Hello Dear Ones...
Why do we treat life as a "competition?
Why IS there such confussion?
We DO NOT step on others to rise (you think!) above.
We have 'people' that ARE capable in 'guiding' others to a more 'peaceful' (physical) existence. (spiritual peace CANNOT be taught- it IS learned)
Yes, many "Teachers" DO assist, and 'aid' many seeking 'inner(their)peace"...
Is the PEACE the 'Teacher' has attained, the same YOU are seeking???
- OR -

The Problem ( my view/opinion ) is that the 'human' has wasted millions of years in search of 'answers' to questions that (may seem to them) only "Chosen Ones" can answer.
In blindness/ignorance, and dispair, they attach themselves to ( almost ) anything that offers, sounds, and or resembles 'salvation'.
This has been going on for....
WOW---- let's just say when the 'Creator' said "Let there be Light!"... with IT came- "the Dark'
(call it whatever - universal law - neg & pos to all 'force')*** not getting into the "Relig. vs Evol."
or "metaphysics/quantum" thingy here...
The "creation/creator" concept/belief is used here, as a 'timeline' example. =)
For "us" to become 'anything' in the physical world, and/or 'rise' in our spiritual world (path) we MUST go through 'the process'! (?)
What IS the process...?
If I knew the precise "method/process"-
I'd Be gone a Long Time Ago-
I'd be in "my heaven"!
The "PROCESS" IS as Unique As The 'Individual' (seeking) is!
"THE PROCESS" is like a "child's growth".
You cannot Rush It...
You have to guide and nourish it - not steer it in 'blindness/confussion or ignorance'...
The Process...... (oh Yadda Yadda Yadda......!)
I really cannot tell you (anyone) what the 'process' you will need to go through is... for only YOU can 'see' that.
I started with a "list of words" and what they signified to me- applied to MY life/circumstances, etc.

ANGER + PASSION = Accomplishments (in my world)
ANGER + RAGE = Distructive behaviour ( "" "" )
LOVE & HATE - a very fine line between them.
LOVE-(alone) needed- desired, and obtainable
HATE-(alone) USELESS energy (in my world)
LUST= instints of lesser forms(sub spicies)- ego, unruly, dis-respect, etc ...
NEED= an individual concept-- what Do You really need??
The list goes on.
The Above 'list' are our human emmotions - the ones "we' as an individual may have a difficult time "working with, or through" them.
ALL Natural Human Emotions...
We can learn to embrace them, experience them (if deemed or neccesary) - To Walk "through" them, and come out at the other end, a better soul/person (spirit).
One by One we "conquer" them.
I would never tell/command or lead anyone on the "way" that I achieved, or am achieving (I am still a work in process) my "peace"... or my "somewhat" blissful state of mind--- because it has been "my journey" my unique "path"- something that may, or may not be right for others to follow...
believe me-
I am eclectic-- and have "wet my toes" (so to speak) in some "strange" waters-- OI!!!
BUT---- that Is ME, and I CHOSE, I was NOT LED nor "told To..."
( curious rIa )
WOW- I've learned!!!!
It's been QUITE an Intersting "trip" (my life) so far... and SO more to come!
I may at times "suggest" a certain method....to some, but most of the times, I throw out "puzzles" (a funny 'way' of mine' ) -- 'food for thought'--- etc.
to assure myself that they (anyone) are not Following me - but rather seeking, and 'doing the work' with their own "self"... to "walk" through it, and come out at the other 'end' a better "spirit"...
Now that IS a "fufilling sight" to me! =)
There IS no Magic 'ritual',
No manmade drug Stronger than one's own spirit...
IF you desire to rise...
You shall soar!

By all means, learn ALL you can...all sources, relig, government- research 'cults', (whatever is out there) be informed - be aware!
Those of you that have a "structured religion" (attending/practicing) and ARE comfortable, both in mortal, as well as spiritual self- by all means remain where you are- if it nourishes YOU and Feeds You--- that Is Your way then. You Are Blessed!
Those who still seek...
We are in "times" where falseness is everywhere - Religion, Belief Systems, Cults, New This-n-that Centers are popping all over the face of the earth.
It Is A "Religious/Spiritual OPEN MARKET"
VENDORS are Everywhere...
Thankfully I am Not shopping...
This IS one time that going back "into the box" (self) is advisable...
Not to hide- but to search each of the four corners within- and find/observe oneself.
You May Not Have To Go "shopping" after All!
(**big grinz)
Be Blessed & Safe
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