The Process
In order to understand and complete the entire process of dying unto death, we have now to discuss what happens when the spirit leaves the body...("G-plan"), our date of death is fixed by us before we are born (there are rare circumstances when death maybe postponed). So when our cosmic clock intimates to the person that his time is almost up, his heart seed atom will release atomic particles of impending death into the bloodstream. These atoms will stimulate the glands to manufacture a death hormone, which is carried by the blood to all over the body. This death hormone will loosen the electromagnetic hold of the physical atoms upon the atoms of the higher bodies, e.g. subtle bodies or auras. This is the beginning of the soul release.
While the physical atoms are losing their grip, the spiritual body is strengthening and the liberation of the soul is being initiated. With old people an illness will appear (part of G-plan) and this is the beginning of the end of the body. Near this end stage, the person should be allowed to return home to die, and drugs that blur the consciousness should be disallowed. Analgesics that reduce pain are permitted, but the person must be kept aware as much as possible. When the person is dying at home, he is being lovingly cared for and this alone will make him more relax. As death approaches, the person experiences less pain because the death hormone blocks the sensation of pain via the sympathetic nervous system.

The Science of Death
The elderly person with a terminal illness knows that his time is up. With the circulation of the death hormone and the escaping of the soul electricity, the threads of the silver cord begin to loosen. The soul is now more attracted to the spiritual body and it begins its journey towards the brain. The crown chakra (through which the spirit enters the foetus) now begins to open up for the reverse process of death. This is in preparation for the release of the spirit-soul in due course.
The person’s life force starts to retreat towards the brain from the feet. As the life force leaves the feet they turn cold and pale. The hands and arms are similarly affected with the nails turning purple. The breathing is now laboured and the eyes are dimmed with a far-away look. The pineal gland is becoming extremely active. As the crown chakra expands in its opening, the porous brain is going to allow the soul to pass upwards through silver cord. The kundalini wakens for the upward journey, and the three permanent seed atoms prepare for their departure. The emotional seed atom sits in the 3rd chakra and is responsible for all the emotions of the person. The mental seed atom sits at the 6th chakra and is responsible for all the activities of the mind. These 2 seed atoms are influenced by free will. The heart seed atom sits at the heart chakra and contains the akashic records, the samskaras, karma and the G-plan. Ramana Maharshi said that this Heart, which is the Self, is situated in the right chest next to the lower sternum. This heart seed atom and its contents are fixed and are not controlled or influenced by free will. It is the destiny of the individual.
As the kundalini moves upwards, the emotional seed atom in the solar plexus departs first after the life force in its up wards movement reaches the solar plexus. After the emotional seed atom leaves through the silver cord, pain is no more felt. Since the mental and heart seed atoms are still in the physical body, the person may lie in a death coma for some time, but normally it is only for a few moments.
As the kundalini and the life force move further upwards, the person becomes more psychic and his consciousness and awareness are both expanding. When the kundalini hits the pituitary-pineal centre at the crown chakra, the third eye is opened and the Clear Light of the Void appears. At this juncture many dying people become very psychic.
They are able to:
* Wake up briefly to say goodbye to the loved ones.
* Witness deathbed visions: people and landscapes.
* They maybe engulfed in spiritual white light and immersed in ecstatic bliss.
* Have deathbed predictions.
Even before the emotional seed atom is transferred upwards, an etheric form emanates from the crown chakra. Pain ceases to hurt the person after the emotional seed atom moves into the etheric (spiritual) form. At this point clairvoyants can see a cloud of smoke arising through the opening of the crown chakra and this smoke configures into a form very similar to the physical body lying on the bed. It takes the form of waves of varying colours rippling upwards to take shape as a human form. After the death hormone has saturated the pineal gland, the mental seed atom will travel through the silver cord through the crown chakra to the brain area of the spiritual (etheric) body. The silver cord is attached to the third eye of the person at one end and joined to the back of the lower neck or between the shoulder blades of the etheric form at the other end. After the exit of the mental seed atom, the person will go into a coma. The physical form is undergoing clinical death, but the spiritual awareness is much sharper. This death process will last from six minutes to half an hour.
At this point, the person is clinically dead, but the heart seed atom has not yet vacated the physical body yet. The silver cord is still intact. Normally the heart seed atom follows shortly after the departure of the mental seed atom. Before the heart seed atom departs from the body a luminous glow can be seen by clairvoyants over the heart chakra. Now that all the three seed atoms have escaped into the etheric form, the spiritual body begins to take the exact replica of the physical body. The facial features are now minutely sculptured onto the etheric form. The face is the same as that of the corpse, but the lines of worry and tension have disappeared, and the etheric form looks younger and serene. Half an hour after clinical death, another white light will appear to the deceased spirit sometimes after a buzzing journey through a dark tunnel, sometimes after climbing a flight of stairs. Mostly the heart seed atom would have left the physical body, but very occasionally it is still stuck in the physical body. This is because in some individuals it takes a longer time to form an etheric form. It is at this time that the physical organs begin to deteriorate and decay. The death of the organs takes between one to fifteen hours. The silver cord now begins to shred. Once the silver cord is totally severed, no healer in the world can revive the person. This is the sign of final death. That is why we advocate at least three days before burial, because the heart seed atom is not released until the etheric form is more or less perfect. Then comes the breakdown of the silver cord. All these may take 2 to 3 days to complete.
The etheric form will be built according to your lowest desires of the deceased. If there is a lot of hatred or evil, the etheric form will assume these features. Smoking, drinking and drug habits will be imbued into the vibrations of the etheric form. The same goes with carnal desires. This explains why spirits of drug addicts and alcoholics tend to remain earthbound in dens of drug addicts and pubs. Earthbound spirits cannot progress spiritually and this thwarts their development.
The procedure as described above for an elderly person with a terminal disease is the same as in cases of violence and accidents. Just remember that the body must be kept in a quiet and cool place after the violent or accidental death before embalming or burial. This is because it may take three days for the departure of the heart seed atom and the severing of the silver cord in some individuals.
JESUS "rose on the 3rd day"....
interesting explanation