I am not a scholar, or a Genius...Frankly no ones need to be one to see (with plain eyes ) that the human being 'needs' a belief system of some sort to be able to function in (a somewhat) normal society.
(Q. what's normal??)
Politics and Religion Have been a major neccesity to the human race, as means of survival, acceptance, acknowledgement, and some sort of "status" (to many).
Human 'Conditioning'-- Is It In Our DNA???
Canines- Felines- even the smaller mammals (MEERKATS for example), have a structured 'society'. The Alpha (leader) the Omega (usually the opposite sex- and next in command) the offspring of both- etc etc.... they have their own "status' amongst their "world".
Even the smallest of instects follow a 'precise' structure within their existence.
Well since we are all from the "animal kingdom, doesn't it sound logical (scientifically possible) that we too have a "built-in structure" gene?
True, the human brain is Thousands Of Times more advanced of that of a 'lower-species', does that fact "cancel out" the "possible gene" that we (may) carry from our ancestors? -
(speaking evolution here- cavemen--->advanced man... etc)
Do we carry that same 'gene' that makes (lower mammals) 'submissive' to higher 'status' counterparts, the one that needs 'structure/control' from those in 'higher positions' to be able to live amongst their 'own kind'?
It seems that (almost)every 'belief/religion' as well as goverment(s) use the same method- 'mind control/conditioning/modification techniques' (call it whatever) along with 'empty promises', a 'new way concept', a promise of living in 'peace/harmony/bliss'... etc. etc. etc......
Well- after THOUSANDS of years- 'We' should have it "down packed" and Living that Life...... Don't you think ???

( I love old sayings---- grinz)
and.... SO TRUE!
How many religions exist?
An argument could be made that the number of religions in the world would be equal to the number of humans alive over some arbitrary age. This is not, of course, a very helpful answer. Adherents.com says; "Adherents.com is a growing collection of over 41,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc. "
There are a number of difficulties when you attempt to count religions:
1. Agreeing on a definition of "religion" as opposed to 'spirituality', 'faith', etc.
2. Is Christianity a single religion or should each denomination be counted?
3. How do you search out all the religions when many do not build special buildings and may be located in seldom visited places?
Additionally, few researchers can overcome the thinking which sees : "my religion, your mythology and his superstitions".
How many religions?Daniel Ivey quoted:
"Really probably just three. One that follows God's way. One that follows man's way. One that follows Satan's way. However, the one that follows man's way, is supported by Satan's way. So probably just two. "
THAT's Some CONCEPT.... eh?
A religion/belief should 'enhance' (not darken/confuse/control) one's core existence. It should be like an 'expression' of one's self- in a spiritual form, as well as in a physical form- (after all- WE must still 'deal' with the physical- we are still 'in it')it should strengthen you, not weaken, nor 'take away' anything, or place 'demands of fellowship' on you.
As confusing as all this may seem to a being, it is 'topped off' with even more confussion... being: rejected, pushed away, de-moralized, (by those that "once" accepted you)----- torn into tiny fragments ---- and floating with the same questions you had from the beginning.... and still no answers.
You find another 'venue'- and start the 'ride' all over again- jumping from religion to belief, to cult(s) to-- what's Next? (I lost count!)
Are we enlightened yet? (guess not- cuz i see you still searching!)
We end up "puppets" to both religion and government- they cannot exist without eachother (haven't you noticed?)
Look at the new world order/religion -- they go hand in hand.
Who are the 'big ones' behind MOST of this "new world order" mumbo jumbo?
Wealthy people- Politicians- Religious Leaders- Big Name "individuals"--etc.


Some of us pay "retail", while some pay "wholesale"... (there is a price)
then there are those that go directly to the "source"
and that is the key!
may be continued-
since I have the flu-
and burning insanely...
so don't take My word on anything here-
it's the fever talking...
Just Some "food" For Thought. =)
BUT think about it.... =)
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