Battle of the tongues? - by: rIa

Battle of the tongues?

YEP... the tower never got finished...
and many tongues where  spoken...
Yet Not ONE voice was heard.

Once upon a time...
There was a tower being built- Purpose was to go high into to sky where the 'gods' where, and be like them....

The 'gods' angered...and cursed all with "difference of speech".

The tower was never finished, due to lack of co-operation, communication, differences, conflicts... etc etc.  Each, soon went about their "own" and abandoned the building of the great 'tower'....

Today's technology has once more 'beat the gods' (so to speak) we can now read/translate (most) other languages via 'language translating' engines.

But still the problem (original one) remains unsolved- the building of a 'tower' - now referred to as "bridge(s)" to the 'gods' (the ascended/enlightened ones) or our "Light Force".

somewhat like the 'tongues' did to us,at one time.

As we conquer, and "rid" ourselves of these 'differences/limitations', New Ones seem to be appearing out of the blue!

What once felt like a 'familiar' and well known path,  has changed before your eyes!

More and more "towers" are being built...

   ***note: these 'towers' are now called -spiritual centers- New Age World Religion (churches/centers)- Religious 'compounds'- religious 'cults'--- etc, etc,

UMMMM.... makes one (makes me!!) wonder!!

     Are We Heading To Another "Unfinished project" Started By Humanity, And  put to end by..... (well let's say OUR Creator put an end to it- for argument sake) the 'gods'?

It's like the "superior species" on earth (meaning us) has resorted to "turn the hands of  time a bit "backwards" (my view) and have created (yet) another new "being" on earth.... called the "Human Sub-Species".

     The "My Way or The Highway" Bunch...
those thinking that we (humanity) is going forward, when in reality, they are going 'backwards' kind of people...
the this  and the that.

     It's like One Third of humanity wants control, another Third prays that It Doesn't Happen.. while the last Third don't give a "flying fig"!


Well ain't that being enlightened? (Or heading towards it)

What I am trying to say here is: 
     We all have OUR OWN path, we come to crossroads- we choose the turns- we can also (at the right time) make a 'u-turn' and choose a different road (but within the Universal time line- not your version of it) - and continue our 'path'.

     This 'create your reality' is all well, and fine- BUT it will only become a reality if the 'time' is right.  It does take work to manifest something into 'reality" it doesn't "POOF" into your life!- you need to make it "YOUR" reality by working towards it.

     Building 'towers/bridges' is NOT the way (at least not the precise way) -to reach Our Creator (god/goddess/light)- there is more to it than just the 'vision' of a tower/bridge to walk onto....
it is (our personal) TASK to get there! ... the method?


Not All Roads Lead To Rome....
But there is only One path to Our Creator- and that is for YOU to choose.

Use Your Birth Given Right Of Choice & Freewill wisely.

Do Not Go Forward in time as a 'sub-species'....



  "Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Gen. 11:9).

Consider what likely happened when the language was confused. The builders of the Tower would soon begin to accuse others of not talking plainly. Arguments would take place because orders could not be understood or followed. The more the workers misunderstood, the more they would argue.Cooperation ceased, and the only alternative was to stop the construction of the Tower.

Soon, the various language groups began to spread out.
Those remaining in Babel spoke the same language,
while others who did not went to distant locations.

This is exactly what the "Universe" intended.

(little history on the 'Tower of Babel')

     This was a great setback for Nimrod (I love that name- NIMROD!-lol!) and his plans for the takeover of all society. While the people went on to build the city of Babel, Nimrod's plans to complete the Tower and establish his hegemony over the world failed.

Sounds like a "today's NIMROD(s)" to you- don't it?

What was the purpose of this Tower?
What did it signify?

     Various books about the subject point out that ancient cuneiform tablets relate several features of the biblical narrative. The remains of the Tower of Babel were extant until at least until the time of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, who visited there in 460 BC. Herodotus stated that it was seven stories in height, or 295 feet.   The Tower was almost 300 feet high, which would make it the equivalent of a 30-story building of today. It was built in a series of levels with each level a little smaller than the one below it. The Tower was built in the middle of a temple, and a spiral staircase that ran around the outside could reach all levels. The top level also contained a temple. Some authors state the Tower of Babel was a ziggurat, intended as an astronomical observatory and for the worship of heavenly bodies. Its purpose was to establish a bond of union between heaven and earth. Some of the earlier Babylonian kings refurbished it, but their efforts to completely restore it did not last. Alexander the Great wanted it rebuilt, but this was never accomplished. For centuries Arabic peoples carted off building materials for their homes, and today all that remains of the Tower is a huge water-filled crater. Portions of the Tower could be seen as late the early AD period.

     Not only was the city and Tower representative of a rebellion against God's intent to disperse the human race, it was also the first attempt to establish idolatry after the Flood.

     No one can deny that idolatry has been an integral part of the history of man. While it was suppressed at the time of the confusion of the languages, it has existed in a myriad of forms ever since. The first commandment forbids idolatry, yet men today pay as little attention to God's instruction regarding idolatry as they did at the time of the Tower of Babel. Some of the major religions in the world today are steeped in idolatry in one way or another, and these religions involve millions of followers.

     Look at the languages today. The World Book Encyclopedia states there are about 5,000 languages. Scholars have classified languages into families, and the languages of each family probably go back to an original source. As such, they are related. Fifty percent of the people in the world speak languages from the Indo-European family. The 5,000 languages are divided into ten groupings. The confusion at the Tower of Babel probably did not have introduce this many languages. We do not know how many were originally given, but in time languages go through changes. For example, Old English is hardly understandable today. Even the language changes that have occurred since the time the King James Version was written are a contrast to our English language of today.

"...It is significant that traditions similar to the Babel story exist in various other ancient nations and even in primitive tribes. Although not as frequently encountered as traditions of the great Flood, many tribes do have a tradition of a former age when all people spoke the same language until the languages were confused as a judgment of the gods...."

     By this Mighty Act at the Tower of Babel, God put a stop to man's rebellion and idolatry. Only in modern times have men again seemingly concentrated their efforts to bring about what was intended at the Tower of Babel—the centralization of power under a One World Government—the establishment of the New World Order... and YES... thoughts Of A New World 'Religion'...?

Will God/Goddess need to intervene again??!!



A mystic once said...

A mystic once said...
“If any one saw God and understood what he saw,
then it was not God that he saw,
but something that belongs to Him.”

Some mystics contemplate the formless God and others meditate on the forms that God takes, but the wise mystic knows that the unmanifested and unknown God is beyond both. Even the formless God is an “idea” created in our own mind as an archetypal ideal to help us describe an unknown God, obscure, remote, and outside of us, that remains an abstract thought in our mind.

The last statement reveals that both the visible and invisible God take external appearances so that our own thoughts and feelings about these irrational and abstract ideas are rendered more rational and concrete for our intellect. For these reasons, abstract thoughts acquire different forms and remain concealed in various archetypal symbols in our conceptual world. Therefore, all philosophies and belief systems may be nothing more than complex and interesting concepts created to help us understand our relationship with an unknowable God.

We should add that our conceptual world and everything in it help us to enliven our spirit. In fact, the language of our conceptual world is an intuitive language coming from the psyche. These ideal models are indeed meaningful and significant to sincere seekers of truth since all images and representations of an invisible and unknown God within their psyche serve a Divine purpose. In truth, these symbolic images are designed to attract, enchant, enrapture and vitalize our passion and ardor towards our own source or Center of Pure Being that is the unknown God.

GOD as Concept

Ruysbroeck, a Flemish mystic, once expressed a similar idea: “God devours us and feeds us at the same time.” Now, we could add, “All the appearances that the unknown God takes on for us, with or without form, are still godly and holy guises, and thus are profoundly significant and meaningful to the one receiving these impressions, since all of God’s expressions enliven and excite the soul of man.”

We could further add, “Any concept we have of God, even a most intricate and abstract one encompassing the idea of the Void, will still remain personal and, therefore, even this idea of the Void will still reflect and externalize an idea we have of it. Hence, the concept of the Void will, in itself, be a reflection of one of God’s faces or guises, compatible with our own level of understanding.”

So, what does this mean? Simply that any image or face that you may make of the Divine still remains a creation of your own thoughts and feelings, and hence will be rooted in your ego. That is why all thoughts and ideas you have of an unknown God will always belong to the world of duality, meaning that the world in which everything that you conceive and feel is first projected outside of you so that your intellect can recognize and absorb it. This is why projections of spiritual ideas are actually reflections coming from your conceptual world, drawing you back towards your own inner center.

We can now better understand how God’s Divine guises reflect in our own being so as to harmonize, endear and unite our ego with God’s own Center of Immanence and Presence. All the images and aspects that God may take in our imagination will be represented by a multitude of symbols conceived psychically and mentally in the world of duality in which ego prevails. Through these inner attractions and enticements, ego is also invited to join in, after its transmutation and absorption into the Center of Pure Being.

Consequently, we see that it’s impossible for us to jump suddenly from a world of duality into a world of Pure Being. We know that the Law of Duality governs man’s daily life, which is the law of observer/observed. By keeping ourselves in that state of separation and division, we persist unconsciously in keeping ourselves apart from our own Center of Pure Being. So, if we focus solely on the external rather than going within ourselves to our Center of Pure Being, we will find it impossible to find that Center, since the presence of the unknown God is the same center as our Center of Pure Being.


So, what are we saying? Simply that any description we may have of God, be it contemplative or otherwise, with or without form, belongs to a world of duality where object and subject, observer and observed, challenge each other incessantly. However, to help us overcome this entrapment, God, with His unlimited wisdom, uses our imagination to open before us the gates of the conceptual world that serves as a bridge to link the world of duality to the world of wholeness and unity.

However, these two opposite poles—duality and wholeness—harmonize in a neutral zone within our being, a state of peace and silence in which the unknown presence of God resides as a seed within our psyche. All types of meditation guide us towards this zone, and teach us to gradually blend our consciousness with the Cosmic Consciousness residing in the seed.

God Is The Consciousness of the Present Moment

When you are in touch with your Center of Pure Being, you learn to weave and surf via the subtle and sublime energies existing within that intimate center. By this spiritual and subtle process, your ego is attracted to your Center of Pure Being. Then, an indescribable level of consciousness opens up, harmonizing and blending your ego with your Center of Pure Being to fulfill Ruysbroeck’s, “God devours us and feeds us at the same time.”

Your body is indeed your temple, so by blending your ego with your Center of Pure Being, your temple becomes holy. As a result of these transformations, you are made a perfect witness to your own awakening since, from that moment, your consciousness enters a new dimension, your ego no longer living a separate existence. You are reborn, twice-born, and your will effortlessly expresses God’s will in the miracle of your ordinary, everyday life.

Please note that the words “He” or “Him” are not used to imply gender but rather to simplify the text. Gender exists only in a world of duality, and Consciousness and Being are beyond them.

The tender and loving "Faces" or guises of the Divine that the Unknown God chooses to take for our understanding touch us deeply, enticing and pulling us gradually inwards behind the invisible veils of our psyche, to give us the opportunity of bringing change and metamorphosis in our consciousness with a whole range of pure and untapped energies. This is done to help us live life more intensely and earnestly. Hence, ignorance and narrow-mindedness and bigotry gradually vanish from our minds. These specific mystical experiences also bring about something different, something indescribable but crucial and important. We could even go as far as to say that the whole spiritual process is to help us reach a certain level, and this level is a center within ourselves and yet it is also beyond ourselves since this center is nowhere and everywhere at the same time… What do we mean.

The Hallow Faces Of GOD

We are here, immersed in the heart of Omnipresence. These hallowed "Faces" are symbolic images reflecting the Unknown God’s Presence in us, they often vary and take different expressions according to different religions. We could say, that they leave their imprints in our psyche, and through them gradually we are shown our way back to the Center of God's Omnipresence. These "Faces" or "Guises" are deeply personal infusing directly our soul with the intimate qualities of God’s infinite Love and Wisdom. Consequently, through this secret and sacred "Face to face" encounter, a hallowed merging occurs, a union of man with God’s Image, which we can refer to as a "Veil". Usually these divine "Faces" leave us with a strong impression that transform us for ever. With these intimate contacts, we are rejuvenated and a new world appears in and around us. Things start to look quite different from all angles and yet nothing really changes from the exterior.

We are the ones that change because only consciousness can move and change the energies in and around us. It is indeed consciousness that harmonizes, blends and transforms our perceptions. Man on all his planes of manifestations and in all his different aspects, is made of pure energy. Hence the same law affects his intellect and his emotions. In other words, it affects his ego self, and his individuality. Different spiritual energies pour into our psyche all the time, but we remain unaware of them until a direct mystical experience brings us "Face to face" with an aspect of the Unknown God, which reveals and reflects in us our own angelic nature. This is interesting since it shows us that unless we look into the mirror of our own purified heart, we will never be sensitive and change into our own angelic essence.

A Pythagorean Saying

A Pythagorean way of saying the same thing would be: it is only after we cooperate in the purification process of our psyche that the muses pour upon us their gifts. Yes, indeed, it is only afterwards, that we can receive these ineffable and transcendent gifts. We should ponder on what this means, and consider that with each Divine "Face" emerging from within the darkness of our own unconsciousness a new level of consciousness appears in the light of our conscious mind. A new "Face" manifests Itself within our heart. We are using the word "Face" to emphasize the fact that to understand something spiritual, man must project or receive an image, even if this image reflects an abstract idea ... he must be moved and excited from within by what he sees; be enthralled and aroused intellectually by it, so as to attract to himself and learn to blend with one of the divine Faces.

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The Divine Faces

What is meant by this statement is difficult to explain, since each divine FACE represents a level of consciousness. Hence, for a mystic such an experience means that his psyche is about to, or has blended already with one of the Unknown God's, emanations. We could call the Unknown God, "the Clear Light", "the Source", or use any expression or wording that expresses our own understanding of this unknown PRESENCE within our own Center of being… we should allow ourselves to be magnetically pulled in by the divine FACE that attracts our psyche. We are openly saying here, that no man can perceive the Unknown God "face to Face" simply because the God we are trying to describe is the: UNCREATED LIGHT - THE IMMACULATE PRESENCE - OF PURE BEING.

There is a hidden Path opening up from within a disciple and this Path belongs to his inner and divine Self. To unfold the path of initiation, and tread on it consciously, the mystic must desire with all his heart to succeed in his Quest and persevere until the end of the process. This means until the end of his incarnation...and when the time comes and he is "ripe" to let the Divine Light appear in him, this Energy will take the most appropriate Divine "Face" for him, to attract and transform him with LOVE from within his being. To receive such divine gift, he must first learn to let go and discard his old ego patterns, his old "faces" and models, so as to be able to be reborn anew.

Indeed it is true to say that as personalities, we do change and with those changes our traits change too. As we purify our psyche from the complicated "stories" and "excuses" that we make up, we enter slowly into a new-world, unveiling subtly a Divine "Face" - an appropriate one that corresponds to our personal need of the moment. This Divine Face projects an imprint into our own face like a hologram… and in this way our level of consciousness is affected by these subtle energies and as a consequence of these delicate operations, our traits and attitudes soften and mature. They become more beautiful, and therefore more attractive and magnetic.

We also understand however, that there is an important spiritual work going on within our psyche. These are subtle alchemical operations that must remain sealed in the darkness of an inner "cocoon" for our own protection. If we are to be called mystics or disciples, our first step on this path is to learn to OBSERVE ourselves. Generally, man finds excuses to cover his own mistakes, faults, weaknesses. This is disastrous to someone who wishes to call himself a mystic since it is only on that level of spirituality that a disciple will learn to let go of his egotistic patterns and experience what is meant "to vanish completely into the Center of God’s OMNIPOTENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, and OMNISCIENCE".


This Center is the Center of PURE BEING and is also called the UNCREATED LIGHT. Consequently, we understand that one must desire to climb the ladder of Light within himself so as to reach higher levels of Consciousness. One does that guided by the inspiration, impulses and gifts given to him through the HOLY SPIRIT.

We understand therefore, that before one is able to acquire the appropriate level of consciousness which allows one to receive the inspiration and guidance of the divine wisdom, one must first free oneself of all the chains and fetters of the ego. One must be prepared to embrace the different emanations and qualities embodied: the divine "Faces" of the uncreated God... This means that each Divine Face embodies in Itself a divine EXPRESSION, and QUALITY, as each "Face" purifies, and transforms the ego into a more refined expression. However, to reach the center of the Uncreated Light one has to abandon at a certain point of his journey all the divine Aspects letting go of everything including the most spiritual gift received by the Holy Spirit. Hence by first embracing one by one all the divine qualities of the unknown God, the disciple has at the end of his Quest to "return" them back to the Source, to the Center of the Uncreated Light of BEING. From that level of Cosmic Consciousness, he abandons them one by one releasing them into the Source. It is only then, that the Center of the Uncreated God's Omnipresence in the disciple becomes active.. Ponder and contemplate on what is meant by this statement...

In the same context of what we just said, I would like to make a point on the importance of spiritual psychology since the world of the "observer" and the "observed" belong to it. Spiritual psychology teach us to be Vigilant, Alert and Conscious of our own mistakes, faults, and weaknesses. We all create around us a personal "STORY", meaning that we skilfully make up excuses for our own shortcomings, accusing others, or blaming instead of looking objectively into our own cynicism. We should understand that faults are in themselves distortions of qualities. For example: compassion and love can turn out to become jalousie or hatred, but what concerns us specially here is the fact that spiritual awakening cannot happen unless we become conscious of our own patterns and have a strong need to change them.

The Roles Of Imagination

The role that our IMAGINATION plays in the creation of spiritual and sacred Ideas is very important. Through these ideas we create mental images and sacred "Faces", giving form to the formless God. We could say that the role or mission that our imagination takes for us is to make "visible" and "understandable" different manifestations of unknown, uncreated, unmanifested impulses

So, as we have said, before we can have an "idea" and give meaning to what God is for us, even if the idea is an abstract one it will still remain in a world of duality where God and us humans remain separate. Hence, we understand by this statement that to approach the Unknown God or the Clear Light we have first to recognize and be "penetrated" by His Divine "Face", in other words by His Divine Emanations… His divine Qualities... and we receive these impulses only when we are ready and well prepared. However, this process is indeed a life long spiritual project that demands our entire dedication. This project comprises the purification of our astral and mental bodies and a simplification of the way we live. That is why a wise mystic knows that God is nearer to him than he is to himself… and therefore, God is a better Judge of his personal needs…

What Are Lightworkers?

What Are Lightworkers?

Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Light
(knowledge, freedom and self-love) on earth.
They sense this as their mission.

     They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind. Because of their deeply felt mission, lightworkers often feel different from other people. By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way,life provokes them to find their own, unique path.Lightworkers nearly always are solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.

     The word ..lightworker' may evoke misunderstanding,since it lifts out a particular group of souls from the rest. In addition, it may be taken to suggest that this particular group is somehow superior to the others,i.e. those ..not working for the light'. This whole line of thought is at odds with the very nature and intent of lightwork. Let us state briefly what is wrong with it.

  -   First, claims of superiority are generally unenlightened. They block your growth toward a free and loving consciousness.

  -   Second, Lightworkers are not ..better' or ..higher' than anyone else. They simply have a different history than the ones not belonging to this group. Because of this particular history, they have certain psychological characteristics which distinguish them as a group.

  -   Third, every soul becomes a lightworker at some stage of its unfolding, so the label ..lightworker' is not reserved to a limited number of souls.

     The reason we use the word "lightworker"(despite possible misunderstandings) is because it carries associations and stirs memories within you that help you remember. There is a practical convenience to it as well, since the term is frequently used in your current spiritual literature. Historical roots of lightworkers

     Lightworkers carry within them the ability to attain spiritual awakening faster than other people. They carry inner seeds for a rapid spiritual awakening. With regard to this, they seem to be on a faster track than most people, if they choose so. This, again, is not because lightworkers are in any way ..better' or ..higher' souls.

     They are, however, older than most souls presently incarnate on earth. This older age should preferably be understood in terms of ..experience', rather than ..time'. Lightworkers have reached a particular stage of enlightenment, before they incarnate on earth and start their mission.

     They consciously choose to become entrenched in the ..karmic wheel of life' and to experience all forms of confusion and illusion that go with it. They do this in order to fully understand experience'. This will enable them to fulfil their mission.

     Only by going through all stages of ignorance and illusion themselves ~ will they eventually own the tools to help others achieve a state of true happiness and enlightenment

     Outline of Psychological characteristics of lightworkers: A few characteristics of lightworker souls, which generally distinguish them from other people ~ From early on in their life, they feel they are different. More often than not, they feel isolated from others, lonely and misunderstood. They will often become individualists, who will have to find their own unique ways in life. They have trouble feeling at home within traditional jobsand/or organization structures.

     Lightworkers are naturally anti-authoritarian, which means they naturally resist decisions or values based solely on power or hierarchy. This anti-authoritarian trait is present even if they seem timid and shy. It is connected to the very essence of their mission here on earth.

     Lightworkers feel drawn to helping people, as a therapist or as a teacher.

     They may be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, etcetera.
Even if their profession is not about helping people in a direct manner, the intent to contribute to the higher good of humanity is clearly present.

     Their vision of life is colored by a spiritual sense of how all things are related together.

     They consciously or subconsciously carry memories within them of non-earthly spheres of light.

     They may - occasionally - feel homesick for these spheres and feel like a stranger on earth.

     They deeply honour and respect life,which often manifests as a fondness for animals and a concern for the environment. The destruction of parts of the animal and vegetable kingdom on earth by man's doing invokes deep feelings of loss and grief in them.

     They are kind-hearted, sensitive and empathic.

     They may have trouble dealing with aggressive behaviour and they generally experience difficulties in standing up for themselves.

     They can be dreamy, naïve or highly idealistic, as well as insufficiently grounded, i.e. down-to-earth. Because they easily pick up (negative) feelings and moods of people around them, it is important for them to spend time alone on a regular basis.

     This enables them to distinguish between their own feelings and those of others.

     They need solitary time to touch base with themselves and with mother earth.

     They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion.

     They were present in overwhelming numbers in the old religious orders of your past, as monks, nuns,hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etcetera.

     They were the ones providing a bridge between the visible and the invisible,between the daily context of earth-life and the mysterious realms of the afterlife, of God and the spirits of good and evil. For fulfilling this role, they were often rejected and persecuted.

Many of you were sentenced to the stake for the gifts you possessed.
The traumas of persecution left deep traces within your soul's memory.

     This may presently manifest as a fear of being fully grounded, i.e. a fear to be really present, because you remember being brutally attacked for who you were. Because of the values and judgments fed to them by society, which often go against their own natural impulses, many Lightworkers have gotten lost, ending up in states of self-doubt, self-denial and even depression and hopelessness. This is because they cannot fit into the established order of things and they conclude there must be something terribly wrong with them~ this is a horrible sabbatoge technique ~ that must be released~
It requires great determination and perseverance on the inner level to overcome these patterns of self doubt and denial.

     What lightworkers have to do at this point is to stop looking for validation from the outside, from parents, friends or society. At some point of time, you (who are reading this) will have to take the momentous leap to true empowerment, which means to really believe in yourself.

Consciousness is in a Dark Night of the Soul

Consciousness is in a Dark Night of the Soul...

I feel that the Collective Human Consciousness is in a Dark Night of the Soul.

The Dark Night Of The Soul

By Nicholas Schmidt

     You cannot find the Light unless you enter the darkness.

Dark night of the soul, spiritual crisis, spiritual madness, spiritual emergency, divine madness, holy madness... these are various phrases that have been used to describe a unique experience - a profound test of faith and spiritual endurance - that seems to be a necessary part of walking the path home to God.

Today, many people on this planet are searching for a deeper meaning and purpose to life. Struggling for survival and happiness in the material world just doesn't seem to satisfy the human potential anymore. More and more we're becoming bored and frustrated with the routines of everyday life, whether it's with our careers, our personal lives or our relationships with other people.

Deep inside, we're beginning to realize that our hunger for the material comforts and pleasures of life eventually leaves us feeling empty and incomplete. We then begin to suspect that lasting peace and happiness is an "inner" thing. As a result, many of us are looking into the spiritual or mystical realms for a greater sense of purpose, direction and meaning. In the process we find ourselves asking "Who am I, what am I doing here, or what's my real purpose on this planet?" If we are ready, these kinds of questions will awaken a yearning deep within that inspires us to look for answers. Other times a serious life crisis can have the same effect. In the end, we find that we're really searching for God.

     Our search for the truth helps us to awaken spiritually and, more importantly, to remember who we really are. This new insight can be the most profound experience of one's lifetime, an ecstatic rush of joy and enlightenment that is difficult to describe to those who have yet to reach this point. After this awakening experience or shift in awareness occurs, we begin to look at the old ways and false beliefs of life with less interest, while our re-connection with the divine becomes clearer and feels more natural. The old way simply doesn't interest us anymore, while the new way is all that matters.

Somewhere along the journey of remembering who we really are, we may find ourselves in a very uncomfortable space, a void in which we realize that we haven't totally let go of our old beliefs, and on the other hand we have yet to fully plug into the new truths we have discovered. This awkward "place of mind" can bring on an internal crisis of uncertainty, instability, confusion, frustration, and a most unspeakable despair as the "dark night" sets in and makes its presence felt.

     It is ironic that along with the rapture of remembering our divine connection, there can be intense feelings of depression, madness, detachment, hopelessness and an extraordinary loneliness that is not only relentless but may last for months or years on end. Then comes the waiting, and the wondering if and when the dark night will ever end. Ultimately, it feels as though we have lost control over our lives and, most importantly, that God has truly abandoned us.

     St. John of the Cross went through it, Edgar Cayce spoke of it, several recent books and tapes have described it, and throughout history various cultures provided special care and loving support for their tribal members in spiritual crisis.

     If this kind of intense and prolonged crisis has entered your life, please don't give up! When the madness is over, when one finally "lets go" in an act of surrender, acceptance and trust in what God is accomplishing with you - without resignation and with gratitude for the experience - the dark night will end. At that point, ego will no longer dictate the path of your life, and a Light will shine through bringing with it a new spiritual adventure and purpose in life. Your path will then be guided by a series of divinely influenced synchronous events, and your real mission for this lifetime will unfold and fall into place as if by magic.

     An example "dark night" sequence of events:

     Things in life seem to be going along quite smoothly. Then, unexpectedly, we have a serious life crisis such as career failure, divorce, a health problem, a serious addiction, financial collapse, a near death experience, etc. or any combination of such events.

     At some point the crisis/anguish becomes so intense that we drop to the floor and, in a climactic act of desperation, cry out "God, help me!" God begins to help immediately, most often in ways that are contrary to what we expect. (Put your seat belt on at this time!)

     The crisis usually jump-starts the search for spiritual truth. Each new "insight" we discover brings on the death of an old "false belief" we've been programmed to accept throughout our lives. This starts to seriously threaten our egos, and a severe test of faith begins that can last for months or years.

The most important question you can ask yourself during a spiritual crisis is, "Can you believe in God when the night is the darkest?"

     During a dark night crisis, the individual may have any combination or all of the following symptoms:

     * Feelings of depression, despair, loneliness
     * Loss of energy
     * Chronic exhaustion not linked to a physical disorder
     * Loss of control over one's personal and/or professional direction in life
     * Unusual sensitivity to light, sound and other environmental factors
     * Anger, frustration, lack of patience
     * Loss of identity, purpose, and meaning to life
     * Withdrawal from life's everyday routines
* Feelings of madness and insanity
     * A sense of abandonment by God
     * Feelings of inadequacy
     * Lessened feelings of attachment to family and friends
* Loss of attention span, self-confidence and self-esteem
     * Frequent bouts of spontaneous crying and weeping

     These symptoms mimic ordinary clinical depression. However, there is a major difference. Spiritual madness is an "inner thing" between you and God during which deep, rich spiritual growth is occurring. Anti-depressants may rob you of this miraculous (yet painful) experience.

The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis

The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis
Archangel Michael
by Celia Fenn

      I have been asked by Archangel Michael to write this article in order to help the many people who undergo the experience of a rapid shift into multi-dimensional awareness, or, the shift from the Indigo state to the Crystal state of consciousness.

     There are people who make the transition in a relatively gentle way, but there are many who experience a crisis when this happens. These are usually the people who have chosen to open up to the higher dimensions.

     This choice is not made logically by the rational mind, but is rather a soul choice made in response to the available transitional energies of the Earth herself. So, sometimes a person is thrust into psychological,emotional and bodily changes for which they can find no logical explanation . This can cause a crisis. My experience has been that orthodox doctors and psychologists are of very little help as they have no idea of what the person is experiencing. When tests come back negative, the person is often considered to be hysterical or ungrounded or even schizophrenic.

     This transition often happens to people who have been on spiritual paths and are better equipped to handle the shifts. But, my experience is also that Indigo Children, no matter what their state of spiritual awareness, are particularly vulnerable to the spontaneous experience of transiton or breakthough to the awareness of higher dimensions . I must also add that the use of any kinds of drugs, fairly common among Indigo adolescents, quite often precipitates this transitonal crisis before the person is really ready to deal with the effects.

     Below are a list of the symptoms experienced in the process of crisis or breakthrough: Sudden extreme sensitivity to people and environments . A person who has previously been sociable and active suddenly finds they can't bear to be in shopping malls or in crowded environments such as restaurants. An increase in psychic ability and awareness . This most often manifests in the ability to almost "hear" the inner thoughts and feelings of others.

     This can be disconcerting if the person imagines that everyone else can also read their thoughts and feelings. Also an extreme sensitivity to negative energy in certain environments or people, including the inability to tolerate certain people who had previously been close. This increased sensitivity can lead to panic attacks or anxiety attacks . These can occur at any time, even when the person wakes up at night. Often there is no valid reason for the attack, although the person will often seek to find a reason.

     The person might also find themselves "zoning out" for long periods of time , just wanting to sit and do nothing. This can be irritating to someone who has previously been very energetic and active. This is just the consciousness adjusting to spending more time in the higher dimensions and less time in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Related to this is the need to rest and sleep for far longer than previously, and a general slowing down. Obssessive anxieties about humans being destroyed (by pollution, lack of resources, aliens, technology etc). This is because multi-dimensional consciousness can access all levels of the group mind, including that part which holds the fears and anxieties about the survival of the species. Since the person is often concerned about their own survival, they tend to resonate with this part of the group mind or morphogenetic field. An obssessive need to understand what is happening, leading to the mind becoming overactive and the person fearing they are losing it or suffering from "burn-out". Also a fear of going mad and being unable to cope with everyday life in the future. Again, psychologists and doctors seem able to offer very little help. Depression for no reason, or related to the crisis state. This is often just the consciousness clearing out old layers of energy that need to be released. It is not necessary to "process" or relive the experience, just allow the body to release the energy. Have patience with the process and know that it will pass. Disrupted sleep patterns, often waking up to 3 times a night, or just at about 3am. Again this is just the consciousness adapting to new cycles of activity. Higher consciousness is often more active at night since the lower dimensions are quiet at this time.

     Feeling strange electrical energy waves through the body . The Crystal body is incredibly sensitive, and feels solar and lunar waves, cosmic waves, and energies from the galactic centre. Often these energies are assisting in the process of "rewiring" the body to carry higher energies. Speaking from experience, I know how uncomfortable this can be. But the body eventually acclimates to dealing with these energy waves. You will probably find them to be more intense around Full Moon. The best way I have found of dealing with this phenomenon is to go outside and stand barefoot on the ground and imagine the energy running through your body and into the earth. A whole range of physical sensations and experiences, usually related to detoxification. The Crystal body holds no toxins, but allows everything to pass through it. In fact the eventual trick to being Crystal is just to allow everything to pass through and hold onto nothing. The ultimate state of detachment. But at this stage the body needs to release years of "toxic" waste, whether physical, emotional or mental The release is always through the physical body, which presents symptoms such as intense fatigue, muscle and joint pains especially in the hips and knees, headaches, especially at the base of the skull, and neck and shoulder pains. Dizziness and "spaciness". This is because you are in "higher" states of consciousness. You need to get used to being at these levels and staying grounded at the same time. These sensations tend to increase with solar flares and full moons as well. Increased appetite and putting on weight . This is because the body needs huge amounts of energy to power this process. The ability to see beyond the veils . That is, to become aware of spirits, devas,E.Ts and angels as a reality and to communicate with these. This can be very frightening if the person is not accustomed to this kind of other dimensional awareness.

     Coping Skills for the Transition The best advice I can give is to be accepting of the process and do not resist . My own transition has been going on for nearly 18 months. I found that the key was acceptance. I kept hoping that I was going to wake up one day and feel "normal" again. It was only when I accepted that I would never again feel "normal" as I knew it, that I was better able to feel more comfortable in my new space and to cope better. Then you can begin to explore the adventure or the positive side of this new state.

     Below are some tips for dealing with the transitional crisis: Be at peace with what is happening to your being. You are becoming a Crystal being. Another term for this is a "Christed being" , which refers to a mutli-dimensional being with full access to 9 dimensions, and maybe even 13. My experience at this point is that some people only open to 5D, others go through to 6D. If you make it through to 6D then you will probably achieve full 9D awareness in this lifetime, if not in the very near future. What a privilege and a blessing!!

Be kind to yourself and nurture yourself .
     Remember, as a Crystal being you carry an equal balance of the "mother" energy and the "father" energy. The mother says, nurture yourself as you would a new-born baby, for in fact that is what you are. You will need time to grow in strength and learn the skills of your new environment.
Trust is very important here .
     I made the transition as a single self-supporting person in my own business with very little resources. I was terrified that my physical state would prevent me from earning enough to survive. But I was held though the process, and still have my home and I have always had enough although there have been some close calls.
Don't take drugs of any kind if you can help help it.
Obviously if you are on medication for your health then you will need to continue. But do not take recreational drugs of any kind, these will aggravate the process and you could get lost "out there" in the higher dimensions.

Also try to cope without anti-depressants or tranqulizers, although again if you are on these you will need medical advice and should not just stop them. The best path to take is to use homeopathic and naturopathic medicine, and I have found that Flower Essences are very helpful as well. Avoid crowds and crowded places. I have perfected the art of the weekly one hour shopping "blitz" in order to care for my needs while not spending too long in tiring and toxic environments. Gradually you will be able to tolerate more and more exposure to these environments. The key here, of course, is to hold your own peace and harmony so strongly that instead of you being affected by the environment, you in fact affect the environment in positive ways. The Crystal person always holds and carries positive energy, but you will learn to use it in incredibly powerful ways once you have gained your balance and are able to move among people again with ease. Stay grounded and centred. This can be very challenging for those who are acclimating to higher dimensional awareness. You will often feel dizzy and spaced. But try to pay full attention to the physical and grounded aspects of life. The key here is to spend time on exercise, walking, food and artistic occupations.

Don't spend hours in front of the TV or lost in computer games. These will only serve to increase the ungroundedness. Spend as much time as you can in Nature . You will find spending time in fresh air and sunlight will assist to strenghten the new bodies. Also the devas are there to support your processes. Eat simply and eat as much fresh vegetables and fruit as possible . I have been told by guidance that brown rice and vegetables are the best kind of food for this new body. However, indulge your cravings - mine have ranged from calamari to chocolate cake. This is not the time to diet. Your body needs huge amounts of nourishment to fuel the processes you are passing though. You may even put on weight, but you will need to accept that this is part of the transition. Finally - Celebrate your transition . You are becoming a Galactic human, the next step in human evolution! You are entering into your birthright.


This article was referenced from the Star Orchid Website of Star Knowledge presentor LiLan El Lah Rah at:

The Science Of Death

The Process

     In order to understand and complete the entire process of dying unto death, we have now to discuss what happens when the spirit leaves the body...("G-plan"), our date of death is fixed by us before we are born (there are rare circumstances when death maybe postponed). So when our cosmic clock intimates to the person that his time is almost up, his heart seed atom will release atomic particles of impending death into the bloodstream. These atoms will stimulate the glands to manufacture a death hormone, which is carried by the blood to all over the body. This death hormone will loosen the electromagnetic hold of the physical atoms upon the atoms of the higher bodies, e.g. subtle bodies or auras. This is the beginning of the soul release.

     While the physical atoms are losing their grip, the spiritual body is strengthening and the liberation of the soul is being initiated. With old people an illness will appear (part of G-plan) and this is the beginning of the end of the body. Near this end stage, the person should be allowed to return home to die, and drugs that blur the consciousness should be disallowed. Analgesics that reduce pain are permitted, but the person must be kept aware as much as possible. When the person is dying at home, he is being lovingly cared for and this alone will make him more relax. As death approaches, the person experiences less pain because the death hormone blocks the sensation of pain via the sympathetic nervous system.

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The Science of Death

     The elderly person with a terminal illness knows that his time is up. With the circulation of the death hormone and the escaping of the soul electricity, the threads of the silver cord begin to loosen. The soul is now more attracted to the spiritual body and it begins its journey towards the brain. The crown chakra (through which the spirit enters the foetus) now begins to open up for the reverse process of death. This is in preparation for the release of the spirit-soul in due course.

     The person’s life force starts to retreat towards the brain from the feet. As the life force leaves the feet they turn cold and pale. The hands and arms are similarly affected with the nails turning purple. The breathing is now laboured and the eyes are dimmed with a far-away look. The pineal gland is becoming extremely active. As the crown chakra expands in its opening, the porous brain is going to allow the soul to pass upwards through silver cord. The kundalini wakens for the upward journey, and the three permanent seed atoms prepare for their departure. The emotional seed atom sits in the 3rd chakra and is responsible for all the emotions of the person. The mental seed atom sits at the 6th chakra and is responsible for all the activities of the mind. These 2 seed atoms are influenced by free will. The heart seed atom sits at the heart chakra and contains the akashic records, the samskaras, karma and the G-plan. Ramana Maharshi said that this Heart, which is the Self, is situated in the right chest next to the lower sternum. This heart seed atom and its contents are fixed and are not controlled or influenced by free will. It is the destiny of the individual.

     As the kundalini moves upwards, the emotional seed atom in the solar plexus departs first after the life force in its up wards movement reaches the solar plexus. After the emotional seed atom leaves through the silver cord, pain is no more felt. Since the mental and heart seed atoms are still in the physical body, the person may lie in a death coma for some time, but normally it is only for a few moments.

     As the kundalini and the life force move further upwards, the person becomes more psychic and his consciousness and awareness are both expanding. When the kundalini hits the pituitary-pineal centre at the crown chakra, the third eye is opened and the Clear Light of the Void appears. At this juncture many dying people become very psychic.

They are able to:
  * Wake up briefly to say goodbye to the loved ones.
  * Witness deathbed visions: people and landscapes.
  * They maybe engulfed in spiritual white light and immersed in ecstatic bliss.
  * Have deathbed predictions.

     Even before the emotional seed atom is transferred upwards, an etheric form emanates from the crown chakra. Pain ceases to hurt the person after the emotional seed atom moves into the etheric (spiritual) form. At this point clairvoyants can see a cloud of smoke arising through the opening of the crown chakra and this smoke configures into a form very similar to the physical body lying on the bed. It takes the form of waves of varying colours rippling upwards to take shape as a human form. After the death hormone has saturated the pineal gland, the mental seed atom will travel through the silver cord through the crown chakra to the brain area of the spiritual (etheric) body. The silver cord is attached to the third eye of the person at one end and joined to the back of the lower neck or between the shoulder blades of the etheric form at the other end. After the exit of the mental seed atom, the person will go into a coma. The physical form is undergoing clinical death, but the spiritual awareness is much sharper. This death process will last from six minutes to half an hour.

     At this point, the person is clinically dead, but the heart seed atom has not yet vacated the physical body yet. The silver cord is still intact. Normally the heart seed atom follows shortly after the departure of the mental seed atom. Before the heart seed atom departs from the body a luminous glow can be seen by clairvoyants over the heart chakra. Now that all the three seed atoms have escaped into the etheric form, the spiritual body begins to take the exact replica of the physical body. The facial features are now minutely sculptured onto the etheric form. The face is the same as that of the corpse, but the lines of worry and tension have disappeared, and the etheric form looks younger and serene. Half an hour after clinical death, another white light will appear to the deceased spirit sometimes after a buzzing journey through a dark tunnel, sometimes after climbing a flight of stairs. Mostly the heart seed atom would have left the physical body, but very occasionally it is still stuck in the physical body. This is because in some individuals it takes a longer time to form an etheric form. It is at this time that the physical organs begin to deteriorate and decay. The death of the organs takes between one to fifteen hours. The silver cord now begins to shred. Once the silver cord is totally severed, no healer in the world can revive the person. This is the sign of final death. That is why we advocate at least three days before burial, because the heart seed atom is not released until the etheric form is more or less perfect. Then comes the breakdown of the silver cord. All these may take 2 to 3 days to complete.

     The etheric form will be built according to your lowest desires of the deceased. If there is a lot of hatred or evil, the etheric form will assume these features. Smoking, drinking and drug habits will be imbued into the vibrations of the etheric form. The same goes with carnal desires. This explains why spirits of drug addicts and alcoholics tend to remain earthbound in dens of drug addicts and pubs. Earthbound spirits cannot progress spiritually and this thwarts their development.

Deaths of accidents and violence

     The procedure as described above for an elderly person with a terminal disease is the same as in cases of violence and accidents. Just remember that the body must be kept in a quiet and cool place after the violent or accidental death before embalming or burial. This is because it may take three days for the departure of the heart seed atom and the severing of the silver cord in some individuals.

     JESUS "rose on the 3rd day"....

     AMAZING.... EH?

Realizing The Universe Is Working In Your Favor

Realizing The Universe Is Working In Your Favor
by Jason Randhawa

Life is the mechanism through which God expresses itself. Life is perfect. All the events and people in your life are helping you. Everything that is happening is perfect for you. The Universe is actually working in your favor.

I know, based on your perceptions of life (i.e. experiences), you probably think all or most of the statements above are not only absolutely ridiculous but also very naïve. By now, you should understand the basics of the Law of Attraction and that if you want to believe this and experience it you can.

The majority of people don’t see that life is actually good. These people are like fish looking out of their tank. What the fish see of the external world is very limited and extremely distorted by the glass and the water. They do not realize they are in a tank looking out.

Like the fish, we too are for the most part unable to see the bigger picture. Humans tend to see only a small part of it. But, everything is very multidimensional.

Many people feel that there is a good reason for everything. I take it even further and say that The Universe and all It contains is perfect for you. If you were able to get out of the fish tank, you would realize that all is in your favor.

Living in the New Earth is completely made up by doing just this,
getting out the fish tank and seeing the entire multidimensional life.

Next time something in life upsets you take some time to be upset. But then keep your senses open and pay attention to any good that comes out of it. It may take some time, but I am sure you will begin to notice that the upsetting event was actually in your favor.

It is a basic law of physics that every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction. So out of every “bad” situation or event there must come at least an equal amount of “good”. When you focus on this good, you will create more of it in your life. Pretty soon, you will believe only in the good, and the bad will just evaporate away.

Personal Experiences
Personally, even with this outlook, sometimes I get off center and cannot hold on to it. I get so caught up in life, and in being a victim that I even sometimes do not see this truth. When this happens, after I have had some time to cool off, I regain my center and begin to think about all the good that could come from this upsetting situation.

I try to think:
“Why would this happen if The Universe was working in my favor?”

I then begin to go through a lot of different ideas on good things that could come from this. It may be helpful to write them all down, the first few times you do this.

A strange thing I have noticed is even though I brainstorm a lot of answers to this question. The good that actually comes out of this situation in my life has never been the same as one of my guesses of what it could be. Many times, it has been much better than I could have imagined.

Sometimes the good results from an upsetting situation appear instantly, and sometimes it may take many months or even years. The good has almost always eventually come. As of this writing there are still a few upsetting events in my life for which I have yet to see very much good come out of. But I know like every other time it will eventually come.

I believe the reason why most people do not believe that the Universe is working in their favor is because they are focusing on the bad. This does not allow any room for the good to manifest. Do not fall into this trap…

5 Easy Steps to Begin This Realization

1. Read “Pronoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings” by Rob Brezsny.
This book is excellent for using as workbook. I would suggest taking some time to go through it with a pen or a pencil. My copy of the book is a complete mess, it has writing and drawings everywhere. This book has really helped me to have a positive outlook on life and to regain harmony.

2. Become Optimistic.
Start having a positive outlook on life. If there is actually some good in everything, then being optimistic can only help you.

3. “Everything that is happening is perfect for me!”
Repeat this affirmation multiple times daily. Affirmations are most effective before you go to sleep and right after you wake up.

4. Whenever you get angry or some event/person makes you mad think about all the good things that could come from that specific thing.
Think of these things as if they are happening in the now. Once again, it may help to write these ideas down.

5. Put this quote where you will see it daily:
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” – Kahlil Gibran

Final Thoughts

Everything is actually in your favor. It is important that you prove this to yourself, as the effects of this realization are life-transforming.

You just need to change your outlook on life. Notice the good effects that come from everything.

Perhaps it is this good feeling or positive outlook that creates the Universe working in your favor.

Everything is meant to work out…

Jason Randhawa:
creator of and the New Earth Blog.

Higher Consciousness


Higher Consciousness

Two Vital Concerns

While higher consciousness will prove itself to you as your greatest asset and your true resource for a finer life, there is a misconception about higher consciousness that can prove very dangerous. Understand higher consciousness for what it is or you might pay a very big price.

Consider the patient who watched with apprehension as the doctor sawed the casts off his two broken arms. "Doctor, Doctor, will I be able to play the piano?"

The doctor examined the arms minutely, tested the fingers: "Yes," the doctor replied, "you will be able to play the piano."

That's strange," replied the patient, "I couldn't play it before I broke my arms."

Remember, in finding your higher consciousness, you are not entering into the realm of miracles or dreamland. You are rapidly accelerating your consciousness. You're discovering a vast amount of talent and awareness that goes unused and undiscovered in the life of the average person. Through your higher consciousness you are realizing "Who am I?" — solving the riddle of your existence, satisfying the yearning of your heart. But becoming awakened to your higher consciousness does not mean you will, necessarily, pole vault the world record or "knock 'em dead" on your concert tour of Europe.

What the awakening of higher consciousness represents to you is remarkable improvements in many areas of life, of course. There are higher states of consciousness which are sublime and which will magnificently enrich you. Also, through discovering your higher consciousness you will find that most everything works better. Your mind becomes more and more capable of thinking clearly and penetrating deeply into whatever you want to think about. Your emotions become free of chaos; you develop a continual sense of well being. Then, too, your empathy increases and you become an extremely thoughtful person in your sensitivity to the lives of others. Your physical body inevitably gains more vitality and greater health usually occurs, provided you have not strained in order to achieve higher consciousness.

Also, with body, mind, and emotions working together, you will find yourself much more coordinated. You will also sleep better and face obstacles and stress with much increased confidence, having discovered marvelous inner resources with which to face life's challenges.

Living in inspiration and progressively higher levels of love and joy, you now have faith and confidence. You will be extremely intuitive, often being astounded at the insights which flood your mind with new opportunities and precious solutions to daily problems.

Beware of Ego Fantasies

The attributes of higher consciousness become yours. Insight, security, peace, and joy, along with an inner power to change circumstances, will come within your easy, immediate access. You will be awakened in your true nature and begin to live a new life at last. You find yourself participating in the creation of a new and happier world.

Now, as to pole vaulting higher than anyone has ever vaulted, or becoming a sudden genius in piano playing, higher consciousness will definitely help you a great deal toward these goals; but the physical skills, which are complex and intricate, still need to be developed The coordination of the body with the mind and the backlog of experience required in the mind would have to be instilled through much training. The emotions have to be attuned, and to develop that coordination between the mind and emotions takes great courage and sensitivity. So, while higher consciousness will accelerate you in developing abilities and talents in such desires as pole vaulting or virtuosity at the keyboard, higher consciousness in no way guarantees fulfillment of your ego's fantasies.

Higher consciousness is really concerned with your soul's deepest expression.
It enables realization of your true potential. This realization of potential is far more valuable than the accomplishment of fantasies — higher consciousness being a very thorough expression of your reality. The potential of your being in harmony with the creative consciousness can bring about, in most instances, a life and world beyond fantasies and dreams.

In awakening to your higher consciousness, you truly give yourself a chance at a finer life. You enable yourself to find the greatest satisfaction you can ever know: you discover the other nine-tenths of yourself. Because higher consciousness is an aspect of reality and your very own nature, you establish, at every level of your being, lasting and ongoing fulfillment. You experience the true zest of life and see in many ways the wonder of your individual nature. Daily you can see the great possibilities of life. Your life, even in the midst of bustle, is ever blissful.

However you conceive of higher consciousness and whatever your approach toward its development, do not misconceive that higher awareness is the world of "wishes." Higher consciousness is not a plane of fantasy but the reality of your true potential which is ready and eager to come forth and move in your life right here and now. It lifts you up to a realization and expression of all the good, the beauty, and the power that abides within your universal self.

Avoid Self-Deception

In your awakening to your true stature as a being of higher consciousness, as one who no longer ignores inner capacities, you must be abidingly aware of another great caution. Early in your quest for higher consciousness, while your mind and emotions are not yet subtle enough to easily and clearly relate to the awakening process — or to distinguish it from fantasies and psychic experiences — you may find it extremely tempting to deceive yourself. Through vivid imagination, coupled with strong desires, you'll be able to "hear" whatever you want to hear and "see" whatever you want to see.

You will find you can infuse your subconscious mind with strong opinions and egocentric yearnings for a few days or weeks and then you will be able to behold some great astral personage speaking to you from a cloud of light, or you will hear a "heavenly voice" revealing into your quiet reflections what you secretly designed. In other words, you can have visions which appear to be from on high but which are self-aggrandizing fantasies. Because you are not yet developed or clear in mind and heart, you may be inclined to presume your "new views" to be true, perhaps even direct information from God.

The caution, then, is be kind to yourself. Avoid the embarrassment and heartbreak of seeing your words and actions smash against reality. Remember, the test of all genuine experience of higher consciousness is that each and every insight from the inner self, or wherever it may come from, must be tried in the light of day — practically expressed and shaped. If your new realization works well in the long and short run, fine. If, on the other hand, the insight doesn't bring excellent results, then a more intense search for wisdom and a new way must be sought.

As with humble amazement you go forward to your new home in higher consciousness, keep these two great, all-important cautions in mind:

Higher consciousness does not fulfill fantasies but unfolds your wondrous potential.

Since it's possible — even easy — to be deceived, test all your insights and inspirations in the light of day.

Consider This

Your discovery of your own higher consciousness is one of the greatest contributions you can make to your fellow man and especially your loved ones. The human world is the way it is right now because of the way people think about themselves and one another. People act and react based on their concepts of what life is about and where happiness or success lie. We wake up and go to bed in a world that could be annihilated in a few minutes. This perilous existence is an indication of our overall human consciousness. Certainly our ability to destroy the world reflects our considerable skills in using matter — electrons, in particular — but, while we are trying, we seem unable to walk away from the edge of oblivion.

Great wise men and women, saints, sages, and above all, the Incarnations who have come to earth from time to time, show us the way to a new awareness — a new way of thinking, a satisfying way of living. A new, more universal way of consciousness is required and they show us, each in his or her own distinctive method, ways for attaining a universal and constructive state of mind. One saint after another demonstrates the healing and joy of a higher consciousness. Consider your own higher consciousness as important, not only to yourself and your career or your family's esteem, but a priceless contribution to people you don't know in far-off countries — a great gift not only to them but to their children and their children's children.

Without more people discovering and abiding in higher consciousness, humanity could lose its future. Caught in ignorance and imprisoning biases, we have lost access to our creative intelligence — and one another. Due to our ignorance and inability to meet human needs — East and West — we may behold the terror-fire of potent, unthinking technology. In split seconds we could become vapor as adeptly-conceived bombs deny life globally. Not only will our future on this planet be over, but our children's futures will be ended, too. And those of any human being again, ever. Finished.

You, in your kindly quest of a higher consciousness — a healing consciousness — are needed. Your love, your insights, your creative intelligence, and your inner power to change circumstances are required.

Do the work. Make the effort. Balance your mind and your life. Awaken in your higher consciousness.


What is my gift to the world? What do I leave the children?

Embracing Our Dark Side


Embracing Our Dark Side
by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.


Releasing Fears & False Beliefs

Our wounded self, the aspect of us that has our fears, limiting beliefs, and desire to control, is our dark or shadow side, not because it is bad but because it is cut off from the light of Spirit. It lives in the darkness of fear and the heaviness of false beliefs instead of in the light of love and truth. Moving toward "enlightenment" is moving into the light of truth. When we release our fears and false beliefs, our energy lightens.

Doorways to Darkness

The light of Spirit enters our hearts when we choose to open to learning about loving ourselves and others, and the darkness enters when we choose to close our hearts and act from anger, fear, shame, judgment or hurt. This is what happened in The Return of the Jedi, the last of the original Star Wars series. In this movie, the emperor, who was the epitome of darkness, was trying to get Luke to join the dark side. He knew if he could just get Luke angry enough or frightened enough, he would want to kill his father, Darth Vader, and then the emperor would own Luke as he had owned Luke’s father. The emperor knew that anger and fear were the doorways to darkness.

Our anger, fear, shame, judgment and hurt are the cracks in our energy field through which the darkness enters. The darkness can also enter when we cloud our energy with drugs, alcohol, nicotine or sugar. Do you recall the trial in San Francisco that employed the infamous "Twinkie defense"? About twenty years ago, the mayor and a city supervisor were shot down inside City Hall and their killer got a short sentence because of his "diminished capacity" due to having eaten a diet of only junk food.

Becoming Immune to Darkness

In one of my dialogues with my spiritual Guidance, she challenged me about darkness. She said, "Margie, you have worked for many years to be physically healthy. Not only that, you have striven to be immune to illness. Likewise, for many years you have sought to become a more loving person. Now your task is to become immune to darkness." I was blown away. Becoming immune to darkness means never acting out of my wounded self’s feelings of fear, anger, shame, judgment or hurt but always moving into an intent to learn about these feelings as soon as they come up, and releasing them to Spirit once I learn how I am causing them. I can tell you, it’s quite a challenge! I don’t know if I will ever fully accomplish this, but it certainly is a worthy goal.

Conscious Connection

Through purifying ourselves on the physical and emotional levels by eating well and doing our healing work, each of us can reach a place where our frequency is high enough that we can do this, we can hear our spiritual Guidance all the time. Being in conscious connection (and dialogue) with both our emotional feelings and our spiritual Guidance at all times is one of the goals of the 6-Step Inner Bonding process that I teach. By dialoguing with both our feelings and our spiritual Guidance, shining the light of truth into our wounded self’s fears and false beliefs, and releasing our emotions to Spirit, we begin to heal the cracks in our energy field through which the darkness enters.

Inner Bonding

The Inner Bonding process is about developing a spiritually connected loving adult self who can release the beliefs and emotions of the wounded self, open to the joy and creativity of the core Self, and stay connected with the wisdom of Guidance. When we feel hurt, angry, judgmental, shamed, blaming, depressed or frightened, we can dialogue and discover and release our beliefs and behavior that are causing these feelings. These painful emotions come from our own limiting beliefs and unloving behavior toward ourselves. However, when you have been operating most of the time from your wounded self, you cannot suddenly become the loving adult you need to be in order to do the dialogue process and release the painful emotions. So, often, your early dialogues may be between one aspect of your wounded self (for example, the part that chooses to indulge in binge eating), and another aspect of it (the part that is furious at being overweight). Since dialoguing between two aspects of your wounded self won’t get you anywhere, you might conclude that the Inner Bonding process doesn’t work.

Transforming Darkness

Here’s what’s really not working: We cannot bring light to darkness with darkness. In other words, we can’t heal our darkness by being furious at it. We can transform darkness into light only by learning about and loving the darkness. We heal darkness only with light--the light of love. Our challenge is to acknowledge, welcome and embrace the part of us that we judge as bad, unlovable or unworthy, and it’s a challenge that calls for the loving adult.

But how can we have a dialogue between our wounded self and our loving adult when we haven’t yet developed a loving adult? Here your imagination comes into play. You need to imagine that the dialogue is between your wounded self and your personal spiritual Guidance. You ask your wounded self questions and offer comfort and help, not from your own thoughts, but from what you would imagine your loving, wise and powerful spiritual Guidance would say and do. Or, if you know a person who you feel really is loving, wise and powerful, you imagine that person in dialogue with your emotions. Either one is a good stand-in for your loving adult.

Susan Sarandon, in the movie Dead Man Walking, is a wonderful role model for loving behavior. She plays a nun who has been asked by a murderer on death row to help him avoid execution. The murderer, played by Sean Penn, is a despicable human being. Not only did he rape and murder in cold blood, he is a racist and he continues to avoid responsibility with his blame, lies and manipulations. Almost no one in the nun’s life supports her efforts on his behalf. They accuse her, blame her, shun her, yet never once does she lose her connection with God. She tells the murderer that he is a son of God and therefore greater than his worst acts. While never condoning his acts, she never condemns him as a person. She lovingly confronts him with himself. Although she does not like him, she loves him. She becomes the face of God for him, and through her love, which is God, he opens his heart and is redeemed. Penn’s character is very dark, the worst of the wounded self, while Sarandon’s is very light, the best of the loving adult.

Given that you might not have role models of loving behavior in your daily life, you can use your spiritual Guidance as your role model to emulate and assimilate. Eventually, when you do this long enough, you begin to take on the qualities of your Guidance. This is how you develop your loving Adult. It takes practice. You have to learn to concentrate on this imaginative process and to trust what you hear.

When clients of mine first start to do this, I generally hear them say, "How do I know this is real? It feels like I’m just making this up, that it’s just my imagination." Many of us have been brought up to believe that when we create--whether it be poetry, a painting, a song, a musical score, a book, a screenplay, a theory--we bring these things forth from our own minds. We may believe that we actually have the capacity to be creative all by ourselves. The truth is that creativity flows when we are open to Spirit and use the gift of our imaginations.

Gifts From Spirit

I no longer believe that my theories, my writing, my paintings or even the words that flow from me when I am working with someone or leading a workshop come from my own individual mind. I experience my mind more as a receiver of Divine information, which I can then transmit through my writing, speaking and painting. Just as love, compassion, truth, peace and joy are not feelings we generate from within our own small selves but are gifts from Spirit, so too are our imagination and the creativity that flows from it. We all have the capacity to learn to access the Source of wisdom and creativity.

Lesson in Humility

It has taken me time and practice to trust the information that comes through me. I have learned over the years that when I do not trust my spiritual Guidance, bad things happen. This really hit home for me in the summer of 1995 when I was leading an Inner Bonding five-day intensive in Missouri. It was the fourth day of the intensive and I was pouring some tea from a pitcher during one of our breaks. I heard my spiritual Guidance say, "Do not drink that, it is contaminated." I decided I was being paranoid and drank it anyway. The next morning I woke up with a terrible sore throat--the first time I had been sick in years--and so did a number of other people, all of whom had drunk the tea. Even with all the years I had been dialoguing with and listening to my Guidance, I still lacked trust and needed another lesson in humility: that my individual mind, unplugged from spiritual Guidance, doesn’t know much.

Practice Daily

So it takes a lot of practice, yet practicing seems to be difficult for many people. If you were determined to become accomplished at a particular skill, for example playing a musical instrument, you would think nothing of practicing every day. In fact, you would know that you needed to practice daily in order to become skilled and then continue practicing daily to maintain your skill. Becoming skilled at connecting with yourself and with your spiritual Guidance is no different. You will become skilled only by daily practice, and you will continue to reap the benefits only by daily practice. It is only through daily practice that you will learn to consistently hear and trust both your Guidance and your true Self. The problem is that the wounded self won’t practice, so unless you pray daily for help in shifting your deepest desire from getting love to being loving, you will not have enough of a loving adult to override the wounded self and make the decision to practice.

Becoming and Maintaining

Many of my clients, coming to me for help because they are suffering, find that they start to feel better within days of starting to practice Inner Bonding. Then, as soon as they feel better, they stop practicing and go right back to feeling badly. Sometimes they then conclude that Inner Bonding doesn’t work. This is like saying that if you have a young son and you give him love one day but ignore him for the next few days, he should continue to feel happy because of the one day you did give him love. This doesn’t work with your inner child any more than it does with real children. Just as babies need you to be constantly tuned in to them, your inner child needs you to be constantly aware of your feelings and needs. Becoming this aware and maintaining this awareness takes daily practice.

The good news is that practice really pays off. Clients of mine who have been practicing Inner Bonding for an extended period of time (it varies for each person) find that eventually they do it all the time. They naturally stay tuned in to their emotions and their spiritual Guidance, and they naturally dialogue with them whenever they feel anything other than peace and joy inside. They find themselves doing it in the shower, while preparing meals, doing chores, waiting in line at the market or stuck in traffic. After much practice, they are delighted to find that they no longer allow themselves to feel badly for any length of time. They learn to release their painful feelings and move back into peace and joy. They are progressing rapidly toward wholeness and oneness with God.


© Copyright Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

The Quantum Awakening - By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The Quantum Awakening
By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We come to accentuate and to activate the light that you are, the light that you have always been and the light that you are about to become.

For many years you have known that this next level of energy will be vaster than your memory, vaster than your awareness, and vaster than your previous perception. This past year has been a year of clearing, of cleansing, of healing, and of letting go.

It has been a year of coming full circle into your heart, into your truth, and into the hidden corridors of your mind and of your brain. And now everything stands blatantly in front of you beckoning you forward.

Step by step you are on a playground, a playing field where every point of your virtual reality has now become reality. You must walk softly and slowly as one who walks through mine fields, because emotional explosions come forth at each entrance and exit of each thought that no longer serves you.

You are being asked to walk through the mind field of the memory, of the brain, and of the understanding of human capabilities. Letting go of all that you have worshiped in the past. Knocking the icons off the pedestals, as well as the little “g” gods that you have placed far above you.

Do not look to the heads of your world, the heads of your companies, the heads of your countries as gods. For each and every one of you walks into the Christed-ness, the god-ness of their own divinity. You have all been certified as divine since birth, but you have chosen not to allow that divinity to be birthed.

You are being issued diplomas and certifications that say YES you are 100% divinely responsible for all of your creations, everything from the past and everything in the future and it can be no other way. You are responsible collectively as a nation, as a country, as a planet, and as a people.

You are also responsible – personally – for every thought. For each thought of fear that you have is then escorted into a coagulated collaborated venture of fear being made manifest? Each hate that you have is escorted into a room filled with hate. Each thought of love that you have is escorted into a mansion filled with that same vibration of love. Each essence of self-doubt, of self-fear, of self-worth is also escorted into a resort where all the essences of self reside.

Take every energy and multiply it times the speed of light squared and that is what is being broadcast – whether it is love or joy or fear or tragedy – everything is being broadcast to that degree. Every single sentence of every single word, of every single thought is being escorted into one doorway or another. You all are participating unanimously on every level as a people, and as a planet to continue to create chaos and upheaval or peace and love thought by thought conscious and unconscious.

For creation is amplified. Thought is amplified. Deeds are amplified. Desires are amplified. Dreams are amplified. Joy is amplified. Everything has on it a broadcasting system that is turned up all the way to the other side of the dial. So as you walk thought these mine fields in your thoughts – walk carefully.

Examine your thoughts. If you have a thought of anger at another, examine it – take time as one who is spiritually forensic – to examine the clues as to why such a thought about such a person brings such an intense emotion to the surface. Do not allow that thought of anger or hate at another that you have held internally to become external and taint the future of your planet, taint the future of your family, of your children, of your water. For every thought of poison by air, by plane, by water, by sea, by food is placed into corridors where it is collected with the others. And when it gets to a certain critical mass, it is made manifest It is set free. It then becomes real -- instead of just playing in the fields of the imagination.
You are in the creation fields plant accordingly.



Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee