You Are...

You Are...

The Earth is the Mother of all Creation. She provides simple balance to a most complex system. This is by design, and You AIDED in this creation and its evolution at the level of your Soul. That is why you were honored to come here and experience this creation.


Yet your minds have deceived you into fearing the Earth as a savage place that needed to be tamed, controlled and plundered. In doing so, you have upset the natural balance. There is still plenty to go around, and we it not for the fear of 'perishing', then you would have a greater love of all life.

The lesson that states all life is a cycle of transformation will help here. Look at the great damage done in the brief time that humans have held dominion over nature, you will see how you are headed for destruction.

As a point upon the Web of Life, you are Sacred. Your fear says that you cannot change the world, but rest assured that you can. You change yourself, and you create a ripple effect. Even the mathematical theory of the "Butterfly Effect" supports this truth. A butterfly that flaps its wings in China affects the weather systems over the entire North American continent. This is not fiction: this is truth.

"Quantum physics suggests that by redirecting our focus, our intentions and attentions, we bring in a new course of events while simultaneously releasing an existing course of events that no longer serve us. A matter of replacing, renewing and regenerating a new thought form that better serves to heighten the consciousness of everyone. We must find, understand and fully comprehend this interrelationship and oneness of our humanitarian nature and the impact on the whole of creation. We are realizing the complete being we are by understanding that even at the quantum level we affect things around us.

- Physics and Consciousness by StarStuffs

No formula can replace the incredible power you have within you to create in your life.

Do you understand this? Do you now know the power that you contain?

Become Who You Are, and you will realize that you are already saved from ignorance and unknowing. Love all life especially yours! This is the essential teaching of the greatest Souls who have walked the Earth. If you require a teacher to lead you to your peace, then follow the teachings, your heart and your inner knowing and not the teachers.

You must realize your own pathway and find the way to your True Self


And know in your Heart that the teachings that free you from fear come to you because you have called for them. All things come to you because you call for them. You are Spirit having human experience, and thus you create into the next moment of experience from your Soul.

We must realize our multidimensional self! The time is now!

If your Soul is bombarded with fear from your mind, then your Soul will deliver into your experience that which you create. You can create any experience you desire. Live in fear and you keep getting the same lesson over and over and over until you learn the lesson and release your fear.

This is the 'fallen human' experience. To experience Grace and Divine Love in your life, you must leap into the void where trust in Spirit reigns over your mind. You enter the realm of living with an open Heart.

You live open to all of the gifts that your infinite Soul, through Spirit, will lay before you on your journey.

This is TRUST. Because to free yourself from playing the victim is not an easy task when so much human creation supports this illusion. But it only seems difficult because humans have empowered their own fear of death. But in this case, you are being offered to face the 'death of who you think you are'. This possibility triggers your ego to react vehemently with resistance! And resist it will. Ego and your self-perceptions of the world around you will fight to hold onto what it "thinks" it knows. Old perceptions are comfortable and safe.

Yes? Fear of our inherant truth and divine soul birth-right precipitates this resistance

Recognize this ego of this world for what it is, and tame it.

You learn 'tough lessons' until you become aware. Then you stop judging yourself, and swim with the currents of life. You feel in your Heart oneness with all life. You 'sense' Spirit working for you from the void synchronistically. This is the test of faith: to trust first; and witness the results after.

Even if you feel this is true, yet your mind has a stranglehold upon your intent and action, you can 'try'. Just live it genuinely and be patient. One lesson that is the most painful is the one of patience: especially when faith is at stake. When you realize that life is lived only in the NOW, then you learn that you are given an infinite number of 'second chances'.

So bring your Soul into your experience...
through your love,
through your work,
through your art and song,
through your dance,
through every expression of beauty,
through your prayers.

For you are greatly loved, and will be rewarded beyond your dreams!

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