Realizing The Universe Is Working In Your Favor
by Jason Randhawa
Life is the mechanism through which God expresses itself. Life is perfect. All the events and people in your life are helping you. Everything that is happening is perfect for you. The Universe is actually working in your favor.
I know, based on your perceptions of life (i.e. experiences), you probably think all or most of the statements above are not only absolutely ridiculous but also very naïve. By now, you should understand the basics of the Law of Attraction and that if you want to believe this and experience it you can.
The majority of people don’t see that life is actually good. These people are like fish looking out of their tank. What the fish see of the external world is very limited and extremely distorted by the glass and the water. They do not realize they are in a tank looking out.
Like the fish, we too are for the most part unable to see the bigger picture. Humans tend to see only a small part of it. But, everything is very multidimensional.
Many people feel that there is a good reason for everything. I take it even further and say that The Universe and all It contains is perfect for you. If you were able to get out of the fish tank, you would realize that all is in your favor.
Living in the New Earth is completely made up by doing just this,
getting out the fish tank and seeing the entire multidimensional life.Next time something in life upsets you take some time to be upset. But then keep your senses open and pay attention to any good that comes out of it. It may take some time, but I am sure you will begin to notice that the upsetting event was actually in your favor.
It is a basic law of physics that every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction. So out of every “bad” situation or event there must come at least an equal amount of “good”. When you focus on this good, you will create more of it in your life. Pretty soon, you will believe only in the good, and the bad will just evaporate away.
Personal Experiences
Personally, even with this outlook, sometimes I get off center and cannot hold on to it. I get so caught up in life, and in being a victim that I even sometimes do not see this truth. When this happens, after I have had some time to cool off, I regain my center and begin to think about all the good that could come from this upsetting situation.
I try to think:
“Why would this happen if The Universe was working in my favor?”
I then begin to go through a lot of different ideas on good things that could come from this. It may be helpful to write them all down, the first few times you do this.
A strange thing I have noticed is even though I brainstorm a lot of answers to this question. The good that actually comes out of this situation in my life has never been the same as one of my guesses of what it could be. Many times, it has been much better than I could have imagined.
Sometimes the good results from an upsetting situation appear instantly, and sometimes it may take many months or even years. The good has almost always eventually come. As of this writing there are still a few upsetting events in my life for which I have yet to see very much good come out of. But I know like every other time it will eventually come.
I believe the reason why most people do not believe that the Universe is working in their favor is because they are focusing on the bad. This does not allow any room for the good to manifest. Do not fall into this trap…
5 Easy Steps to Begin This Realization
1. Read “Pronoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings” by Rob Brezsny.
This book is excellent for using as workbook. I would suggest taking some time to go through it with a pen or a pencil. My copy of the book is a complete mess, it has writing and drawings everywhere. This book has really helped me to have a positive outlook on life and to regain harmony.
2. Become Optimistic.
Start having a positive outlook on life. If there is actually some good in everything, then being optimistic can only help you.
3. “Everything that is happening is perfect for me!”
Repeat this affirmation multiple times daily. Affirmations are most effective before you go to sleep and right after you wake up.
4. Whenever you get angry or some event/person makes you mad think about all the good things that could come from that specific thing.
Think of these things as if they are happening in the now. Once again, it may help to write these ideas down.
5. Put this quote where you will see it daily:
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” – Kahlil Gibran
Final Thoughts
Everything is actually in your favor. It is important that you prove this to yourself, as the effects of this realization are life-transforming.
You just need to change your outlook on life. Notice the good effects that come from everything.
Perhaps it is this good feeling or positive outlook that creates the Universe working in your favor.
Everything is meant to work out…
Jason Randhawa:
creator of FutureoftheNewEarth.com and the New Earth Blog.
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