To Know You...

To Know You...

"The Mind fills in the physical holes in the eye's retina:
completing eyesight with what the MIND perceives it to be;
as opposed to naked reality."
Talbot in The Holographic Universe

To discover Who You Are....
you must transcend the ideas you have held about yourself. Most, if not all, of your teachings exist only to serve the society of the day. It is these teachings that create conflict when your instincts tell you 'something is wrong'. Well, there is something wrong: there is no need for any suffering at all on this Earth. And you know this in your Heart to be true. Thankfully, there are other teachings that have been carefully protected through countless generations: we will address them in these pages. These teachings have awaited a calling from wondrous Souls such as You. Their message will help you discover Who You Are.
To contact your Soul, there is no time like the present. You might have memory of Soul contact during your travels, but if you want to touch your Soul, you must be in the moment. You have been given a means to achieve this, and that is intuition. One of the unhelpful teachings has been the dismissal of intuition as 'foolishness'. But if you want to trust in Who You Are, then you must develop this 'sixth sense'. Remember, you are a Soul having a human experience to see, hear, taste, touch and smell are the human senses. These senses define the phenomenal world.The Soul, however, exists beyond this realm, and in order to contact It you are given intuition. There is a reason this is so.

"When our energy-amplitude is raised higher it is synonymous with our frequency (time) getting higher. When our frequency raises the distance between the waves are closer, therefore shortening time considerably. So Time is the distance between two points. What your amplitude-energy is determines how efficient you travel that time line."
- Physics and Consciousness by StarStuffs

Time and space are constructions of our human experience in this universe, and the realm of the phenomenal senses. It is only in this earthly realm that time and space appear to be separate. For example, you see a chair. This chair is merely light reflecting off a field into the eye and processed in the brain as 'chair'. You know it is 'chair' because of past association and teaching. But the processing of seeing the chair takes nanoseconds to process. This means that to 'see' something is to know that it was 'there' nanoseconds ago.

Also, astronomers who gaze into distant stars and galaxies are in fact, looking back in our linear time because the light takes "time" to travel to the pupils of the eyes. We may speculate that the stars may not exist any longer and the galaxies are not in the same configuration in Now Time.

All phenomenal senses provide input into the brain, and the mind assumes this is reality based upon inherant and learned truths. As in the above examples, what is observed has existed in the past. Think upon this. What you sense is not what exists in the NOW you only presume it to be so. This appearance of reality is merely strings of data from the physical senses, and you have the appearance of 'linear time'.

In some cases, you have become so addicted to the material that you have made it REAL. But there is no 'proof' that it is real at all. You might say that if every time you opened your eyes and the chair is still there, then the chair is really there. But it only means that it 'was there'. Well, this is all moot, because the message in this lesson is the importance of intuition.

Intuition links our world to the Soul because it is not bound by the constructs of the mental and physical plane. So do you understand how time does not exist at the level of the Soul? Your Soul is with you in the NOW, and is always experiencing the moment with you. Unlikewhat you perceive through the five human senses, your Soul desires contact with you in the moment. It is your teachings and beliefs that have disconnected you from perceiving It.

Practice the use of intuition to reconnect with your Soul. Unlike the phenomenal senses described above, intuition works 'outside space-time' so there is no delay in awareness. If you ponder the delicate sensitivities in the affect upon time, then you will see the power of intuition.

Intuition is a window into NOW. It is solely due to the obsession with past and even immediately recent past and future that humanity has overlooked the value of intuition and placed it into the esoteric.

You have likely experienced creativity in some form or another in your life. Perhaps you have written a song, built a cabinet, or created a new life to be brought into this world. You know that an essential part of the human journey is to create, and it is the delight that diminishes all suffering.

The secret of creativity is to be in the moment

when creation takes place.

But before we expand on that idea,

we must first address some notions about time itself.

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