The Quantum Awakening
By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We come to accentuate and to activate the light that you are, the light that you have always been and the light that you are about to become.
For many years you have known that this next level of energy will be vaster than your memory, vaster than your awareness, and vaster than your previous perception. This past year has been a year of clearing, of cleansing, of healing, and of letting go.
It has been a year of coming full circle into your heart, into your truth, and into the hidden corridors of your mind and of your brain. And now everything stands blatantly in front of you beckoning you forward.
Step by step you are on a playground, a playing field where every point of your virtual reality has now become reality. You must walk softly and slowly as one who walks through mine fields, because emotional explosions come forth at each entrance and exit of each thought that no longer serves you.
You are being asked to walk through the mind field of the memory, of the brain, and of the understanding of human capabilities. Letting go of all that you have worshiped in the past. Knocking the icons off the pedestals, as well as the little “g” gods that you have placed far above you.
Do not look to the heads of your world, the heads of your companies, the heads of your countries as gods. For each and every one of you walks into the Christed-ness, the god-ness of their own divinity. You have all been certified as divine since birth, but you have chosen not to allow that divinity to be birthed.
You are being issued diplomas and certifications that say YES you are 100% divinely responsible for all of your creations, everything from the past and everything in the future and it can be no other way. You are responsible collectively as a nation, as a country, as a planet, and as a people.
You are also responsible – personally – for every thought. For each thought of fear that you have is then escorted into a coagulated collaborated venture of fear being made manifest? Each hate that you have is escorted into a room filled with hate. Each thought of love that you have is escorted into a mansion filled with that same vibration of love. Each essence of self-doubt, of self-fear, of self-worth is also escorted into a resort where all the essences of self reside.
Take every energy and multiply it times the speed of light squared and that is what is being broadcast – whether it is love or joy or fear or tragedy – everything is being broadcast to that degree. Every single sentence of every single word, of every single thought is being escorted into one doorway or another. You all are participating unanimously on every level as a people, and as a planet to continue to create chaos and upheaval or peace and love thought by thought conscious and unconscious.
For creation is amplified. Thought is amplified. Deeds are amplified. Desires are amplified. Dreams are amplified. Joy is amplified. Everything has on it a broadcasting system that is turned up all the way to the other side of the dial. So as you walk thought these mine fields in your thoughts – walk carefully.
Examine your thoughts. If you have a thought of anger at another, examine it – take time as one who is spiritually forensic – to examine the clues as to why such a thought about such a person brings such an intense emotion to the surface. Do not allow that thought of anger or hate at another that you have held internally to become external and taint the future of your planet, taint the future of your family, of your children, of your water. For every thought of poison by air, by plane, by water, by sea, by food is placed into corridors where it is collected with the others. And when it gets to a certain critical mass, it is made manifest It is set free. It then becomes real -- instead of just playing in the fields of the imagination.
You are in the creation fields plant accordingly.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee
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