Battle of the tongues?
YEP... the tower never got finished...
and many tongues where spoken...
Yet Not ONE voice was heard.
Once upon a time...
There was a tower being built- Purpose was to go high into to sky where the 'gods' where, and be like them....
The 'gods' angered...and cursed all with "difference of speech".
The tower was never finished, due to lack of co-operation, communication, differences, conflicts... etc etc. Each, soon went about their "own" and abandoned the building of the great 'tower'....
Today's technology has once more 'beat the gods' (so to speak) we can now read/translate (most) other languages via 'language translating' engines.
But still the problem (original one) remains unsolved- the building of a 'tower' - now referred to as "bridge(s)" to the 'gods' (the ascended/enlightened ones) or our "Light Force".
somewhat like the 'tongues' did to us,at one time.
As we conquer, and "rid" ourselves of these 'differences/limitations', New Ones seem to be appearing out of the blue!
What once felt like a 'familiar' and well known path, has changed before your eyes!
More and more "towers" are being built...
***note: these 'towers' are now called -spiritual centers- New Age World Religion (churches/centers)- Religious 'compounds'- religious 'cults'--- etc, etc,
UMMMM.... makes one (makes me!!) wonder!!
Are We Heading To Another "Unfinished project" Started By Humanity, And put to end by..... (well let's say OUR Creator put an end to it- for argument sake) the 'gods'?
It's like the "superior species" on earth (meaning us) has resorted to "turn the hands of time a bit "backwards" (my view) and have created (yet) another new "being" on earth.... called the "Human Sub-Species".
The "My Way or The Highway" Bunch...
those thinking that we (humanity) is going forward, when in reality, they are going 'backwards' kind of people...
the this and the that.
It's like One Third of humanity wants control, another Third prays that It Doesn't Happen.. while the last Third don't give a "flying fig"!
Well ain't that being enlightened? (Or heading towards it)
What I am trying to say here is:
We all have OUR OWN path, we come to crossroads- we choose the turns- we can also (at the right time) make a 'u-turn' and choose a different road (but within the Universal time line- not your version of it) - and continue our 'path'.
This 'create your reality' is all well, and fine- BUT it will only become a reality if the 'time' is right. It does take work to manifest something into 'reality" it doesn't "POOF" into your life!- you need to make it "YOUR" reality by working towards it.
Building 'towers/bridges' is NOT the way (at least not the precise way) -to reach Our Creator (god/goddess/light)- there is more to it than just the 'vision' of a tower/bridge to walk onto....
it is (our personal) TASK to get there! ... the method?
Not All Roads Lead To Rome....
But there is only One path to Our Creator- and that is for YOU to choose.
Use Your Birth Given Right Of Choice & Freewill wisely.
Do Not Go Forward in time as a 'sub-species'....
"Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Gen. 11:9).
Consider what likely happened when the language was confused. The builders of the Tower would soon begin to accuse others of not talking plainly. Arguments would take place because orders could not be understood or followed. The more the workers misunderstood, the more they would argue.Cooperation ceased, and the only alternative was to stop the construction of the Tower.
Soon, the various language groups began to spread out.
Those remaining in Babel spoke the same language,
while others who did not went to distant locations.
This is exactly what the "Universe" intended.
(little history on the 'Tower of Babel')
This was a great setback for Nimrod (I love that name- NIMROD!-lol!) and his plans for the takeover of all society. While the people went on to build the city of Babel, Nimrod's plans to complete the Tower and establish his hegemony over the world failed.
Sounds like a "today's NIMROD(s)" to you- don't it?
What was the purpose of this Tower?
What did it signify?
Various books about the subject point out that ancient cuneiform tablets relate several features of the biblical narrative. The remains of the Tower of Babel were extant until at least until the time of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, who visited there in 460 BC. Herodotus stated that it was seven stories in height, or 295 feet. The Tower was almost 300 feet high, which would make it the equivalent of a 30-story building of today. It was built in a series of levels with each level a little smaller than the one below it. The Tower was built in the middle of a temple, and a spiral staircase that ran around the outside could reach all levels. The top level also contained a temple. Some authors state the Tower of Babel was a ziggurat, intended as an astronomical observatory and for the worship of heavenly bodies. Its purpose was to establish a bond of union between heaven and earth. Some of the earlier Babylonian kings refurbished it, but their efforts to completely restore it did not last. Alexander the Great wanted it rebuilt, but this was never accomplished. For centuries Arabic peoples carted off building materials for their homes, and today all that remains of the Tower is a huge water-filled crater. Portions of the Tower could be seen as late the early AD period.
Not only was the city and Tower representative of a rebellion against God's intent to disperse the human race, it was also the first attempt to establish idolatry after the Flood.
No one can deny that idolatry has been an integral part of the history of man. While it was suppressed at the time of the confusion of the languages, it has existed in a myriad of forms ever since. The first commandment forbids idolatry, yet men today pay as little attention to God's instruction regarding idolatry as they did at the time of the Tower of Babel. Some of the major religions in the world today are steeped in idolatry in one way or another, and these religions involve millions of followers.
Look at the languages today. The World Book Encyclopedia states there are about 5,000 languages. Scholars have classified languages into families, and the languages of each family probably go back to an original source. As such, they are related. Fifty percent of the people in the world speak languages from the Indo-European family. The 5,000 languages are divided into ten groupings. The confusion at the Tower of Babel probably did not have introduce this many languages. We do not know how many were originally given, but in time languages go through changes. For example, Old English is hardly understandable today. Even the language changes that have occurred since the time the King James Version was written are a contrast to our English language of today.

"...It is significant that traditions similar to the Babel story exist in various other ancient nations and even in primitive tribes. Although not as frequently encountered as traditions of the great Flood, many tribes do have a tradition of a former age when all people spoke the same language until the languages were confused as a judgment of the gods...."
By this Mighty Act at the Tower of Babel, God put a stop to man's rebellion and idolatry. Only in modern times have men again seemingly concentrated their efforts to bring about what was intended at the Tower of Babel—the centralization of power under a One World Government—the establishment of the New World Order... and YES... thoughts Of A New World 'Religion'...?
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