right after birth, or later in the life of the person concerned. Such a person is described as an otherkin host, or simply as a host, and the foreign entity residing in them would be a walk-in.

The theorised origins of these souls vary. Some are thought to be human or animal spirits; others, creatures usually considered mythological; or extraterrestrial intelligences. They are thought to share the body space and take turns using the body, usually with permission and awareness.

Unlike the classic or Sybil-like description of multiple personality disorder, these groups of minds usually report getting on rather well and contribute energy and ideas to the host individual's life goals, as well as helping with activities of daily living.

Another phenomenon often confused with the abovementioned and classical walk-in experience is hosting. A host is a person who believes he voluntarily shares his body with other souls, usually but not necessarily since birth, while retaining his own consciousness and sense of self.

A person who believes he's sharing his body with otherkin walk-in spirits can said to be hosting; but according to reports by people who experience hosting, not all hosted spirits are walk-ins, nor are they necessarily otherkin.

Some hosts claim that the presences they experience as residing in their body are simply the spirits of deceased relatives, or friends or lovers from past lives. This is very similar to the description given by old-time Spiritualist mediums who believed they could allow a departed loved one or a spirit guide to take up residence in their body temporarily or permanently.

These mediums were the first to have the term "multiple personalities" applied to them. They experience a sharing of space and body time with the perceived spirit, usually with mutual respect and caring uncharacteristic of stereotyped MPD behavior as reported by psychiatrists.

The concept of voluntary possession or sharing of the body by more than one spirit is well known in many indigenous cultures. One of the central practices of Vaudon is to allow gods and saints to take temporary possession of human bodies, to give advice and help to all the people.

Folk healing on the island of Bali can involve ceremonies in which departed ancestors take over a living body for the same purposes. For the ceremony called Sanghyang Dedari (external link), two little girls are specially trained to become temporary vessels for a pair of angels, Tunjung Biru and Dewi Supraba, who come to remove bad luck and sickness from the village at the end of the monsoons.

In some Gulf Coast Indian tribes, leaders and healers are chosen from "those who have the most spirits living inside them."

Generally, hosts say they are able to change body control between the persons residing in their bodies at will; in such situations, they feel that the main or host self (in most cases, this is the soul of the original inhabitant) simply "takes a step back" and lets another entity "come forward" to control the body.

People who find themselves in a hosting or walk-in situation are also in a larger category, generally referred to simply as "multiples" by the otherkin community.Some otherkin multiples, and other people in walk-in hosting situations, stress that it is important to make a distinction between themselves and people who experience DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).

On numerous websites and Internet forums (where a certain amount of anonymity is possible), these people report being aware of the others and able to communicate and cooperate with them, again in contrast to standard popular and psychiatric conceptions of MPD or DID.

Such people often prefer to use internally-referential terms such as "people" or "selves" over the popular "personality" or psychological term "alter", which are considered misleading through the implication that each perceived internal entity is not a person in his or her own right.


Experiences such as those described in this article are not regarded favorably by some mental health professionals. George Ganaway and other psychiatrists have written papers and given presentations reflecting their belief that all of these experiences, from traditional walk-ins to the New Age variety up to and including cooperative healthy multiples are mere attention-seeking and/or play-acting, or at best a "metaphor of distress" to express something the client feels is wrong but is having trouble describing.



Scott Mandelker wrote a book called From Elsewhere describing the feeling of being an aline from another planet who has wandered here at this time in Earth's plnetary transition.

Wanderers are thought of as souls connected to another place, planet, or realm, who have come here on a mission, after which they will return home. That is true of all souls in this experiement, though Wanderers often to feel disassociated. They do not always remember what their mission is, as the 'mission feeling' is present in the DNA codes of all humans.

Sometimes Wanderers believe they have come here to prepare humanity for coming changes - perhaps a visit from ET's or moving into love and light, etc. All awakened souls ... moving through the healing process into balance and higher consciousness, move into this line of thought. It is not special, and becomes more common in the passages of time.

A wanderer who cannot find their mission will become depressed and can develop fear, panic and anxiety, attracting various negative paranormal experiences. Again ... it is important to determine if the person has a mental illness.

All souls are wanderers to this experiment, experiencing in many realities simultaneously. It will soon end at Zero Point when we leave the physical and return to higher consicounsess as soul sparks of light.