Psychic Attack: Spiritual Purification and Cord Cutting

Psychic Attack:

Spiritual Purification and Cord Cutting

By Lisa Whatley

Energy stealers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is a Psychic Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case the vampire is sucking our vital energy, depleting us and causing us to become unhealthy emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Spiritual purification and cord cutting are some tools that can keep the vampires away!

What does the term ’Psychic Vampire’ mean anyway? A psychic vampire is a person that steals other people’s energies because they are living their life in victim consciousness and believe that everything happens ’to’ them. Living in this manner is very dis-empowering. Therefore in order for them to feel better about themselves they need to attach themselves to another person’s energy field. In order for this ’vampire’ to attach themselves to your energy body, they form cords attaching the two of you together. When they need a boost, they unconsciously steal your energy instead of using their own! These cords are also like highways and run both ways! That means that you will also receive their energy whether it is positive or negative. If they have a headache, you may also develop a headache. It they are depressed, you may become depressed. If they are angry, you may become angry and so on. As you can see this can be very detrimental to your health. At an unconscious level, you have allowed the vampire or vampires to attach themselves to your energy body through these cords. These cords are not visible to the naked eye but they can be seen with the psychic third eye. These cords prevent you from really being the real you! It is imperative that these cords be severed and sometimes a spiritual purification is required for your well-being and also for the growth of the other person.

How do we recognize a Psychic Vampire?

Some traits of the dis-empowered energy stealer are:

« feels lonely or abandoned
« feels they have been rejected
« needs constant reassurance
« never feels satisfied
« doesn’t like to be alone
« seeks nurturing or feels they need to be taken care of
« low energy and fatigued
« they have a poor me attitude
« is a drama king or queen
« constant talker that never allows you to speak
« needs you to be their therapist or rescuer fixing their problems
« the blamer making you feel guilty about things
« vindictive by putting you down
« a person that is unhappy a lot
« tries controlling you or your life
« manipulates you to get things their way

How do I know if I am being psychically attacked?

« dizziness
« loss of energy
« muscle tension
« mental confusion
« headaches « chronic fatigue
« sleep disturbances
« irritability
« depressed mood
« physical illness
« small diminishing aura
« leaks, holes and/or tears in your aura
« and a whole lot more!

I know, you are now thinking that is almost everyone alive! Unfortunately, too many people are simply not aware of their energetic bodies and how they operate. Once people start taking responsibility for creating their own lives and taking back their personal power this will not be an epidemic. (Granted other conditions also can be the cause of these symptoms besides being psychically attacked.) Those that psychically attack others either do this consciously or subconsciously. Either way it is detrimental to your health, in all areas of your energetic being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

How do I protect myself from this?

First you need to become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them. But simply not being in their physical presence does not stop them from draining you! Know that not all people attacking you are people that you know either! Secondly, you need to release all the negative emotions that you carry within yourself. If you hold anger, hurt, jealousy etc. inside your being, it is like you are shackled to a ball and chain, holding you hostage with your own creation! Releasing of all negative emotions brings freedom as fear is the robber of peace. Why must I do this? Because any disharmony in our four energetic bodies will cause us to be vulnerable, so that darkness and confusion can enter. Being aware of this is empowering. I stress this, do not go into fear now that you are aware of this. Simply take the steps to protect yourself. Darkness consists of anything that is of a lower/heavier vibration such as anger, fear, depression, jealousy, hatred etc. When angry thoughts are directed at you, they can penetrate your weak and vulnerable areas like arrows. What happens is they take away your clarity and fill you with confusion and drain your energy. Following are some tools to empower yourself from Psychic Vampires.

Here is a simple cord cutting exercise. Cord cutting should be done on a daily basis and much more often when we are going through a stressful period in our life. These cords should be cut from our loved ones as well. No cord attached to anyone or thing is good!

Take some deep cleansing breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Call upon Arch Angel Michael and ask him for his assistance in cutting all cords that are attached to your being. Visualize Michael swirling his sword around your entire being severing all the cords. Know that no cord can remain intact and they are returning to where they came from. When you feel Michael has completed this process, thank him for his assistance.

It is done.

Easy as that!

Here are some physical steps for purification.

Burn all relevant photographs or objects holding memories of the person, place or situation. Write down all feelings of frustration, anger, hurt, fear, etc., and burn the paper, flush it down the toilet or bury it. Please don’t give it to the person! Repeat this step as often as necessary. Clear all the clutter from every room of your home. Rule of thumb. If you haven’t used in 6 months it’s not likely you will! Get rid of it. Clean and if necessary redecorate your home. Bringing nature indoors is wonderful energy! Check there are no books in your bookshelves or pictures on your walls that have negative energy. Surround yourself with high vibrational objects, spiritual books, spiritual pictures, plants, fresh flowers etc. Sprinkle holy water in all rooms starting at the center spiraling outwards. Smudge with sage, cedar and sweetgrass and invoke the help of God, the Ascended Masters, the Great White Brother and Sisterhood, the Archangels and Angels, your Higherself and I AM Presence. Play sacred music and sing, chant OM or say The Lord’s Prayer. Cleanse and purify your crystals and dedicate them to the Light. Light candles and use high vibrational pure essential oils..

You now have the tools and knowledge to take back your personal power.

I invite you to empower yourself today!

Lisa Whatley is an Indigo/Crystal Adult, single mother of four Indigo/Crystal Children, an Entrepreneur, Writer and an Energy Facilitator. She has helped many people change their lives with the services she provides. She resides with her four children in Northern Ontario Canada.

She can be reached through her personal website http://www. InfinityLightHealing. com

The Deceiving False Light

- The Deceiving False Light-

As subjects of the false light as they are, these promoters of the false spirituality, deny the divine love; they asseverate, with great self-confidence, to all that seduced by the forms are inclined to hear them: "Before you can love others, you must love yourself", as if our very own existence was not the undeniable demonstration of that love that imbues us since the very beginning, when we sprouted from the divine bossom.

Because certainly, there is the never-ceasing love that created us all and that incessantly continues to manifest in ourselves as well as in everything that surrounds us. We call that love Father, we call it Lord or God; others call Him Jehova or Allah or simply Being; at the end, the name is irrevelant, the main thing is that that Supreme Being is the love that created us... and keeps on loving us at each and every instant.
... Who then, my beloved, has not been loved and continued to be loved in such a great and perfect way?

Because we know now that we do not create love, since all the love that is possible has always been there, before time and matter, for God is love, and we know that we can feel, reflect and irradiate that love, as we also know that in order to do this, we do not need to learn how to love.

... Isn't a fact that scientists show that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed? And do not many believe that love IS energy? And we may add: Love is not just mere energy; it is a driving force, it is virtue, it is a divine gift and many many good things more; in few words, love is everything.

But many have fallen captive, deceived by false and superficial doctrines- philosophies - government- technology - fads - and so on; they have fallen, candidly, in the chains of that false light...loosing their souls - freedom - identity ...
the inner light fades .....

Dearly beloved:

We have the obligation to respect the beliefs of our brothers,even if they seem to us as wrongful or outdated.

The Lord specifically says that is not the time anymore to go to the public squares and corners to spread out His teachings.
It is not proper that, driven by our enthusiasm for this divne treasure in our hands, we invade the privacy and moral space of our brothers, that's not right.

But when they come to us and the ocassion gives us the opportunity, with all due respect and serenity we must tell them about the things we know, the truths we have unveiled, the methods we have obtained to better the world, and we must give testimony of what we've learned and lived within the magnificent and loving Work of our Heavenly Creator.

Passing the Light Of Truth!

And what is of the uttermost importance, my brothers & sisters: Our prayer, unified in a sole purpose, is the most powerful weapon which the Lord has given us to conuteract and fight against the darkness and ignorance, both in others and in us. Because darkness, being clever, has taken new forms, and the most insidious, because it is so subtle, is the darkness that doesn't show as such, but displays itself falsely as light.

So, let's persevere in being watchful- seeking the truth - passing the light.... and praying.


The 'Secret' Of The Universe...

choose your words with care...
and your thoughts with LoVe.

Because.. 'they need' it?

Because... 'they need' it? by: rIa

I am not a scholar, or a Genius...Frankly no ones need to be one to see (with plain eyes ) that the human being 'needs' a belief system of some sort to be able to function in (a somewhat) normal society.
(Q. what's normal??)

Politics and Religion Have been a major neccesity to the human race, as means of survival, acceptance, acknowledgement, and some sort of "status" (to many).

Human 'Conditioning'-- Is It In Our DNA???

Canines- Felines- even the smaller mammals (MEERKATS for example), have a structured 'society'. The Alpha (leader) the Omega (usually the opposite sex- and next in command) the offspring of both- etc etc.... they have their own "status' amongst their "world".


Even the smallest of instects follow a 'precise' structure within their existence.

Well since we are all from the "animal kingdom, doesn't it sound logical (scientifically possible) that we too have a "built-in structure" gene?

True, the human brain is Thousands Of Times more advanced of that of a 'lower-species', does that fact "cancel out" the "possible gene" that we (may) carry from our ancestors? -
(speaking evolution here- cavemen--->advanced man... etc)

Do we carry that same 'gene' that makes (lower mammals) 'submissive' to higher 'status' counterparts, the one that needs 'structure/control' from those in 'higher positions' to be able to live amongst their 'own kind'?

It seems that (almost)every 'belief/religion' as well as goverment(s) use the same method- 'mind control/conditioning/modification techniques' (call it whatever) along with 'empty promises', a 'new way concept', a promise of living in 'peace/harmony/bliss'... etc. etc. etc......

Well- after THOUSANDS of years- 'We' should have it "down packed" and Living that Life...... Don't you think ???
We are in a bigger thanever "whirpool" of doubts, fears, lies, falseness, dispair.. (should I keep listing- you get the PIC!) More and more "belief systems", Governments, keep popping up!
( I love old sayings---- grinz)
and.... SO TRUE!

How many religions exist?
An argument could be made that the number of religions in the world would be equal to the number of humans alive over some arbitrary age. This is not, of course, a very helpful answer. says; " is a growing collection of over 41,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc. "

There are a number of difficulties when you attempt to count religions:

1. Agreeing on a definition of "religion" as opposed to 'spirituality', 'faith', etc.
2. Is Christianity a single religion or should each denomination be counted?
3. How do you search out all the religions when many do not build special buildings and may be located in seldom visited places?

Additionally, few researchers can overcome the thinking which sees : "my religion, your mythology and his superstitions".

How many religions?
Daniel Ivey quoted:
"Really probably just three. One that follows God's way. One that follows man's way. One that follows Satan's way. However, the one that follows man's way, is supported by Satan's way. So probably just two. "

THAT's Some CONCEPT.... eh?

A religion/belief should 'enhance' (not darken/confuse/control) one's core existence. It should be like an 'expression' of one's self- in a spiritual form, as well as in a physical form- (after all- WE must still 'deal' with the physical- we are still 'in it')it should strengthen you, not weaken, nor 'take away' anything, or place 'demands of fellowship' on you.

As confusing as all this may seem to a being, it is 'topped off' with even more confussion... being: rejected, pushed away, de-moralized, (by those that "once" accepted you)----- torn into tiny fragments ---- and floating with the same questions you had from the beginning.... and still no answers.

You find another 'venue'- and start the 'ride' all over again- jumping from religion to belief, to cult(s) to-- what's Next? (I lost count!)

Are we enlightened yet? (guess not- cuz i see you still searching!)
We end up "puppets" to both religion and government- they cannot exist without eachother (haven't you noticed?)
Look at the new world order/religion -- they go hand in hand.
Who are the 'big ones' behind MOST of this "new world order" mumbo jumbo?
Wealthy people- Politicians- Religious Leaders- Big Name "individuals"--etc.


Religion (most) has become an 'industry'---
Some of us pay "retail", while some pay "wholesale"... (there is a price)
then there are those that go directly to the "source"
and that is the key!

may be continued-
since I have the flu-
and burning insanely...

so don't take My word on anything here-

it's the fever talking...

Just Some "food" For Thought. =)


BUT think about it.... =)

"I Am ... follow Me" Syndrome - by: rIa

Hello Dear Ones...

Why do we treat life as a "competition?
Why IS there such confussion?

We DO NOT step on others to rise (you think!) above.

We have 'people' that ARE capable in 'guiding' others to a more 'peaceful' (physical) existence. (spiritual peace CANNOT be taught- it IS learned)

Yes, many "Teachers" DO assist, and 'aid' many seeking 'inner(their)peace"...
Is the PEACE the 'Teacher' has attained, the same YOU are seeking???
- OR -
Are You Just Following (sheep) The 'Flow'??

The Problem ( my view/opinion ) is that the 'human' has wasted millions of years in search of 'answers' to questions that (may seem to them) only "Chosen Ones" can answer.
In blindness/ignorance, and dispair, they attach themselves to ( almost ) anything that offers, sounds, and or resembles 'salvation'.

This has been going on for....
WOW---- let's just say when the 'Creator' said "Let there be Light!"... with IT came- "the Dark'
(call it whatever - universal law - neg & pos to all 'force')
*** not getting into the "Relig. vs Evol."
or "metaphysics/quantum" thingy here...
The "creation/creator" concept/belief is used here, as a 'timeline' example. =)

For "us" to become 'anything' in the physical world, and/or 'rise' in our spiritual world (path) we MUST go through 'the process'! (?)

What IS the process...?
If I knew the precise "method/process"-
I'd Be gone a Long Time Ago-
I'd be in "my heaven"!

The "PROCESS" IS as Unique As The 'Individual' (seeking) is!

"THE PROCESS" is like a "child's growth".
You cannot Rush It...
You have to guide and nourish it - not steer it in 'blindness/confussion or ignorance'...
The Process...... (oh Yadda Yadda Yadda......!)

I really cannot tell you (anyone) what the 'process' you will need to go through is... for only YOU can 'see' that.

I started with a "list of words" and what they signified to me- applied to MY life/circumstances, etc.
ANGER + PASSION = Accomplishments (in my world)
ANGER + RAGE = Distructive behaviour ( "" "" )

LOVE & HATE - a very fine line between them.
LOVE-(alone) needed- desired, and obtainable
HATE-(alone) USELESS energy (in my world)

LUST= instints of lesser forms(sub spicies)- ego, unruly, dis-respect, etc ...
NEED= an individual concept-- what Do You really need??

The list goes on.

The Above 'list' are our human emmotions - the ones "we' as an individual may have a difficult time "working with, or through" them.

ALL Natural Human Emotions...

We can learn to embrace them, experience them (if deemed or neccesary) - To Walk "through" them, and come out at the other end, a better soul/person (spirit).
One by One we "conquer" them.

I would never tell/command or lead anyone on the "way" that I achieved, or am achieving (I am still a work in process) my "peace"... or my "somewhat" blissful state of mind--- because it has been "my journey" my unique "path"- something that may, or may not be right for others to follow...
believe me-
I am eclectic-- and have "wet my toes" (so to speak) in some "strange" waters-- OI!!!
BUT---- that Is ME, and I CHOSE, I was NOT LED nor "told To..."
( curious rIa )
WOW- I've learned!!!!

It's been QUITE an Intersting "trip" (my life) so far... and SO more to come!

I may at times "suggest" a certain some, but most of the times, I throw out "puzzles" (a funny 'way' of mine' ) -- 'food for thought'--- etc.
to assure myself that they (anyone) are not Following me - but rather seeking, and 'doing the work' with their own "self"... to "walk" through it, and come out at the other 'end' a better "spirit"...
Now that IS a "fufilling sight" to me! =)

There IS no Magic 'ritual',
No manmade drug Stronger than one's own spirit...
IF you desire to rise...
You shall soar!

EYES OPEN!! (all Three!!)
By all means, learn ALL you can...all sources, relig, government- research 'cults', (whatever is out there) be informed - be aware!

Those of you that have a "structured religion" (attending/practicing) and ARE comfortable, both in mortal, as well as spiritual self- by all means remain where you are- if it nourishes YOU and Feeds You--- that Is Your way then. You Are Blessed!

Those who still seek...
We are in "times" where falseness is everywhere - Religion, Belief Systems, Cults, New This-n-that Centers are popping all over the face of the earth.

It Is A "Religious/Spiritual OPEN MARKET"
VENDORS are Everywhere...

Thankfully I am Not shopping...
Are You?

This IS one time that going back "into the box" (self) is advisable...
Not to hide- but to search each of the four corners within- and find/observe oneself.


You May Not Have To Go "shopping" after All!
(**big grinz)

Be Blessed & Safe



The Emerald Table

The Emerald Table

    True, without error, certain and most true: that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, to perform the miracles of the One Thing.

     And as all things were from One, by the meditation of One, so from this One Thing come all things by adaptation. Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, the wind carried it in its belly, the nurse thereof is the Earth.

     It is the father of all perfection and the consummation of the whole world. Its power is integral if it be turned to Earth.

     Thou shalt separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle from the coarse, gently and with much ingenuity. It ascends from Earth to heaven and descends again to Earth, and receives the power of the superiors and the inferiors.

     Thus thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong fortitude of all fortitude, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. Thus the world was created. Hence are all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner.

     Therefore am I called Hermes the Thrice Great, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. That is finished which I have to say concerning the operation of the Sun.

Explanation of the Emerald Table of Hermes.

    Hermes is right in saying that our Art is true, and has been rightly handed down by the Sages; all doubts concerning it have arisen through false interpretation of the mystic language of the philosophers. But, since they are loth to confess their own ignorance, their readers prefer to say that the words of the Sages are imposture and falsehood. The fault really lies with the ignorant reader, who does not understand the style of the Philosophers. If, in the interpretation of our books, they would suffer themselves to be guided by the teaching of Nature, rather than by their own foolish notions, they would not miss the mark so hopelessly. By the words which follow: "That which is above is also that which is below," he describes the Matter of our Art, which, though one, is divided into two things, the volatile water which rises upward, and the earth which lies at the bottom, and becomes fixed. But when the reunion takes place, the body becomes spirit, and the spirit becomes body, the earth is changed into water and becomes volatile, the water is transmuted into body, and becomes fixed.

    When bodies become spirits, and spirits bodies, your work is finished, for then that which rises upward and that which descends downward become one body. Therefore the Sage says that that which is above is that which is below, meaning that, after having been separated into two substances (from being one substance), they are again joined together into one substance, i.e., an union which can never be dissolved, and possesses such virtue and efficacy that it can do in one moment what the Sun cannot accomplish in a thousand years. And this miracle is wrought by a thing which is despised and rejected by the multitude. Again, the Sage tells us that all things were created, and are still generated, from one first substance and consist of the same elementary material; and in this first substance God has appointed the four elements, which represent a common material into which it might perhaps be possible to resolve all things. Its development is brought about by the distillation of the Sun and Moon. For it is operated upon by the natural heat of the Sun Moon, which stirs up its internal action, and multiplies each thing after its kind, imparting to the substance a specific form. The soul, or nutritive principle, is the earth which receives the rays of the Sun and Moon, and therewith feeds her children as with mother's milk. Thus the Sun is the father, the Moon is the mother, the earth the nurse -- and in this substance is that which we require. He who can take it and prepare it is truly to be envied. It is separated by the Sun and Moon in the form of a vapour, and collected in the place where it is found.

    When Hermes adds that "the air bears it in its womb, the earth is its nurse, the whole world its Father," he means that when the substance of our Stone is dissolved, then the wind bears it in its womb, i.e., the air bears up the substance in the form of water, in which is hid fire, the soul of the Stone, and fire is the Father of the whole world. Thus, the volatile substance rises upward, while that which remains at the bottom, is the "whole world" (seeing that our Art is compared to a "small world "). Hence Hermes calls fire the father of the whole world, because it is the Sun of our Art, and air, Moon, and water ascend from it; the earth is the nurse of the Stone, i.e., when the earth receives the rays of the Sun and Moon, a new body is born, like a new foetus in the mother's womb. The earth receives and digests the light of Sun and Moon, and imparts food to its foetus day by day, till it becomes great and strong, and puts off its blackness and defilement, and is changed to a different colour. This, "child,"which is called "our daughter," represents our Stone, which is born anew of the Sun and Moon, as you may easily see, when the spirit, or the water that ascended, is gradually transmuted into the body, and the body is born anew, and grows and increases in size like the foetus in the mother's womb. Thus the Stone is generated from the first substance, which contains the four elements; it is brought forth by two things, the body and the spirit; the wind bears it in its womb, for it carries the Stone upward from earth to heaven, and down again from heaven to earth. Thus the Stone receives increase from above and from below, and is born a second time, just as every other foetus is generated in the maternal womb; as all created things bring forth their young, even so does the air, or wind, bring forth our Stone.

    When Hermes adds, "Its power, or virtue, is entire, when it is transmuted into earth," he means that when the spirit is transmuted into the body, it receives its full strength and virtue. For as yet the spirit is volatile, and not fixed, or permanent. If it is to be fixed, we must proceed as the baker does in baking bread. We must impart only a little of the spirit to the body at a time, just as the baker only puts a little leaven to his meal, and with it leavens the whole lump. The spirit, which is our leaven, in like fashion transmutes the whole body into its own substance. Therefore the body must be leavened again and again, until the whole lump is thoroughly pervaded with the power of the leaven. In our Art the body leavens the spirit, and transmutes it into one body, and the spirit leavens the body, and transmutes it into one spirit And the two, when they have become one, receive power to leaven all things, into which they are injected, with their own virtue.

    The Sage continues: "If you gently separate the earth from the water, the subtle from the hard, the Stone ascends from earth to heaven, and again descends from heaven to earth, and receives its virtue from above and from below. By this process you obtain the glory and brightness of the whole world. With it you can put to flight poverty, disease, and weariness; for it overcomes the subtle mercury, and penetrates all hard and firm bodies." He means that all who would accomplish this task must separate the moist from the dry, the water from the earth. The water, or fire, being subtle, ascends, while the body is hard, and remains where it is. The separation must be accomplished by gentle heat, i.e., in the temperate bath of the Sages, which acts slowly, and is neither too hot nor too cold. Then the Stone ascends to heaven, and again descends from heaven to earth. The spirit and body are first separated, then again joined together by gentle coction, of a temperature resembling that with which a hen hatches her eggs. Such is the preparation of the substance, which is worth the whole world, whence it is also called a "little world." The possession of the Stone will yield you the greatest delight, and unspeakably precious comfort. It will also set forth to you in a typical form the creation of the world. It will enable you to cast out all disease from the human body, to drive away poverty, and to have a good understanding of the secrets of Nature. The Stone has virtue to transmute mercury into gold and silver, and to penetrate all hard and firm bodies, such as precious stones and metals. You cannot ask a better gift of God than this gift, which is greater than all other gifts. Hence Hermes may justly call himself by the proud title of "Hermes Trismegistus, who holds the three parts of the whole world of wisdom."


If you have problems understanding these alchemical texts, Adam McLean now provides a study course entitled How to read alchemical texts : a guide for the perplexed.