The Deceiving False Light

- The Deceiving False Light-

As subjects of the false light as they are, these promoters of the false spirituality, deny the divine love; they asseverate, with great self-confidence, to all that seduced by the forms are inclined to hear them: "Before you can love others, you must love yourself", as if our very own existence was not the undeniable demonstration of that love that imbues us since the very beginning, when we sprouted from the divine bossom.

Because certainly, there is the never-ceasing love that created us all and that incessantly continues to manifest in ourselves as well as in everything that surrounds us. We call that love Father, we call it Lord or God; others call Him Jehova or Allah or simply Being; at the end, the name is irrevelant, the main thing is that that Supreme Being is the love that created us... and keeps on loving us at each and every instant.
... Who then, my beloved, has not been loved and continued to be loved in such a great and perfect way?

Because we know now that we do not create love, since all the love that is possible has always been there, before time and matter, for God is love, and we know that we can feel, reflect and irradiate that love, as we also know that in order to do this, we do not need to learn how to love.

... Isn't a fact that scientists show that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed? And do not many believe that love IS energy? And we may add: Love is not just mere energy; it is a driving force, it is virtue, it is a divine gift and many many good things more; in few words, love is everything.

But many have fallen captive, deceived by false and superficial doctrines- philosophies - government- technology - fads - and so on; they have fallen, candidly, in the chains of that false light...loosing their souls - freedom - identity ...
the inner light fades .....

Dearly beloved:

We have the obligation to respect the beliefs of our brothers,even if they seem to us as wrongful or outdated.

The Lord specifically says that is not the time anymore to go to the public squares and corners to spread out His teachings.
It is not proper that, driven by our enthusiasm for this divne treasure in our hands, we invade the privacy and moral space of our brothers, that's not right.

But when they come to us and the ocassion gives us the opportunity, with all due respect and serenity we must tell them about the things we know, the truths we have unveiled, the methods we have obtained to better the world, and we must give testimony of what we've learned and lived within the magnificent and loving Work of our Heavenly Creator.

Passing the Light Of Truth!

And what is of the uttermost importance, my brothers & sisters: Our prayer, unified in a sole purpose, is the most powerful weapon which the Lord has given us to conuteract and fight against the darkness and ignorance, both in others and in us. Because darkness, being clever, has taken new forms, and the most insidious, because it is so subtle, is the darkness that doesn't show as such, but displays itself falsely as light.

So, let's persevere in being watchful- seeking the truth - passing the light.... and praying.


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